
Pokemon Re-Start

Noah an unfortunate boy that got struck by lightning but got reincarnated in a world of Pokemon. Join his journey to become a Pokemon Master. Note: Pokemon is not Mine And the original Characters of the Story are not mine Credits to the creator of Pokemon You give us a Best childhood.

Meowske_kun · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 19: Noah vs Diantha (2)

Previously :

Riolu changed the bone into a two swords connected by chains on the edge of it's handle, then he took a breath then he started spinning the Two swords with on it's chains cutting the magical leaves Beautifully.

Seeing riolu's performance the Audience became ecstatic, they never saw that kind of move, Even the other professors from other region were amazed by it.

[[ OHhhh!!! What's that!!! that's amazing I never saw this move on my entire life and it seems that I'm not the only one here.

Now who is going to win, Diantha or Noah lets keep watching. Seriously The new generation is scary.]]


Riolu slashed the magical flower and sliced it into two while running towards Kirlia.

" Use Quick attack now"

" Kirlia Tele-"

Before Diantha could finish her words Riolu vanished then appeared on kirlia's front then attacked her with the back of the sword sending her flying at the edge of the Arena.

" Kirlia!!" Diantha shouted in panic. she's worried about her Pokemons health.

" Don't worry, before Riolu hit kirlia he used the back of the sword to hit her.

Preventing any serious injuries." Noah said to calm her a little.

After Riolu performed the attack, he got on his knees. The fatigue he accumulated using the move was big and he can only use that move twice. because if he uses it again, he will pass out from the Fatigue it gives.

Noah knew it from the start so he only use that move if he's at pinch Situation.

" Riolu are you okay?" Noah asked, He saw how tired his Riolu right now. He is worried he might pass out from fatigue.

<< Riolu>> ( I'm okay) He said sending a thumbs up.

Seeing his pokemon actions Noah couldn't help to chuckle a little.

Meanwhile Diantha was looking at her kirlia with worriedly, she saw on the edge of the arena Kirlia was on the ground looking at her.

" Kirlia!!" Diantha shouted.

<< Kirlia, kir>> ( I'm okay don't worry) he said smiling at her trainer.

Diantha did not understand kirlia but one thing for sure, seeing that smile on her pokemon she knew she was saying ' I am Okay nothing to worry about' she calmed down a little.

Kirlia slowly stand up on using her two legs although it's wobbly she still do her all to stand.

" Kirlia Let's go." Diantha said looking at her Pokemon.... no Partner with a newfound determination.

<<Kirlia>> ( Yes, I'm ready) she said smiling at her trainer.

Seeing the two of them Noah can't help but smile brightly. His heart is beating faster he can feel the excitement of battle.

Meanwhile, Cynthia and Sonia who were watching the match were stunned to see Noah Smiling brightly. They were mesmerized by it, Noah is genuinely smiling.

Back to the fight.

" Kirlia use Double team then Shadow ball."

Kirlia's number increased all and all of them were making a black ball on their hands throwing all of it on Riolu.

" Riolu use double team then agility to dodge." Noah wants to increase Riolu's Stats because he knew he can't defeat Kirlia, now the she evolved her stats must be big right now.

Riolu doubled himself just like Kirlia and dodged the Shadow balls with agility increasing his Speed Stats.

But all of his clones were hit and disappeared.

" Teleport on his back, Then shadow ball" Diantha did not miss the chance and commanded kirlia to attack.

Kirlia vanished then appeared on Riolu's back with a shadow ball hitting on point blank range. causing Dust to cover them two.

" Nooo! Riolu!" Noah shouted, the move happened to fast he didn't had time to command Riolu to dodge.

Then Kirlia teleported back to her trainer.

When the dust vanished, they saw Riolu was standing, but very tired his legs were shaking.

Noah saw it couldn't help but to have tears on his eyes. He was about to surrender when he heard a loud Howl coming from Riolu.

<<< RIOLUUU!! >>>

He looked at his partner there he saw Riolu's raising his hands to the sky, his hands forming the sign they made for their team.

Noah can't help but to remember that time.



" Hey riolu do you want to be the strongest?"

<<Rio>>( Yes) "

"Then let's do our best from now on

Because I will make you the Strongest. "

" <<Riolu!!>> ( Of Course!!)

"Then riolu from now own this will be the sign of our team."


' Yeah, I promised to him that I will make him strongest, if I give up now that dream will never came true. ' Noah thought then remembered a quote from his past life.

" Before you go up, you must start at the bottom"

" Then Let's do our best shall we. " Noah said raising his hands on the same manner as Riolu.

" Give up now Riolu is Injured and you can't beat Kirlia now" Dinatha said to Noah.

" Give up?, We're not giving up. That's only for losers, If we lose here we will accept it but giving up without even trying is something I don't want to do and will never do." Noah said Calmly.

" You have my respect but you'll lose."

Diantha said.

Hearing her Noah just chuckle and said

" We'll See."

" Riolu double team then Aura Sphere"

Riolu doubled himself again and formed a Blue ball of Aura, then all of the riolu Run towards Kirlia to attack.

" Use Double team too and Shadow ball to counter"

Kirlia and Riolu battled each other each of their clones was hitting the other, their battle was super intense that even the past elite trainers was standing watching their battle with respect.

Kirlia and Riolu fights Until all of their clones vanished leaving only two of them.

The two were tired from their fight earlier, both were panting while staring at each other.

" Bone Rush"

" Shadow ball"

Riolu formed the blue bone stick and kirlia formed Black Ball.

Kirlia fired the Shadow ball towards Riolu and riolu just Smashed it bouncing it back towards Kirlia very past hitting her, then Riolu too used Bone rush to swing hid Stick hitting Kirlia and sending her flying at the edge of The arena.

The referee looked at Kirlia then he saw her eyes swirling indicating that she fainted.

" Kirlia is unable to battle Riolu wins." The said.

The Audience roared with cheeres, it was a very exciting match for them.

Noah run towards Riolu and Hugged him.

" Yeah!!!!! we did it!!!!" Noah is very happy right now.

<<Riolu>> ( Yeah we did it) Riolu said in a small voice.

Meanwhile Diantha walked towards her Partner.

" I'm sorry Kirlia we lost" Diantha Cried, tears began to fall on her eyes.

<< Kirlia>>( It's not your fault) Kirlia said on a weak voice.

Diantha Put her into her Pokeball and wiped her face.

She walked towards Noah who was hugging his Pokemon.

" Congratulations" Even though she lost, she's not a sore loser. Although she's frustrated she still congratulates him.

" Thank you" Noah smiled and thanked her.

Diantha seeing that walked away to her side of the arena.

Noah just looked at her and shook his head before putting Riolu inside his Pokeball.


Thank you for reading my fanfic,

Forgive me if sometimes my grammar is wrong. I hope you enjoy.