
Pokemon Master of Marvel (MCU)

A man's life is tragically cut short, but in death, he is given an incredible power. Reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he discovers that he has the ability to summon Pokemon. But this power is not without its consequences, and as he harnesses his newfound abilities, he must also grapple with the weight of his own mortality. With the added ability to use Aura and his emerging psychic prowess, he embarks on a dangerous journey through the perilous world of superheroes and villains, facing unimaginable challenges and making life-altering decisions along the way. Will he be able to navigate this new world and harness his powers for good, or will the darkness hiding beneath the surface consume him? Only time will tell. Join Sam in his Journey to become the Pokemon Master of Marvel.

GJCaesar · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 6

Thinking about what I just found out it was slightly jarring, the idea that any of the Pokémon that I summon didn't exist before the system brought them here was a little bit odd. NO memories, no knowledge of any life before this, well if that is indeed the case then I'll just have to give them a good life to remember.

We can create our own Pokémon world and show everyone the awesomeness that is Pokémon. Turning to the little guy I squatted down coming to eye level and seeing the curiousness in his eyes I told him about the world he came from.

"Hey partner, so I've found out that you don't have any memories from before I met you, is that true?"

"Char, Charmander." Nodding in response to my question.

"Well your species comes from a world that is inhabited by both people and Pokémon, they have many different jobs and there are so many different types of Pokémon I don't think people have discovered them all yet.

I am also not from this world, but I do have some memories from my life before, I got to know about you from what is called a video game, I fell in love with Pokémon and like we are now, my first partner was a Charmander as well. In this game I went around and met and caught many different types of Pokémon with things called poke balls, they are these circular devices that can send out and recall the Pokémon linked to it in an instant.

I believe they also hold the Pokémon inside in a form of stasis, meaning that if you are injured I can recall you and heal you back later without your injuries getting worse.

I suppose I haven't told you what I'm wanting to do in this life and how you fit in to it. We've kinda been focused on our training as I got a bit distracted. Well, I want to show everyone a world of Pokémon, where we can live in harmony and settle our differences not with death and destruction but with competitive battling of partner pokemon. Your kind are just so amazing and capable of such mind blowing feats that if we can introduce you to them I'm sure they will all fall just as in love with you as I am.

What do you think partner? Want to shake this world up? Show them that we are the very best?"

"Char, char, Charmander char." Jumping up and down in excitement.

"Well I take it that's a yes then, hahaha", taking out one of the red and white spherical devices, "so this is the poke ball I told you about, what I didn't mention is that there are many different types, I do know that there is a different type which is suppose to be much more comfortable inside so when I get ahold of one of those I can transfer you to that one.

All I have to do it tap you with this and it will pull you in, don't worry as soon as your in I will bring you straight out, it will just help with keeping our existence a secret until we are ready." Seeing the understanding from Charmander I moved the ball towards him and before I could tap him he jumped up and head butted the ball, quickly turning into red light and getting sucked up.

Without any hint of shake or wobble, the poke ball vibrated once and I heard a click, looking at the ball in excitement I picked it up and quickly released my partner into the world.

Looking around and spotting me he jumped over and hugged my legs, seeming ok with the situation he proceeded to walk towards the door of the apartment, "hey hey wait up, until we find a secluded area I'll have to keep you in the ball, just so no one sees us coming out of the building. Are you ok with that? Was it alright inside?"

Looking up thoughtfully I could see him consider the question, pausing for a moment in thought I then got a nod and upon pressing the button he turned into red light again and was sucked into the ball. With a longer press the ball then shrunk down to a table tennis ball size. Pocketing the ball I made my way outside, I kept the balaclava rolled up so it looked like a beanie, don't need any one thinking I was some kind of criminal.

Making my way outside I moved down the side of the building where there was a series of alleys connected to each other creating a maze throughout the buildings around us. Moving til I was obscured by the darkness I released Charmander and he looked around our new surroundings, seeing him wrinkle his nose at the some of the smells around us I reassure him, "hey buddy, yeah I know its not the most glamorous surroundings but we'll move on from here, lets just ignore the smell and see if we can find anything happening.

Just remember that if we come across someone doing something we need to stop that you need to restrain yourself, don't put all your energy into it. Lets stick with 'growl' and 'scratch' and leave ember for later when we have more control of it."

"Char, Char", seeing him nod in agreement we moved off.

Walking down the alley we tried to listen out for anything happening and this continued for around an hour with nothing happening, I was starting to feel like our first night out was going to be a bit of a bust, until I heard a faint 'POP POP' in the distance, freezing for a moment I thought about what it could be, then I froze, was that gun fire? Shit, we need to get there and see what's happening, someone could be hurt, not sure what we could do but I'll assess that when we get there.

Running down the alley in the direction of the gun fire, we made our way quickly, running far faster than I had ever done, hoping I hadn't missed the action and that I can still help out. I was starting to worry seeing nothing in front of me, just as we were turning into the last alley before the street I stopped in shock as what was before me.

I could see a lady pressed up against a dumpster with a tall man menacingly walking towards her holding a gun in his hand, seeing no blood on the lady I looked further and saw a medium size dog lying on it's side near the opening of the alley with blood pooling around its body.

Jumping into action I yelled out, "quick, Charmander use 'growl', target the man"

Running forward I saw Charmander set himself on the ground and with a deep breath he let out a massive 'GROWL', I could see the sound waves narrow into a beam and hit the man sending him flying back 10 metres. Pulling out some zip ties I ran up and while he was disoriented I restrained him.

The lady watched on with her mouth wide open in shock at what had transpired, it was pretty understandable I mean she just saw a just shy of a metre tall fire lizard appear in front of her and with a loud growl send a man flying. Its not everyday you see something like that.

Wanting to check out the situation with Charmander and myself as I have a theory that I might be able to earn experience from other forms of interaction instead of Pokémon battles.



AGE: 21

LEVEL: 0/??

EXP: 0.5/500






ABILITIES/ PERKS: Mental Fortitude(MAX), Genetic Anomaly, Inventory, Inspect (MAX), Aura (Beginner), Psychic (Beginner)

Well would you look at that, it seems I was on the money with that, but if that's all I get it's going to be ages til I can get another level. Lets have a look at my little dude, see if there is any change for him as well, if what I thought is right then he should have gained some more experience as well.




BOND: 68%

HEALTH: 100%


MOVES: Scratch(BGNR), Growl (INT), Ember

NOTE: A bond of less than 40% will cause Pokémon to ignore some commands

Huh, we must run off different levelling formats, will have to see what the change is when he gets to the next level.