
Chapter 8 Late

A couple days ago in the evening standing near a signpost leading to a fork on the road there are 3 pokemons surrounded by a forest, tall grass, and a dirt path.

The first one in front is a tan humanoid with blunt protrusion on its head. Wearing a purple tunic and red punching gloves.

Closest to the first is another humanoid pokemon primarily brown it has cream-colored, segmented arms and legs. Lacks a distinct neck and head, its upper torso has almond-shaped eyes with black space around them and appears to lack a nose and mouth.

Lastly the one in the back is a bipedal, rabbit-like Pokémon with a dark brown fur and a short, round tail. Long tufts of cream-colored fur above its eyes, and a small, pink nose. Similar tufts of fluffy cream-colored fur cover its wrists, lower legs, and the ends of its long ears, which bend shortly above its head.

The pokemon in the back looks at the two in front picking at one of her long ears says. "Well this is as far as I go" Holding two small objects she picked from her long ears she says with a slightly worried tone. "Listen I know you guys want to be strong and I know that you already made up your minds. Even still I hope you are extra careful."

Holding said objects to the two in front she continues. "There have been many accidents recently outside, to the point even many of the few close trading caravans don't want to trade. So please be safe."

The tunic pokemon with a smile holds up a fist in the air says while smirking "Dont worry Big Sis. We may not seem like it but we are capable to defend ourselves and my punches are no joke. Watch me when the next Fighting Tournament happens I will take the top place."

Next to him the brown humanoid pokemon slightly bows eyes closed says humbly somehow without a mouth. "Don't worry miss Loppuny we are heading to Mineral Cave. As long as I'm with him we won't run head first into any Disadvantage types or disasters."

Loppuny looks at the Punching glove pokemon for awhile. Than looks at the bowing pokemon says in a convinced voice. "If it's you Hitmonlee than I have nothing to worry."

Instantly Loppuny Glares at the two in front pulling a clenched fist back a green like orb forms changing from green to light purple. [Hidden Power]. Leaving a small dust cloud she instantly appeared in front of Hitmonlee going for the punch.[Quick Attack].

Hitmonchan puts his fist up in a prepared attacking motion. His fist begins slightly glowing white reaching all the way to his elbow.

Hitmonlee Jolts his head back showing his eyes glowing light blue. [Mind Reader]. Using his momentum he twirls his body in angle to prepare for a kick.

Hitmonchan takes advantage of Loppunys blind spot and attacks with all his might [Mega Punch.]

Hitmonlees prepared kick turns from glowing orange from his feet to heating up and at near impact burning fire. [Blaze Kick].

Loppuny who is only focused on Hitmonlee doesn't dodge instead takes the full hit of Hitmonchan as for Hitmonlee.

Loppuny parrys his fire kick with her own kick than spins around kicking him again on his chest [Double Kick].

At the same time when Hitmonchan punch was about to connect a thin red field formed around where the punch is and rebounded the attack twice as hard making him fall to the ground [Counter Coat].


[Counter Coat: Around the user a thin red vial coat forms before a physical attack. Attacker receives x2 the damage when successful. If failed by attack being non physical or not attacked. The user has a 50/50 chance of losing a turn or recieving x2 the damage on the next turn.]

(This seems balanced right?)

Wiping away the imaginary dust that's on her arms she speaks seriously "Is that what you thought I was going to say Hitmonlee."

Loppuny seeing both pokemon on the ground slightly injured says. "Three seconds."

Turning to look at Hitmonchan she says. "Three seconds. Thats how long it takes for you to ready your attack and how long this small spar took for your defeat."

Turning to look at Hitmonlee she also says "Instead of disengaging you thought to attack me not realizing I had my full focus on you then on the attack behind me."

Tossing two shiny badges to the fighting pokemon she looks at them her voice changing to a worried tone.

"Please take care of each other I hope there will not be a worst case scenario." Turning her back on them she dashes while jumping on the road to the trees heading back home to "Fairy Cliff."

"...What's wrong Hitmonchan" Hitmonlee getting up sees Hitmonchan on ground what looks like softly punching the ground moping.

Hitmonchan stops punching looks up at Hitmonlee with watery eyes says in a about to cry voice. "Does Big Sis not believe I'm not strong enough. Is that why she agreed when you are here brother."

Hitmonlee picks up the badge that's on ground looking at it he says. "I don't know bro." looking at the badge in his hand he contemplates saying. "Maybe miss Loppuny is just worried about us."

Hitmonchan rubbing his eyes looks up at Hitmonlee. "What do you mean brother? Why would big sis be worried." continuing his wierd softly punching the ground he says.

"We are close to being silver rank in the guild. We worked so hard and trained even harder, but we still aren't strong."

Tears begin falling down his face and his punching stops. His face is slightly red, his eyes are watering, and his breathing with sniffles. With a weak voice he says.

"Brother, we, big bro Machoke, and big sis Loppuny are the only ones that stayed behind while older brother left with the others to the Fighting Tournament. I,I don't want to be left behind ever again." letting lose his tears flow down making a small puddle.

Hitmonlee though lacking any facial features to show emotion. His eyes show a deep concern and sadness look in his eyes. 'So that wound is still there even after such a long time.'

Seeing Hitmonchan crying on the ground sitting he sees a silhouette of a small humanoid pokemon with similar bump protrusion.

Walking towards Hitmonchan Hitmonlee puts his hand on Hitmonchan shoulders and says. "Come on little brother let's not disappoint miss Loppuny."

Seeing that Hitmonchan hasn't stop crying he looks up thinking. 'What would big brother do at a time like this?' With a fake non convincing voice. 'Just remembered something urgent voice' Hitmonlee terribly acts as if talking to himself.

"You know little bro. If we don't complete our training early. Someone might take the escourt job that leads to Slumbering Woods."

Hitmonchan slowly stops crying listening to Hitmonlee talking to himself not realizing he is faking it.

"Sense to get to Slumbering Woods you have to go straight to Fog Forest not many take this job. If we take this job. We might be promoted to the next rank."

Hitmonlee notices that Hitmonchan is silent and feels that he has Hitmonchan full attention continues saying. "Also I've heard that the Munchlax duo are the ones that requested this jo-."

Unable to finish a cloud of dust passes by him heading to the mountains. Seeing Hitmonchan making a dash towards the mountain.

He arches his back, back, stunned by his brothers speed and quick change from sad to determined.

Dashing to try and reach Hitmonchan but failing he complains to himself. "What the hell Arceaus, aren't Hitmonlees supposed to be faster!"


Behind a tree there is a silouite of rabbit like pokemon looking at the two trails of dust heading to mountains with a cartoon sweat drop. Shaking her head slowly she turn back home jumping from tree to tree covering a huge distance.

Couple Days Later...

At the edge of a forest there is a cliff in a shape of a dragon head with a waterfall flowing down its mouth.

On this cliff there us small settlement surrounded by two tall walls of green hedges with vines growing on the inside.

Above these walls are long sticky string flowing from muiltple holes in side the hedges to a bundle of web like cocoons covered in vines and hedges making it look as a circular design.

These are watch towers that are manned by the bug types such as those from the evolution from Caterpie, Wurmple, and Burmy.

These three in line are the main security, maintenance, and police force in this town.

The only way to get in this town is for any of the Burmy evolution to open a path from any of the road leading or out.

In one of these paths are three pokemon a Metapod who is dangling from a sticky string next to a green Wormadam who has its head poking out of the hedges.

On the path is the human like bunny Loppuny with her arms crossed impatiently leaning on the hedges looking at a path leading to the mountains. Looking up at the sky there is a clear sky with the sun shining above.

"There Late."

Yo, Author here,

Some shit happened that caused me to feeling empty. because of said shit I wanted to scrap this. But in the end I decided not. unfortunately because of the shit my enthusiasm is low. sorry, originally this chapter was supposed have more but just rereading it makes my mood drop from remembering shitty events. I wont be making weekly updates sorry. I don't know what I'll write for the next chapter sense its almost been a couple months and I'm having trouble remembering the original plot. Sense everything was made out of the inspiration or just out of the blue. I wont be doing pokemon description unless if they are wearing something or plot wise sense it feels like I'm cheating. hope you understand.

Next question should I make this as muilti story with different events happening or just focusing on a single mc lead? also should I get rid of the Made Up Move or keep it? I'm not sure I'll be able make up random moves.