
Pokemon: Prepare for Trouble!

In the political mess of a post-war society, a criminal organization cultivates its power, getting stronger each and every day. Although this organization goes by many names, only one stands out, regardless of how 'childish' it may seem. Team Rocket. As it reshapes the entire Pokémon world, just the mention of it causes people to tremble in fear. I don't own Pokémon. I don't own the art, I used an app called AIBY to create it. I owe Bardothren of the Emerald Library a big thanks for beta reading several chapters of this fanfic.

Jaywolfie · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 8 | The Gift

After getting pulled over and paying a fine for riding a non-ride Pokémon to the Lush Jungle, the two embarked on David's journey to find a Comfey.

Bugs and Pokémon of many sorts could be seen scurrying about in the jungle. Each had its own distinct cry to add to the symphony of sounds, which resulted in a magnificent natural melody. Unperturbed by the presence of two people in their habitat, a few Butterfree fluttered through the trees.

Although only a small portion of light could pierce through the canopy, the plants on the ground thrived. The several Pokémon that were engaged in photosynthesis were frequently found beneath the little light that did break through.

"Aegislash!" Brenton exclaimed, causing a few Fomantis to look their way. "Come out and help!"

This time, a metallic sword-like Pokémon came out of the Pokéball, his shield clenched tightly with his scarf-like appendages. Its single purple and gold eye darted around, looking for its opponent. It silently hovered for half a second more before turning back to Brenton, silently awaiting instructions.

"We're here to look for a Pokémon known as Comfey. Use your eye to look for the life forces in the general area. The one you're looking for should be a pure fairy-type one."

"Aegi!" He cried, his eye changing color to a purplish-red color.

As Aegislash scanned the area, David asked to check out a cave he'd found, to which his superior agreed. The two had only discovered a few Comfey after tediously searching for several more hours, and none of them were catchable. They would frequently be too weak, even going so far as to be pacifists.

Brenton silently navigated through several dead sticks and ferns as he maneuvered toward another Comfey. His training in silent walking kicked in again as he approached a sunlit clearing.

"Comfey! Comf-"

Brenton and Aegislash leapt into the clearing, causing the female Comfey to wheel around in surprise. "Shadow Ball!" he ordered, readying a Pokéball.

To give her a chance, the Aegislash complied, albeit slowly. She didn't flinch or call for help as the blade slashed toward her; instead, she dodged to the left. She instantly responded by throwing her flowers at Aegislash, surveying him intently.

The corners of Brenton's mouth rose in satisfaction as he quickly avoided the attack. He suddenly became aware of the soothing aroma emanating from the wreath of vibrant flowers, almost lulling him to sleep. He moved a few steps away from it before addressing his ghostly sword with his next command.

"Shadow Ball! Again!"

The two Pokémon converged on each other again, Comfey being able to launch a fruitless Magical Leaf attack at his Pokémon just before being struck down. With a cry of pain, she fell to the ground. She only managed to crawl to her flowers with the last of her willpower before collapsing.

"She's quite a fighter, isn't she?" Brenton asked, to which his Aegislash nodded. With a casual toss of his Pokéball, he captured the fainted Pokémon and went on his way. Eventually, the two returned to the clearing where he'd split up with David.

The younger man sat on a tree, overlooking the clearing while waiting for Brenton to return. Upon seeing him, a smile lit up his features, the skin around his almond-colored eyes crinkling in tandem. He jumped off the tree's branch and landed in front of the executive.

"You caught it?" the grunt asked, a big smile on his face.

"Yeah, she was pretty strong for her species and environment. What happened to you?"

David had come out of the cave looking somewhat disheveled. His blonde hair was singed, and some of the debris from whatever he had done there had remained in his hair. Moreover, some of his clothes were dirty, and one of his shoes was completely missing.

"I got into a battle with a strong Pokémon. Not to brag, but luck was just on my side again!"

"Get it out. What the hell did you catch that put you in that state?"

David enlarged a Pokéball and tossed it into an area clear of any trees (in its immediate location). The familiar light lit up the slowly darkening jungle before disappearing. It materialized into-

"FUCK OFF!" Brenton yelled. At the sight of the Pokémon, he felt he would be sick with envy. It was only luck that allowed him to befriend someone with such a strong fortune at his side, but even so… fuck.

The Pokémon that came out is often described in legends, having been worshiped as a deity in old Unova. Its moth-like features put some people off, but most competitive trainers definitely wanted one on their teams at all costs. This one, however, was different. It had a more pale, golden color than that of what the history books had described in Brenton's upbringing.

The shiny Volcarona that hovered in front of them cocked his head in response to Brenton's first remark regarding its existence.


A crescent moon had risen over the sea. Stars of different hues shone over the sea, glittering like gems on the calm ocean's surface. The ferry sped onwards, the wind ruffling at hair and tugging on jackets. Those that wore hats found their hands clutching their rims, edging toward an area with less wind.

Brenton opened the door of the interior lounge and walked inside. Inside, the three members of his Elite Squad awaited his presence.

David took one seat. His shirt still had a price tag on it, a hasty purchase after their trip to the Lush Jungle. Noticing the problem, he scratched his ear embarrassedly before tearing it off.

A girl who looked like she just graduated from college sat next to him, her red lipstick and light makeup expertly applied. She wore a black tank top and jeans that flaunted her every curve. Her shoulder-length hair was brown today, though Brenton saw a few blonde roots remaining.

Sitting in front of David sat a titan of a man. Just a polite wave from him caused his muscles to bulge, the sheer power underneath comparable to a Machop's - an actual Pokémon. He wore a T-shirt with the words 'Body Improvement - Fight On!' on it.

Brenton took his seat before his squad, a few other agents filed into the room to listen to them once again pore over the plan.

"Remember: the goal is to steal data related to Pokémon creation, a Silvalley, and anything else that could be important," Brenton said, receiving nods of affirmation from all three of his squad members. "One of the most important parts would be to do so while making sure their identities remain anonymous. Using lethal force is a last resort."

Under the collective gaze of the agents in the room, the 'bimbo' in their group, Haylee, rolled her eyes. It was still easy to see that she took that last comment somewhat personally as she feigned annoyance.

"Ugh… It's not like they're with the League. Don't look at me like that!"

David raised his eyebrow, and flashed her an aggravating smile. Haylee shook her head in resigned amusement before raising her hands innocently. Unfortunately, her 'innocent' hands were lightly calloused, showing faint signs of her dedication to knife training. She often hid the palms of her hands and used colorful nail paint to draw eyes to her nails instead.

David's teasing smirk only widened, making Haylee snarl at him. She rolled her eyes at him and turned her gaze to the moon, calming herself. "Where's Saul when you need him?"

Ethan, one of the older members of the squad, looked at Brenton to continue with his final recounting of the plan. Along with Brenton's presence, the somewhat subtle movement of his large frame brought silence back into the room. With it, the executive continued his speech.

"In short, the plan would be to take the ferry to the terminal in the Aether Foundation, hack the elevator to descend to the secret labs, and steal anything important that isn't nailed down. Then, we need to get to the rooftop, for an aerial evac. Keep your comms open in case plans change."

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone chorused.


{Brenton's Pokémon}

{On Hand}










{Swapped Out}

Comfey (Temporary)

Please accept my apology for only releasing one chapter this week while splitting up the rest. I'm recovering from a sudden cold and am trying to polish the upcoming chapters for you all to maintain quality.

Jaywolfiecreators' thoughts