
Pokemon: Master of Poison

Follow a trainer who is reincarnated in the world of pokemon. A time where there are no PCs(Pokemon Storage System) invented, no other varieties of pokeballs are created except the normal pokeball, and a time where all the regions are at war. Follow this trainer as he master the art of poison type pokemon, and maybe even master every type of pokemon. P.S. The cover isn't mine, and I just took it from the internet. Did some editing, and here I have a cover. Of course, if the original owner of the cover wants me to remove this cover then I'll gladly do it. If you want a novel that is perfect, and has no mistake then this isn't for you. I'm not perfect, and I might get wrong here and there. The update rate might not always be stable. Also, this is an AU. I don't want to be blamed for a mistake in the timeline, and others telling me that this thing didn't happen in the real pokemon world, and so on. If you accept all of this then come on, and start reading the first chapter! :)

Remoon · Videospiele
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78 Chs

Chapter 65

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


"Go close your eyes." The old hag said, and I did what she told.

"Now, concentrate. Feel your body, and find an energy in your body. You'll be able to feel a cold essence inside you. You have to find where that cold feeling is coming from once you have felt it." She continues.

I concentrated but felt nothing. I tried again but I still did not find any cold feeling she was talking about. I did it again, and this time I was able to feel a little coldness from my chest. I tried concentrating on it, and soon found the source.

It was in the right side of my chest, and it gives off a cold vibe. It was not that cold though, and it was just like opening your fridge then feeling a brush of cold wind to your face.

"I think I've found it, master." I said.

"Good. That's the source you'll use which we call Spirit Energy. The colder that is, the more you can use the Spirit Body. Now, try to manipulate the Spirit Energy, and cover your whole body with it including your clothes and items. Once you do, you'll be able to turn your body into a ghost state." She explains.

I did what she said, and it was a smooth process this time. The Spirit Energy smoothly followed my intention of covering my body together with my clothes and items.

"Open your eyes, kid." The old hag spoke, and I did what she said.

I opener my eyes, and my view actually changed. The surroundings turned into a white and black color. I tried looking at my body but it was still the same compared to before.

"You'll see your surroundings turning to black and white. This is a confirmation of you being able to use the Spirit Body. Now, I want you to feel your Spirit Energy again." The old hag said.

I did what she told, and I can feel the cold feeling in my body fading away. After a couple of seconds, every cold feeling I got was gone. I then felt tired and drained after the cold feeling was gone.

"Your Spirit Energy is exhausted. It's normal to feel tired from this. Your next training for the following days will only consist of this routine. You have to use the Spirit Body then exhaust your Spirit Energy. Now rest up, and when your Spirit Energy is filled up again, you will practice using the Spirit Body after. This routine will help your volume of Spirit Energy to increase. Of course, there is another way which is through eating a Balete Fruit but that's an expensive way to do." The old hag said while I was breathing heavily at the ground.

I can only nod at her, and she left once seeing that.

"Don't forget about your training, kid. I'll rest for now since I don't have anything else to teach at the moment." She says as she departs.


Weeks passed, and I stayed at the old hag's place at that time. The daily routine was only practicing in using the Spirit Body. With the teachings of the old hag, I managed to be able to use it for 5 minutes straight. When I used up the 5 minutes though, I will be drained and weak.

My pokemon also got some training with the old hag's pokemon. The old hag's pokemon was strong, and they are actually not her starter pokemon. She told me that her first few pokemon actually died from the war, and her current pokemon were the pokemon she raised for only a few decades.

I can't imagine how strong would her old pokemon be if they managed to survived up until now. I saw three new pokemon from the old hag which are a Nidoking, a Nidoqueen, and a Beedrill. All of the old hag's pokemon taught my pokemon, and I can say that they really gave my pokemon a power boost.

"Let's stop the training for today, kid. Tomorrow, you'll be leaving for the trials. You will need all the rest you can get to be prepared." The old hag said while I was using the Spirit Body.

"Yes, master." I told her then turned off my Spirit Body.

"You don't have to bring anything, since the clan trial will only let you bring your pokemon with you." She said.

"Yes, master. Umm… I have a question, master." I replied.

"Go and ask it then."

"Do I still need to join the clan trials, master? I mean, I already attained the Spirit Body which is the purpose of the clan trials. Is it still necessary for me to join?" I asked her. I think that it's pointless for me to join in the trials since I already got what the clan intends to do. The only that I'll get from the clan trial will be getting to kill Mark. That's it, and I think it's not worth my time to spend a year just to kill that brat. I can kill him another time since there will be many opportunities in the future to do so.

"You still need to join because it's for your own good to experience in killing others. Well, that is what the clan says. Just follow the clan rules, and don't question it anymore. Even I don't have answers to the things you want to know sometimes." She replied. I nodded at her, and we left the training grounds.

"Let's go eat some snacks, kid. I'm sure that Liz made some food for us to eat." She said while we walk towards the kitchen.

Once we arrived, I can see Liz together with Myne. They are making some sandwiches and tea. Liz noticed our presence then gave a bow. Myne saw me then gave me a frowning look. The crazy girl is still the same.

"I and Miss Myne made some sandwiches, Elder Moi and master." Liz said then started to serve us the food at the table.

"Thank you, Liz. How is your training, Myne? I hope you're not just playing around with Liz. You have to practice your throwing skills. Also, I'll check your pokemon's progress later." The old hag said then drank her tea.

"Yes, Grandma." Myne replied with a nod then started eating too. I and Liz did the same, and we ate quietly with the occasional of me and Myne mocking at each other. This girl is really giving me a headache.