
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto

Being reborn was not part of the plan but neither was being killed in an accident. At least I have a second chance and a really sweet mom and an angel for a cousin and aunt now. It's not so bad I guess the only down side I was a woman now I'm a boy but I can get used to it. It helps I don't remember everything I suppose. Ah why are the names so familiar? Wait.... Pokemon are real now? Well at least it's not SnK or Death Note right? Hmmm Ah! Looks like the Pokemon world is a mix of anime, game and manga. Oh my! Holy macaroni they are twice as dangerous than what the anime, game or manga showed. I have been tricked! Trigger Warning for implied kidnapping, rape, murder and torture. Note: This is a work of leisure and completely self indulgent and a fanfic. I got inspiration from reading many reincarnation stories on fanfiction net. I just had to write one as well. As for the pairings, I'll think about it as the story progresses. Plus I write it during free time so I don't exactly have a schedule for updates. I'm writing this for my own amusement. And it is slow paced, like I can only put out one chapter per week. Pokemon is not mine. Trigger Warning people! Do people even read this? Enjoy fanfic lovers!

Ellora25 · Andere
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285 Chs

Kanto - Porta Vista

Harley, "I swear if it were not for the fact they were babies. I would request for a Pokemon exchange."

Ash lifted his eyebrow, "That so?"

Eevee tried to copy him, "Vui?"

Drew snorted, "Not just him actually. That little Eevee, I want one. He's gorgeous!"

Ash hummed, "This is my first Eevee and Abra, my first psychic Pokemon. I would have declined."

Harley chuckled, "The first ones are always special, aren't they?"

Ash nodded, "Yes, yes they are."

Lucario, -Meema, Harley, are you ready for the next round?-

Harley, "You bet, I'm not going down without a fight."

Ash sweatdropped, "You make it sound like I'm an ultimate boss or something."

Drew huffed, "You sorta are, Indigo League winner."

Ash snorted, "I'm not though. Trust me. There are many who are stronger than me. If they want they could kick my team and my ass straight ways to Sunday."

Harley, "Ah yes, indeed! But they are not the ones taking part in this contest are they?"

Lucario smirked at Ash, -They have a point Meema.-

Ash mumbled, "I guess so. I just don't like being put on a pedestal. It's exhausting and all those impossible expectations that come with it is a bit... Well... "

Harley sighed, "We understand. We face the same in our home towns."

Ash, "Let me guess, little kids with large doe eyes, looking at you as if you hung the stars and the moon. Like you are a hero who can't make any mistakes?"

Drew nodded, "And adults expecting better results from you all the time."

Harley chuckled, "It is tiring, but kinda satisfying too. All those little ones looking up to you."

Ash laughed shaking his head, "Not my thing but sure. I honestly rather spend more time with my Pokemon."

A voice called for them, "There you are."

Drew, "Ah! If it isn't my opponent, Zoey Novo."

Zoey gave a smirk, "Come on boys! They are almost done with clearing the stage for the next round."

Ash, "Thank you Zoey."

Zoey, "No problem. Gotta admit though, I love what you do. Taking the coordinator world and trainer world by storm. I'm very impressed."

Harley, "That he has. Our very own powerhouse that can give trainers a run for their money."

Ash just gave a wry smile at that, 'Right... I almost forgot about the rivalry between coordinators and trainers.'

Layla, "Welcome back everyone! The field has been cleared. I hope the participants are ready."

The crowd cheered as Layla continued, "Let's welcome our first match up, Ash and Harley."

Harley, "Hello everyone! Mwah! Mwah! Love you all."

Ash sweatdropped at the squealing girls who wanted to marry Harley, 'Ah! Why do I feel like I did the same thing before?'

Layla, "Okay then participants! You'll choose your Pokemon at the same time. Ready go!"

Ash, "Show them who's boss Venasaur!"

Harley, "Time to dazzle them Vileplume!"

Venasaur appeared in a flurry of magical leaf and petal dance which had the audience watching in awe. Vileplume on the other hand used a combination of moon blast and stunning spore to make an appearance. The two grass types sized each other up before taking a battle stance ready to fight the other and win.

Layla, "And we are off to a very lovely start."

Ash, "That Vileplume is from the Orange Archipelago."

Harley, "Correct, now let's start off with a petal blizzard."

Ash, "Counter with bullet leaf!"

Vileplume shook his large shiny orange and yellow petals before using petal blizzard on his opponent. Venasaur not being one to back down shot back with a combination of bullet seed and magical leaf. The field was filled with green leag, silver seed and orange petals making it look like fall was just around the corner. Ash gave a grin as both Pokemon attacked each other using sword dance taking advantage of the colourful background to make themselves look more appealing. Their point were lowering at a similar rate on the board and after loosing a quarter Ash decided to try out a new combo.

Ash, "Okay then, let's try this, use toxic bomb!"

Harley lifted an eyebrow at that, "Careful Vileplume. Prepare sludge bomb!"

Venasaur gave a grin as he shot a bright seed at his opponent who relaxed on seeing it was a seed bomb. Vileplume shot sludge bomb to counter only for the seed to blow up in poison powder making him move back, as the seed fell infront of him. It released sleep powder as well as leech seed crawling up his legs absorbing his strength while making him sleepy.

Harley gritted, "Vileplume sword dance quick."

Vileplume shook his head as he used sword dance to cut his way out of the prediction he was in. He panted heavily as he tried to stay awake thanks to the heavy dose of sleep powder that entered his system. The flower Pokemon tried to cycle his poison type energy through his body to reduce the effect of the specialized attack.

Harley tched when he saw his points go down, 'Dammit! I should have known he would come up with something like this.'

Harley, "Alright then, Vileplume we are not going out without a good fight. Absorb!"

Vileplume shook his head again before rushing towards Venasaur intent on absorbing his strength.

Ash, "Alright time to end this, use leaf storm."

Venasaur gave a roar just as Vileplume reached him and unleashed a power leaf storm that knocked Vileplume out. As a finish the vines from leaf storm sprouted orange flowers with Vileplume knocked out in the middle.

Layla blinked, "Ah! And the winners are Venasaur and Ash. They'll be heading towards the final round. Remember the final round is a two on two double battle round. You may choose two out of any of the three Pokemon you have showcased in the contest."

Ash nodded as Venasaur nudged him, "Great job Venasaur. You were awesome!"

Harley returned Vileplume, "Not bad! Next time I'll win."

Ash beamed at him, "We'll definitely battle again."

Harley grinned, "And I won't loose to you so easily."

Ash scoffed, "You call that easy?"

Venasaur snorted, "Saur!"

Ash looked back at the colourful field, 'Ah! It's almost Christmas, isn't it?'

Venasaur nudged him, "Saur?"

Ash, "Nothing let's go."

They cleared the field up for Zoey and Drew's battle, which took a bit of time Ash noticed sweat dropping. Zoey snorted on seeing it and Drew huffed and grumbled about over powered grass types only for Harley to rebutt with pot, kettle. Ash half wondered if there will be more trainers aiming to be both Master Coordinator and Champions in the future as he sat with his new Pokemon. The battle between Drew and Zoey was very intense, would be a nice way of putting it. Drew's Dewgong and Zoey's Infernape were equal in power which surprised quite a few people in the audience.

Harley, "Not bad, I suppose I should not be that surprised."

Ash, "Mn, fire beats ice, water beats fire."

Harley, "An even match up.. Or a frustrating match up depending on which side you see it from."

Aah chuckled, "Pretty sure it's frustrating for both sides."

Infernape pulled a quick move on Dewgong however and pulled through to the next round which is the finals. Drew gritted his teeth before giving a big sigh and returning his Dewgong to her pokeball after thanking her for the battle. Drew nodded at Zoey in respect before going to where the others were standing or to be specific Harley was. Ash had gone to stand opposite of Zoey and the two did the customary hand shake as Layla spoke of the rules again.

Layla, "Alright then contestants at the count of three you'll release the Pokemon you have chosen to participate in the final double Pokemon match. Your Pokemon must be able to work together and give us a spectacular show while battling. Now ready? 1, 2, 3!"

Zoey, "Gallade and Glameow. Time to shine!"

Ash, "Charizard and Blastoise, show them how it's done!"

Gallade and Glameow appeared in a show of Gallade doing an entrancing sword dance and Glameow acting like his partner. The two of them had no doubt worked together for a long time as Glameow easily followed Gallade's lead as they performed their act. Charizard and Blastoise were no slouch as Blastoise and Charizard both appeared in a shower of of bubbles that had firey stars inside. It had taken a lot of practice and patience to get that one right as the swift stars would either burst the bubble or the fire used to give the swift star it's orange shine would go out. Both Pokemon had to focus greatly to maintain the balance between water and fire and they did it without looking like they had trouble with it.

Layla, "What a lovely entrance between both sides, now let the battle begin!"

Ash, "Blastoise water pulse, Charizard inferno!"

Zoey, "Gallade future sight, Glameow retaliate."

Blastoise attacked using water pulse and Charizard used inferno, the two attacks combined and the water pulse became very hot and boiling. Gallade used future sight to avoid the painful attack from the opponent with Glameow while Glameow waited for a chance to retaliate. Blastoise and Charizard nodded and kept attacking as Gallade and Glameow dodged their attacks. From time to time Glameow got her chance to attack them Blastoise however used iron defense to defend both of them from the attack.

Zoey narrowed her eyes, 'I knew their defense would be good but this good...'

Ash, 'Huh, her Pokemon are pretty fast... They actually managed to avoid all attacks. Oh no!'

Zoey, 'Our Pokemon are evenly matched... Again!'

Ash looked at the point board, 'Time to change tactics!'

Ash, "Charizard fly with Blastoise!"

Zoey, "Gallade double team, Glameow shock wave."

Ash bit his lip as shocked wave went upwards towards Charizard and Blastoise, "Blastoise blizzard bring it down. Charizard seismic toss."

Charizard flew round and round using seismic toss to dodge the shock wave as blizzard blew through the arena. The blizzard took out the doubles but Gallade used calm mind and light screen to protect himself and Glameow from the blizzard. Charizard narrowed his eyes and grunted at Blastoise who took aim with his cannon before shooting with hydro pump coupled with dragon breath. Gallade hissed at Glameow who narrowed her eyes at the attack and used hypnosis to slow the attack down. Both Pokemon jumped away just before the attack hit them, though Gallade was hit on his leg. Charizard and Blastoise landed on the arena and looked at their opponent, they were good at team battles.

Glameow, "Meow!"

Gallade shook his head, "Lad."

Zoey, "Heal pulse Gallade."

Ash, "Flame spin."

Zoey shouted as fire spun round and round getting closer to Gallade, "Protect Glameow!"

Ash, "Rapid spin."

Blastoise attacked Glameow who hissed at him in annoyance and gave a shout at her partner as the spinning fire went past the two of them. Gallade grunted as he used night slash to retaliate against the fire attack that was aimed at him. Charizard however didn't wait for another order and activated his metal armor before flying after Gallade who answered his metal claw with sword dance.

Layla, "Oh my! Oh my! I have not seen a more intense battle for a Grand Festival."

Nastina laughed, "Who says coordinators are weak? They are just as battle crazy as trainers."

Nurse Joy sweatdropped, "Understatement!"

Sukizo, "Remarkable."

Contesta nodded, "What's even more impressive is that both sides have done well in showing off their Pokemon's strength and looks through the whole fight."

Daisy, "Indeed! Strength and beauty. A very lethal combination. I remember another contestant being the same way. A shame she disappeared after five consecutive wins."

Nastina, "Yes the Masquerade Lady. Now that woman knew beauty is power. Literally, I remember watching her performances, very inspiring."

Ash, "Let's finish this dragon whirlpool!"

Zoey, "Disarming voice Gallade followed by psybeam. Don't let them finish! Glameow use rain dance on Charizard."

Ash smiled, "You know what to do."

Blastoise who could not use whirlpool anymore, thanks to disarming voice switched to blizzard instead. Charizard grunted at the sudden shower but he knew Milotic had done worse and attacked using dragon rage. The two attacks combined and hit Gallade and Glameow just as psybeam hit Blastoise. All four Pokemon were blown back by the combined attacks but stood their ground before Glameow and Gallade fainted.

Layla, "And we have a winner! Ash has won the Kanto Grand Festival."

Ash jumped, "We won."

Charizard and Blastoise who had been panting due to exhaustion perked up before glomping Ash to the ground. The dark haired teen laughed as he hugged the fire and water type praising their good teamwork. Both Pokemon preened under the praise despite the pain in their bodies they were feeling euphoric due to the victory to bother. The three of them got up and the awards ceremony took place without a hitch. Ash received the Grand Festival cup as well as another poke egg. He half wondered if there organisers knew that some trainers and coordinators preferred poke eggs to exotic locations. Thought for next time, for now he won and the winter holidays were around the corner.

[A. N.: I'm back! I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and New Year.

I certainly did.

See you all in the next chapter.]