
Jhoto - Olivine City

Jasmine, "Now I choose Forretress."

Ash, "Let's go Chimchar."

Jasmine eyed the little fire monkey with an Everstone belt on his waist, 'That little guy is not so little. His already above Ash's knees."

Chimchar, "Chimchar chim!"

Max, "Why would Ash choose Chimchar? I know fire types have an advantage over steel but this is an Ace battle."

Brock, "That is exactly why. Chimchar told Charizard who later told Ash that he wants to become an Ace level Pokemon by the time they head to Sinnoh."

Gou, "And fighting against an opponent against whom you have an advantage is a good start. Even though that opponent is a scary looking steel bug."

Casey, "I think I'll get my hands on some Everstones as well. They look like good training items."

Max, "They are starting."

Ash, "Flame thrower!"

Jasmine, "Forretress rapid spin quick."

Forretess spun rapidly to get away from the flames while creating wind around himself to keep cool. Forretress then attacked using zap cannon which Chimchar dodged by digging into the ground. Chimchar refuses to be thunder shocked by a non electric type. He would never hear the end of it, if he got knocked out because of it. Chimchar kept his ears open for sound coming from above and heard the end of the zap canon and heard Ash call for power punch.

Chimchar hit Forretress, "Chim chim."

Forretress though looked pissed, "Tress forr tress."

Chimchar sweat dropped, "Chim chim?"

How was he supposed to know Forretress had a date later on? He was not a psychic type thank you. Chimchar jumped away from the angry rapid spin heading towards him and landed right in front of Ash.

Ash, "You are doing great buddy. Keep it up."

Chimchar beamed, "Chim chimchar."

Jasmine, " Don't be so comfortable yet, use toxic spikes!"

Forretress growled then glowed with the power of poison and attacked using poison spikes. Ash called for fire spin and swift which created flaming stars which countered the toxic spikes. The poison was heated up and created a mist that made Chimchar jump back and use flame thrower. The flame attack burned through the poison smoke and hit Forretress making him hiss.

Max, "Chimchar got a hit."

Casey, "Yeah, but Forretess is tricky. Look he managed to get up again."

Brock, "As expected from Ace level Pokemon."

Gou, "Yeah, but the battle is not over yet."

Ash, "Double team."

Jasmine, "Magnet rise."

Chimchar used double team to surround Forretress and get closer while Forretress used magnet rise to destroy the fake copies till one was left. Chimchar jumped on top of Forretress and Ash called for fire punch which Chimchar happily used. Chimchar had been focused in collecting his strength on his right paw and hit Forretress with a strong sounding WHAM. Forretress fell to the ground and glared at the fire type who glared back before giving a smirk. Chimchar's eyes widened at that and the next thing anyone knew Forretress had self destruct.

Jasmine, "No! Forretress!"

Ash, "Chimchar? Chimchar? Say something. Come on buddy."

Lucario was using aura sight, -Don't worry I found them. Oh dear!-

Ash, "Chimchar."

Referee announced, "We have another double knock out. Choose your next Pokemon."

Max bit his finger, "This is really hard."

Casey, "Agreed."

Jasmine, "Not bad at all. To think you caused another knock out."

Ash picked Chimchar up, "Thank you. You are really strong as well."

Chimchar opened his eyes, "Chim chim."

Ash, "Hey there buddy! You did a great job, get some rest now okay?"

Chimchar nuzzled him, "Chim."

Lucario, -Meema who will you choose next?-

Ash, "An old friend."

Jasmine, "Let's go Steelix."

Gou, "Wonder who Ash will choose next."

Brock, "He was talking to Professor Oak for a long time."

Ash, "Let's go Kingler."

Casey, "It's Kingler."

Max, "Cool. Watch this fight closely Breloom."

Breloom, "Loom bre."

Referee, "Begin!"

Ash, "Water pulse!"

Jasmine, "Sandstorm!"

Steelix created a sandstorm as a shield around himself and the water pulse hit it causing mud to fall on the ground. The loud squelch had Jasmine twitching, it was going to be a hassle to clean up but it didn't stop her from battling. Steelix didn't let the mud bother him as he was part ground type and started to move to attack his opponent. Kingler was not scared of the Pokemon and grabbed the iron tail with his metal claw. It was basically his instinct now to catch steel type attacks with steel type attacks.

Gou, "The sound of two steel types clanging is very uncomfortable."

Max, "Yeah. I'm surprised Ash didn't use Lucario for this. I mean he is steel type too."

Casey, "He is probably saving Lucario for the next gym. Chuck specializes in fighting type Pokemon."

Brock nodded, "Yes, and I am sure Lucario would love to go one on one with another Ace level fighter Pokemon."

Gou, "You make a good point."

Ash, "Kingler, scald him."

Jasmine, "Use sand tomb to bury him."

Kingler used scald and Steelix used sand tomb to attack the crab. Kingler was truth be told, not worried about being buried, he was a beach crab after all. Casey, Gou and Max were worried seeing Kingler get buried but Brock was smirking. Kingler was pretty calm as well then he heard Ash call for hydro pump and Kingler shot a hydro pump coming out of the sand dune. Steelix was hit by the hydro pump and pushed back by the heavy amount of water but didn't go down.

Jasmine, "Dragon pulse!"

Ash, "Now ice beam!"

Steelix attacked using dragon pulse and Kingler created a pillar using ice beam and it was hit by the dragon pulse. Kingler then appeared in front of Steelix and used crab hammer on Steelix getting a pained grunt which turned into surprise. Kingler had used hail on him right after crab hammer making Steelix freeze on the spot.

Jasmine, "Steelix, snap out of it."

Steelix grunted but was unable to get out as his nerves were frozen. Ash winced, that position looked a little painful to be in and decided to help Steelix out. Though Jasmine probably had plans on how to tackle this type of problems in her gym.

Referee, "Steelix is unable to battle. Kingler is the winner."

Ash sagged in relief as Kingler rushed to him clicking his claws, "Kingler won! Man! What a rush."

Lucario, -Indeed, you did really well, you even defeated an Ace level Pokemon. You have come far from the little Krabby that crawled into Meema's bag.-

Kingler turned pink at the reminder, "Bi bi bi. Bi bi bi bi bi."

Ash hugged him nonetheless, "You were awesome buddy. You were no less then the crab King."

Kingler gave a happy eye smile and hugged his trainer back nuzzling into his chest feeling very happy. Ash got up as Jasmine then checked on Steelix who was freezing and Brock called Vulpix who looked at the Steelix and used Will O Wisp. The fire balls flew around Steelix slowly warming him up and Vulpix had to focus a lot to make sure she didn't hear him up too fast. Jasmine thanked Brock then offered to go to the Pokemon center together with them.

Jasmine, "After this I would advise you go to whirl pool islands."

Gou, "Whirl pool islands?"

Jasmine, "Professor Elm is waiting for you there. He mentioned something about a poke egg for you?"

Brock, "Oh! I wonder which Pokemon it would be."

Ash, "My hands are full."

Eevee, "Vui!"

Abra, -He he he.-

Absol, "Sol."

Casey, "Me too!"

Espurr, "Purrrrrrrrr ~"

Max, "I want to try raising a poke egg."

Brock, "I'm sure you would do great."

Jasmine nodded, "Great, then, you can borrow one of the boats my school teacher use."

Ash, "We will return it in one piece."

After the Pokemon were healed they decided to grab lunch first and headed to a restaurant which was recommended by Jasmine. She would have to eat on the go as she had a class planned for the day. They waved her farewell and enjoyed their lunch which was very delicious. After that they decided to head to the port and Gou told them about their little encounter with gym leader Chuck.

Brock, "Well the next Gym is right across that giant bridge over there. But I think you are not in a hurry."

Ash, "Not really... I was curious about whirl pool islands. I heard many stories about it."

Max, "Me too! I heard one of the islands was haunted by the ghosts of soldiers who died in the war."

Gou, "That story is true. It is said that at night you can hear the groans and cries of the people who died."

Casey had a black face, "Those are rumours."

Ash, "It's good material. Now I really want to go."

Brock, "Did you get inspired again?"

Ash nodded, "My third horror... But I need more details."

Max, "Professor Elm then?"

Ash saw they were next to the rentals, "Yes, excuse me."

A sailor looked at them, "Yes? Looking to rent a boat?"

Casey took out a slip Jasmine had left her, "Yes, Miss Jasmine recommended this place to us."

The dark haired sailor looked at it, "Oi Barney! We got customers. Preparing rental eighteen."

Barney shouted back, "Got it boss!"

The boss turned to them, "The names Brutus, if you young uns need anything just ask. Got it?"

Max happily chirped, "Thanks Mr Brutus."

Ash, "We appreciate the help."

Brutus nodded and went to deal with another customer quietly muttering, 'Such cute kids. I miss my baby son. Don't worry sonny, Papa will finish his work and come home soon.'

Brock meanwhile got behind the wheel ready to start the engine, "Is everyone onboard? We are leaving now."

Ash, "One moment, come out Croconaw."

Croconaw, "Croco croconaw."

Ash, "Want to swim beside us buddy?"

Croconaw perked up then nodded and jumped into the water, "Croco croco."

Casey, "Great idea, come out Gyarados, swim besides us."

Gou, "You too Inteleon."

Ash, "I have not seen your guarantee since the Indigo conference."

Casey grinned, "She was busy with mating season. Her poke eggs are all hatched now and the Magikarp already left so she is ready to join me from today."

Gou, "Cool."

Max, "When I become a trainer I'm so getting a Magikarp myself."

Ash, "I wonder if Misty has a Gyarados yet."

Brock, "She mentioned catching a Magikarp a few months ago."

They talked about their Pokemon and the previous gym battles with Max recounting the cool and powerful moves. He was a bit sad Kingler had chosen to return to the lab right away but Lucario had explained that Kingler was the peace keeper for Pallet beach. It had surprised Ash because it was Blue's Gyarados that did that but apparently thanks to mating season for Gyarados, the duty had been passed around. Well it was till, Kingler had volunteered to take charge of the area till Gyarados returned from mating.

Ash, "All my Pokemon from Kanto are all grown up."

Gou, "Feeling proud?"

Ash, "Very."

Casey, "Look there guys!"

Max gulped, "Those are some powerful looking whirlpools."

Brock, "Get your Pokemon to guide the boat quick."

The water Pokemon surrounded the boat and started to guide them to the closest whirl pool island. Unfortunately this was not the island where Professor Elm said they would meet but they decided to check it out. Casey looked around curiously and said that while travelled to and fro from the island before she didn't land on the smaller ones. Ash looked at the small area of vegetation and some of the Poliwags hiding among the rocks and saw why.

Ash, "Well, this island is not exactly fit for training Pokemon. The environment could be destroyed easily."

Casey, "Yes, it could. Though the Clampearl here are very sweet."

Max perked up, "Clampearl? May loves that Pokemon a lot."

Gou, "They do create beautiful pearls used in jewelry."

Brock, "I think I see some over there."

Gou, "I want one."

Max pulled Ash's jacket, "Will it be alright to catch one for May?"

Ash, "Sure! But let's avoid battling here. I don't fancy explaining to the Rangers why this island was destroyed."

Brock, "We use food?"

Casey laughed, "We use food."

[A. N.: Happy New Year everyone!

Hope you all are doing well.]