
Orange Island - Pummelo Island

Drake, "Over heat!"

Ash, "Dodge and retaliate with dragon breath."

Charizard flew up and dodged the over heat as he prepared dragon breath and attacked the lava slug. Macargo not wanting to loose used over heat again making Ash wonder just how strong the lava Pokemon was. The over heat and dragon breath clashed with each other and the heat could be felt all over the arena. Some of the audience took out hand fans and ordered cold drinks due to the heat, Misty turned to her Blastoise who joined her.

Misty, "Can we get some ice please girl?"

Blastoise nodded, "Blas."

Misty took the cubes and wrapped them in her handkerchiefs and passed them to Melody, Gou, Chloe, Tracey and Silver. They took them with a sigh of relief and pressed them to their foreheads although it didn't do much for the heat evaporated the ice soon. Silver smirked feeling proud of Ash and Charizard, he had heard about how they met and it had angered him, but look at them now. They were standing tall taking part in a Champion battle.

Ash, "Charizard ariel wing."

Drake, "Macargo smokescreen."

Ash, "Be careful, close your eyes and listen."

Charizard nodded as he flew close to Macargo and closed his eyes and listen using his ears instead. He could hear the noise Macargo's shell was making and soon pin pointed him down before changing his angle a little and hitting him straight on. Macargo hissed as he was pushed back by the attack and Charizard flew to stand in front of Ash giving a roar. Macargo fumed and barked at him accepting the challenge and Ash half heard some of the commentary about fire and youth? He had a sudden thought of green spandex one big and one small, which he shook off and focussed on the battle.

Drake, "Macargo iron defense."

Ash, "Charizard dragon tail."

Charizard's tail glowed with draconic energy and came down hard on the shell.

Ash, "Keep hitting it."

Drake, "Roll out to get away."

Ash, "Use dragon claw to grab it and go for seismic toss."

Charizard flew after the rolling shell and grabbed it before flying up.

Drake, "Flamethrower!"

Charizard changed the angle in which he was holding Macargo and the attack missed before he flew through three loops in the air and came down in a rush. Charizard threw Macargo to the battlefield hard and Macargo used over heat on the battlefield just before hitting it. Charizard grunted annoyed as he landed infornt of Ash and huffed when he saw the lava slug get up although badly hurt by the fall.

Ash, "That's one tough cookie."

Charizard nodded, "Rrrrrr!"

Drake, "Macargo is one of my oldest teammate."

Ash's eyes widened, "We are battling the lava Legend herself. We should give it our all Charizard. She will not go down easily."

Charizard looked at the stubborn female and agreed with his trainer and decided to use the new technique they were training to Master with Silver. Charizard closed his eyes and focused on his draconic energy that was hidden below the fire aura that most of his line preferred. He started to spread this energy to the rest of his body and his tail fire turned draconic blue. Drake's eyes widened but then he got excited, Charizard's were considered dragons many years ago but they had chosen the power of Fire over Dragon energy. Although, it was however said that under certain circumstances the Charizard line could access the dragon aura inside them. Charizard opened his eyes and roared loudly, Lance and Red were watching feeling very proud of how far he had come.

Drake, "Lava plume!"

Ash, "Return with over heat."

Over heat plus lava plume Ash decided was a bad combo, he was sweating a lot and feeling thirsty. Too bad they don't allow you to carry water, he would have to end this quickly or he would be the one to faint. Charizard and Macargo were dancing around each other attacking using fire and with a fierce look in their eyes. Ash half wondered if this was the fire Pokemon pride they usually talked about.

Ash, "Charizard dragon meteor."

Drake, "Incinerate full power."

Charizard let loose a barrage of meteor shower on Macargo that over powered the incinerate attack. When the dust cleared up Macargo was lying on the ground with swirls on her eyes.

Announcer, "Macargo is unable to battle, Charizard won the match."

The audience were whispering among each other about how powerful fire Pokemon were and how Macargo lost. She didn't have a single loss ever since Drake became a Champion and it was difficult to believe. Ash was busy checking over Charizard to care, the fire lizard was panting after accessing the dragon energy directly instead of through an attack.

Ash, "Are you good to go Charizard?"

Charizard nodded and pointed to the sky, "Arrrrd."

Ash nodded, "Got it."

Drake, "Return Macargo, thank you beautiful for the tough battle. You know Lance was the only other person to beat Macargo. You are the first one in the last twelve years."

Ash grinned rubbing his neck, "That's my Charizard for you. He is the best."

Drake smiled, "Indeed now let's battle Blastoise."

Charizard had a look that screamed, 'This is gonna take the whole day.'

Ash laughed, "Yeah, let's do our best bud."

Charizard nodded, using dragon energy always left him feeling moody like a bitch, he would take it out on his opponent and apologize later. Blastoise shivered a bit as he looked at the moody looking Charizard and looked back at Drake as if to say, 'Really?'. The man just shrugged and got ready to battle instead.

Announcer, "Aren't we all lucky today. The final evolution of the Kanto starters battling it out. Begin!"

Drake, "Blastoise water gun."

Ash, "Dodge and use sunny day to recover, follow it up with flamethrower."

Charizard dodged but Ash noticed he was slower, no doubt exhausted from using dragon energy. Ash frowned he could use dragon dance to recover more strength but that could backfire at the moment as Charizard just used dragon aura. Over use could end up in addiction which could drive Pokemon insane best case scenario, worst case the Pokemon could die. They had to do it periodically and slowly allowing the body to adjust and get used to the strength naturally.

Ash, "Sunny day again after the attack."

Charizard shook his drowsy head and nodded using sunny day to collect more strength.

Drake, "Rain dance."

Blastoise's rain dance brought a bit of a relief to everyone although it didn't help with the heat as it added to the humidity instead. Misty grumbled in her seat as Melody wiped her forehead that was sweaty and Chloe fanned herself. Silver scowled as he pulled on his T-shirt, he had opted to wear thinner clothes yet the humidity was still a pain, Gou happily hugged Sobble who's body temperature was cooler although Sobble didn't look happy with the heat and Tracey simply dipped his cool cola. Meanwhile Charizard and Blastoise were in a head lock with both of the using sunny day and rain dance simultaneously.

Drake, "Water fall."

Ash, "Charizard over heat."

The waterfall and overheat created a thick mist that covered the field but Charizard not feeling patient blew the mist with a powerful flap of his wings. It helped that sunny day and rain dance was still in effect letting the mist disperse and turn to water. It drizzled over them all and Ash gave a sigh at the cooling effect after the intense heat that was starting to go away. Charizard observed his older opponent as the mist cleared, he decided to fight close combat and it seems his partner thought the same too.

Ash, "Charizard let's do this thunder followed by focus punch."

Drake, "Ice punch followed by sky uppercut."

The two Kanto starters fought deploying close combat and sword dance to battle without the input from their trainers. Ash could see Charizard was getting tired again and told him to use double thunder punch. Blastoise was starting to feel the effect of the electric attack but he refused to go down easily and prepared his attack. As Charizard landed another powerful thunder punch Blastoise hit him with an equally powerful hydro pump that took him down.

Announcer, "Charizard is unable to battle, Blastoise wins this match."

Ash returned Charizard as the crowd cheered, "Thank you for the battle buddy. I'll be giving you extra care later."

Drake, "You okay Blastoise."

Blastoise nodded despite panting, "Blast."

Announcer, "Choose your next Pokemon."

Ash, "That was intense, okay then your turn my beautiful Milotic."

Drake raised his eyebrow, "Milotic?"

Ash, "Milotic won the choosing fair and square."

Ash's Blastoise grumbled in the stand about cunning older sisters who could take advantage of anything. Ash had held a little competition to see which water type would be the best bet to go against Drake. Milotic had used everything she had learned and observed from Ash to win the draw. The up side of not battling now was however they would be the ones battling in the finals of the Indigo League. Charizard and Venasaur were lucky Blastoise decided, Chimchar and Phantump were still too young to actually go against stronger opponents despite the training.

Announcer, "Begin!"

Ash, "Milotic aqua tail."

Drake, "Withdraw."

Milotic hit Blastoise before moving back and then going in for another attack. Blastoise caught the tail although he winced a bit and Ash's Blastoise winced on seeing that. That aqua tail attack was painful, he would know after all he trained with her.

Drake, "Ice punch."

Ash, "Water pulse."

The ice punch and water pulse collided creating a sphere of ice that fell to the ground with a heavy clunk. The two water types separated from each other and sized each other up.

Milotic, -You are strong brother, but I will not let you win.-

Drake, "I almost forgot she learned to talk."

The rest of the audience however became quite before they burst out in whispers and questions. Milotic and everyone who knew sweat dropped, they were so used to Meowth, Lucario, Milotic and currently Lapras talking, they had forgotten it was not normal. Ash sighed thinking about how nosy some reporters can get. Milotic seemed to realize it too if the curses under her breath was anything to go by. Misty giggled seeing the put off expression on both trainer and Pokemon's faces. Gou, Melody and Tracey snorted while Silver and Chloe smirked but became serious after a while. They would help their friend and younger sibling avoid those vultures or their Pokemon will although they only seem terrified of Charizard really.

Ash, "Milotic hydro pump."

Drake, "Hydro pump Blastoise."

The two attacks hit straight on creating a spray that went up and sprinkled down on the field in the form of showers. The rainbow created was a sight to see but they soon got back to battling.

Ash, "Aqua tail."

Drake, "Use rapid spin."

Milotic went on the defense seeing the rapid spin and winced when the speeding shell hit her aqua tail.

Ash, "Fall back and use dragon tail."

Milotic dodged and countered with dragon tail instead which made Blastoise stop and skid back. Blastoise got up and ready to battle however and Milotic huffed, her opponent was not pulling his punches. Milotic dusted the dirt that had gotten on her scale and lifted her head tall, not willing to back down.

Drake hummed, "Beauty and strength, a very good combo. Now Blastoise razor shell."

Ash smiled in response, "Milotic, quick use disarming voice followed by water pulse."

The disarming voice rendered the razor shell attack null and void before she fired a water pulse at Blastoise. Blastoise however prepared his own water pulse and sent it towards Milotic. The two water types however were very exhausted from all the moving around and dodging they had to do. The water pulse hit both of them straight on and Ash mentally scolded himself for not calling for a recover first.

Announcer, "Milotic and Blastoise are unable to battle. Choose your next Pokemon."

[A. N. : Almost done! This arc is almost done.


Just a few more chapters.

Have you all heard Katy Perry's Electric? As a Katy Perry and Pokemon fan that song and video is a dream come true for me.

\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥]