
Pokemon Rebirth: Rise of Punit

I jolted awake, my heart hammering like I’d just outrun a Gyarados. The wooden beams above me were etched with carvings of Pokémon, details so crisp it felt wrong, unfamiliar. Panic clawed its way up my throat as my hands gripped a soft, clean bedspread—completely different from the scratchy, cheap sheets I remembered. Where was I? The room was filled with signs of a life that wasn’t mine—Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur posters lining the walls, shelves cluttered with memorabilia. A photo on the dresser stopped me cold—a boy and his parents, all smiles. But the faces...they tugged at something deep inside me, a connection I couldn’t place. When I stumbled to the mirror, it hit me like a freight train. The boy staring back wasn’t me—not the me I remembered. The reflection was younger, smaller, but the sharp intelligence in those midnight-black eyes? That was still mine. I wasn’t just waking up in some random room. I had become someone else, someone living in the Pokémon world. And with the powers I felt coursing through me—unlimited money, instant move learning, rapid evolution—this wasn’t just a new life. It was a chance to rewrite everything. A world to conquer, trainers to defeat. Ash, Gary, Blaze—they didn’t know what was coming. This world was mine now. And no one—no one—was going to stop me.

Vivid_Horizons · Anime und Comics
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81 Chs

Chapter 79: Thunder Badge Victory Chat

The city of Vermilion buzzed around me like a hive, the sting of adrenaline still fresh from my recent win. I could feel the weight of the Thunder Badge in my pocket, a tangible symbol of my victory against Lt. Surge. Each step I took towards the Pokémon Center felt lighter, the tension from the battle melting away, leaving behind only a sense of cool satisfaction.

As I rounded the corner, the familiar faces of Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Misty, and... Erin. She stood out like always, calm and poised, but holding my Pokémon egg in her arms.

Ash spotted me first, his usual spark of excitement lighting up his face. "Did you win the badge?" he asked. 

I pulled the Thunder Badge out from my pocket, the sunlight bouncing off its golden edges as I held it up for them to see. "Yeah," I said, voice relaxed, like it had been no big deal. "So, you're going again then?"

"Brock gave me a good strategy," Ash replied, the determination in his voice unmistakable. "I'm gonna use it."

I nodded, my gaze steady. "It's good for now, but try to come up with your own strategy next time. It'll serve you better in the long run."

Ash nodded, though I could see the wheels turning in his head. Always eager, but still learning. He'd get there—maybe.

I crouched down, reaching out to Pikachu. "Beat that Raichu, little guy," I said with a small smirk. Pikachu's ears twitched at the mention of Raichu. My Raichu approached and patted Pikachu on the head like an older brother, then hopped into my arms with an innocence that belied his strength. 

"Alright, alright," I muttered, holding Raichu in one arm as he nuzzled against me. "When you come back, we might not be here."

Misty spoke up, her voice playful. "Why don't you travel with us?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Who said I won't? Of course we'll meet again. Probably too many times—you'll be begging for us to stop running into you."

The group laughed, the tension easing as they said their goodbyes and headed off, leaving Erin and me standing in the quiet aftermath. I glanced at her. She was still holding the egg, her face serene, but I could tell from the stiff way she carried it that her calm was just a front.

"Let's eat something," I said, shifting Raichu in my arms. "Then we can head out."

Erin nodded wordlessly, her expression as impassive as ever. We made our way to a nearby restaurant—a modest three-star joint just down the street from the Pokémon Center. We walked in and took a seat at a table for four. I set Raichu down on one of the chairs, and he sat upright like a little kid, tail twitching with excitement. Erin placed the egg down gently in another seat, her eyes flicking toward it, almost as if she expected it to hatch right then and there.

I grabbed the menu and gestured for the waiter. "We'll have lunch, and some food for him," I said, nodding at Raichu, who was already eyeing the restaurant's staff with hopeful anticipation.

Leaning back in my chair, I glanced over at Erin. "Ever been on a cruise?"

She blinked, her calm mask not shifting. "What's a cruise?"

Figures. I pulled out my Pokégear, flipping through a travel app until I spotted something. St. Anne, a cruise ship, was setting sail today. Perfect. Without a second thought, I booked two tickets.

The food arrived shortly after, and Raichu stared up at me expectantly, waiting for the go-ahead. I started eating first, and he followed suit, diving into his Pokémon food with obvious joy. Erin ate quietly, methodically, her calm demeanor never wavering, even as she picked at her plate.

When we were done, I stood up and dropped a handful of Pokédollars on the table, enough to cover the meal and leave a generous tip. Raichu jumped back into my arms, his weight a comforting presence, while Erin carefully scooped up the Pokémon egg once more.

We walked out of the restaurant, the afternoon sun casting long shadows as we made our way towards the docks. I could hear the distant calls of sailors and the rhythmic lapping of waves against the pier. Raichu shifted in my arms, his tail brushing against my jacket as if sensing the adventure ahead.

"Ready?" I asked Erin, glancing at her as we neared the ship.

She didn't answer at first, her eyes distant as they scanned the horizon. Finally, she nodded, her grip tightening ever so slightly on the egg. Calm as ever.

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