
Pokemon Master of Marvel (MCU)

A man's life is tragically cut short, but in death, he is given an incredible power. Reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he discovers that he has the ability to summon Pokemon. But this power is not without its consequences, and as he harnesses his newfound abilities, he must also grapple with the weight of his own mortality. With the added ability to use Aura and his emerging psychic prowess, he embarks on a dangerous journey through the perilous world of superheroes and villains, facing unimaginable challenges and making life-altering decisions along the way. Will he be able to navigate this new world and harness his powers for good, or will the darkness hiding beneath the surface consume him? Only time will tell. Join Sam in his Journey to become the Pokemon Master of Marvel.

GJCaesar · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 27

The next two days passed in a flash an before I knew it the week was drawing to a close. We had been keeping quiet ourselves, focused on our training and going out rarely. I could see that the criminals were starting to get more confident, as we had dropped back on our trips out to curb their activities.

I hated seeing that happen, but until I came up with a foolproof plan of getting around shield and out of their spotlight, I had to live with it. But when that time does come then we will go out with a vengeance and put them in their place. 

Looking at my status I could see that with the week coming to an end that my draws had increased again which led me to my third Pokémon, a bit earlier than was expected but certainly a welcome surprise.

I didn't want to draw them earlier due to the odd chance that I only get draws up until I have a full ten for a bundle draw. It seems unlikely but with how odd the system has been I wanted to double check to be safe.



AGE: 21

LEVEL: 4/??

EXP: 16/74

JOB: Novice Trainer


GASTLY (71%)




ABILITIES/ PERKS: Mental Fortitude (MAX), Genetic Anomaly, Inventory, Inspect (MAX), Aura (Beginner+), Psychic (Beginner+)

Focusing on the draws a menu came up,


SINGLE - 10/1

BUNDLE - 1/1

*NOTE: Bundle draw guarantees a Pokémon

Choosing bundle I could hear a series of dings in my head.

ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, DING, ding, ding, DING.

Holy shit, there were two big results there, could I have gotten two Pokémon in the one draw? With excitement racing through my veins, I looked at the results.

Received: 1x Potion

Received: 1x Awakening

Received: 1x Poke Ball

Received: 1x Poke Ball

Received: 1x Burn Heal

Received: 1x Ether

Received: 1x ★Abra (Lvl 5)★

Received: 1x Potion

Received: 1x Antidote

Received: 1x Pokémon Egg

Wow, just.... wow, that's so much more than I could have ever hoped to get off some basic draws. If that is what I could get from a basic draw bundle, then what about the higher levels. What could possibly come from those and how would I get the chance to get some of those draws. Thinking about what I had gone through so far with my Pokémon had me kind of dreading the levels I would have to reach before the system would grant me any of those.

But enough of that, looking at my results had me over the moon, from the looks of it the Abra was shiny? Is that what the stars meant? And what about that egg, system can I get any information about it? Getting my hopes up for a response, which were subsequently dashed as I get nothing from the system. Well, I guess I'll just have to wait it out to see what new partner I get from that egg. There was a feeling sitting in the back of my head thinking about the egg, but I couldn't pin point exactly what it was.

Ignoring the other items and focusing on the egg and Abra I waited for them to materialise to only see the egg pop out of nothing into my arms but no Abra. Confused I looked around trying to spot the Pokémon and low and behold he was just there floating in midair right behind me. Giving me a fright and a half, jumping into the air and screaming..... in a very masculine manner of course, glancing over to the laughing ghost as he enjoyed the show.

Swearing to get back at him I turned to the psychic Pokémon before me,


LVL 5 (0/25)

GENDER: Female


BOND: 50%

HEALTH: 100%


MOVES: Teleport (Beginner)

NOTE: A bond of less than 40% will cause Pokémon to ignore some commands

Well then it seemed like a normal regular Abra, apart from the colouring making her a shiny variant of course. Though a massive smile made its way across my face seeing the move that was available, this might just be my ticket to get around those Shield bozos.

I'm curious about it though, with Abra being in a new environment would she need to see each location before being able to 'teleport' there or could we develop a kind of link between us and she could use my memories until she is capable enough to lead the move?

Then coming to her move set, along the lines with Cinder and then Gastly, is she limited by her level, or could we work on her use of the psychic type energy and develop moves earlier than expected. I mean after all, being able to use a move like teleport and not any offensive focused moves doesn't make much sense to me. Being able to use psychic energy to move yourself instantaneously from one point to another seems much more complicated than say something like Confusion.

Plenty of things to work on and we have plenty of time to do so, maybe something like Pokémon battles between the three of them would help with developing their skills even more. I mean they don't get a huge amount of combat experience from the low-level goons we have been dealing with, working on some combination of moves for when we come up against some tougher opponents would be good as well.

Turning to Abra I was about to introduce myself when I heard a female voice echo through my mind,

"Greeting human Samuel, this one is pleased to meet you."

"Ummm hello??" saying into the air, "can you hear me?".

"No need to talk out loud human Samuel, think what you wish to say." The female voice responded

"Oh, um well this is odd, can you hear me now?" Hesitantly talking inside my head.

"Yes, I could hear you before, but this is preferred, it is much faster to communicate."