
Chapter 5: Are you serious?

The crisp doorbell interrupted Ethan's daydreaming. Just as he was about to get up and answer the door, a brown blur flashed past him.

Watching as the Eevee adeptly leapt up, placed its front paws on the doorknob, and used its body weight to press it down and open the door, Ethan's expression grew peculiar.

Why are you so skilled at this?

Though it saved him the effort, it still felt a bit odd.

The move was so seamless it seemed as if Eevee had done it thousands of times before. But today was its first time at his house!

Ethan could only chalk it up to this Eevee being extraordinarily clever.

As the door swung open, unsurprisingly, it was Rosa and her Snivy, here to mooch food and double as a camerawoman.

The moment Rosa stepped in, she saw Ethan standing dazed by the dining table. After greeting him, a thought crossed her mind.

If Ethan's here, then who opened the door?

Looking down, she spotted the Eevee obediently sitting there, staring wide-eyed at her Snivy.

"Did it open the door?" Rosa asked hesitantly.

Ethan shrugged. Who else? A ghost?

Rosa's face grew similarly puzzled as she swapped her shoes for house slippers, her Snivy slinking in behind her.

Rosa was no stranger to Ethan's house and didn't bother acting like a guest. After washing her hands, she started to offer help with the cooking.

Ethan, however, knew better than to let this childhood boooombayah ruin everything. He quickly stopped her.

"Hold it right there! We're filming today, so you just handle the camera!"

Rosa pouted in protest but eventually complied.

Since they were making a cooking video, Ethan explained the steps and key points as he cooked, with Rosa occasionally chiming in with questions.

Rosa's tone was remarkably serious, as if she were earnestly seeking knowledge. But her questions were ridiculously basic to anyone who'd ever cooked.

For example:

"Heat the oil until it's about 60% hot, then add the green onions.""How do you know when it's 60% hot? Do you test it with your hand?"


"Add a suitable amount of prepared Sitrus Berry juice.""How much is 'suitable'?"


"The soul of this dish is a teaspoon of sugar added right before it's done.""How can you tell sugar from salt?"

Their banter sounded less like a cooking tutorial and more like a comedy routine.

Ethan, though exasperated, patiently answered each question. He'd noticed that during these moments in his videos, the comment section always exploded with activity.

Fine, I'll answer dumb questions if it means more views for Eevee's milk fund.

This wasn't him chasing after content—content was chasing him!

While Ethan and Rosa bustled in the kitchen, Eevee and Snivy were engaged in a silent exchange in the living room.

Snivy, with her haughty demeanor, refused to initiate conversation. In her eyes, it was the duty of the younger, smaller Eevee to greet her first.

Eevee, however, for reasons only it knew, simply gazed at Snivy with an affectionate look.

Snivy found this behavior odd. It gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as though she'd met this little Eevee before.

But why? Was it the eyes?

Yes, those eyes! The way it looked at her was uncannily similar to the gaze of a mother she had never met.

Snivy didn't even know if her mother had been a Serperior, a Ditto, or some other Pokémon.

Regardless, it couldn't possibly be this smaller-than-her Eevee.

The thought left her feeling offended.

What's with that look?

I treat you as a friend, and you want to act like my mom?!

Enraged, Snivy decided it was time to teach this "junior" a lesson.


Snivy's slit pupils sharpened as her wide eyes emanated an invisible energy.

The move: Glare!

Though often underestimated, this status move could lower an opponent's defense in battle.

In games, moves like this reduced stats by fixed amounts—one stage, or roughly one-third.

But in real life, the effectiveness of such moves depended on the power disparity, resistance, and other factors.

After all, a newly hatched Rattata glaring at Arceus wouldn't exactly leave the god trembling, right?

The same logic applied to other status-altering moves like Intimidate, Will-O-Wisp, or Toxic.

Logically, against a younger, smaller Eevee, Snivy's Glare should have worked flawlessly.

But no matter how hard she glared—until tears welled in her eyes—Eevee remained unfazed, wearing a faintly amused expression.

It was as if Eevee was saying, "Are you serious?"

To Snivy, this was blatant provocation.

The haughty Snivy stole a glance at the kitchen. The clatter of pots and pans told her Ethan and Rosa were still busy.

She could settle this matter with Eevee without interference.

Though raised in a breeding facility, Snivy's innate competitive spirit was ingrained in her genes.

Today, she'd teach this baby Eevee some respect!

A vine silently slithered out from the yellow adornment around Snivy's neck. Without warning, it lashed out toward Eevee.

The two Pokémon were close to begin with, and Snivy's surprise attack left little room to dodge.

From any angle, the tiny, seemingly ordinary Eevee didn't stand a chance.

Snivy's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. Today's lesson: opponents don't announce their attacks!

But as her Vine Whip closed in, Eevee's ears twitched ever so slightly.

To Snivy's disbelief, the little Eevee ducked its head with practiced ease, letting the whipping vine whistle past.


Snivy froze in shock. The distance was less than half a meter! Her vines were far swifter and more dexterous than her limbs.

How could she miss? Was this Eevee hacking?

Her moment of realization came too late. She was still locked in combat mode.

Oh no. This definitely isn't a rookie Eevee—it's a master. I'm about to get pummeled!

But to her surprise, Eevee simply lifted a paw, smoothed its fur ruffled by the passing vine, and yawned.

Snivy hadn't noticed her composure slipping.

Eevee's indifference and subtle mockery had shattered her pride, replacing it with unbridled rage.

If she were thinking clearly, she'd realize the disparity in their battle instincts was monumental.

But lychees?

How was she supposed to lychee this?!

Consumed by anger, Snivy pounced at the unbothered Eevee with all her might.

(End of Chapter)