
Pokemon Master(Translated)

Why do Pokemon fight each other in the college entrance examination? Why are they attacking you when you go out? Can anyone tell me what happened to the earth... Don't touch me, I don't want medicine, I'm not crazy! After accepting the setting, Fang Yuan was determined to become an excellent trainer. (The beginning of the novel will be like a slice of life novel but it gets heated up pretty fast, so bear with it for the first 10-15 chapters) (Updates will be sporadic. As said in the title, I am not the author. I'm just a guy with a lot of time and a desire to share this excellent book with my fellow readers. I am unable to contact the author due to language problems but if the author wants to talk with me just leave a comment anytime.)

Fang_Yuan56 · Anime und Comics
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99 Chs

Chapter 4 : Go to the feeding house

  Time passed, and it was June 24 in a blink of an eye.

  Fang Yuan's summer vacation officially started.

  It is expected that in a while, he will go to the public nursery to buy the starter Pokemon eggs.

  There are four requirements for becoming a trainer in China.

  One is to be over sixteen years old, the second is to pass the physical examination of the trainer, the third is to pay taxes annually, and the fourth is to have a Pokemon.

  Fang Yuan is just the right age, and the physical examination is organized by the school. He is also qualified. When he gets the Pokemon egg, he can directly go to the Pokemon center to register to become a trainer with the certificate of the breeding house.

  After the Pokemon hatches and he activates the identity information, he can claim to be a trainer.

  Professional trainers have the right to use 95% of public facilities in various countries for free. They need to pass the difficult assessment of the Trainers Association to obtain a license. The requirements are high, so the treatment is good.

  The requirements for becoming an ordinary trainer are low, but the salary is not bad.

  The most important point is that individuals in society can only own Pokemon with the identity of a trainer.

  In fact, just being eligible to enjoy the preferential services of the wizard center, friendly shops, and other facilities, is something that most Pokemon trainers cannot refuse.

  It can be said that the status of an ordinary trainer is an indispensable pass. Otherwise, the Pokemon will have nowhere to go for treatment if they are sick or injured. You must know that private Pokemon hospitals hardly exist in China, and the Pokemon Trainers Association has a monopoly on medical services of Pokemon all over the world.

  In the past half month, Fang Yuan has been trying to learn more, and at the same time, he has perfected the grass Pokemon cultivation plan he conceived.

  No one saw Fang Yuan's change, and even his parents didn't feel anything strange. After all, even if he had two memories, Fang Yuan was still himself.

  "Fang Yuan, are you ready, don't miss the appointment time." Father Fang shouted in the living room.

  "Wait a minute." In the bedroom, Fang Yuan put on his clothes and looked in the mirror, trying to make himself look more natural.


  Hearing the quick answer, Fang's parents waiting in the living room all smiled, and they could hear the excitement in Fang Yuan's tone.

  Fang's father and mother don't have any holidays, but today they took leave together. The reason is very simple. They have to accompany Fang Yuan to the nursery to buy Pokemon eggs.

  Due to Fang Yuan's age, he must be accompanied by a guardian.

  And if there are no adults who can pay, Fang Yuan can't afford a Pokemon egg. You must know that all his savings are in his bank card contains only 6000 yuan.

  This little money can barely buy an ordinary pet, so let's forget about a Pokemon egg.

  Fang Yuan was indeed very excited, after all, he had been waiting for half a month.

  After Fang Yuan came out of the bedroom, the family stopped lingering and set off.


  There are five high schools in Pingcheng. Among them, the Association of Trainers and the Ministry of Education have jointly recognized that only Pingcheng No. 1 Middle School is qualified to train trainers, and Pingcheng No. 1 Middle School has about 400 senior high school students in this class. These students will make an appointment these days and then pick a day to buy a Pokemon egg.

  On the street leading to the feeding house, there are parents constantly taking students to the breeding house, and some parents rushing back with students holding the Pokemon egg.

  Pingcheng is not big, so it is inevitable to meet acquaintances in this situation. Soon after going out, Fang Yuan immediately heard "hey" and met someone he knew, who was a classmate of Class 12 of the second year with him.

  "Uncle Lin, Lin Jing." Fang Yuan grinned and stepped forward to say hello.

  The man wears casual clothes and is about the same age as Fang Yuan's parents. The girl next to him is very beautiful, has a heroic spirit, and has a special temperament.

  "It's Xiao Jing's classmate, hello." Uncle Lin replied with a smile.

  Fang Yuan's parents were also considered to have had some fate with each other at the parent-teacher meeting, and the two parties immediately started a polite conversation after they met.

  Fang Yuan also wants to chat with this Uncle Lin.

But seeing that his parents are talking vigorously, he can only look at his classmate helplessly.

  This Uncle Lin is considered a legend in Pingcheng, the captain of the Pingcheng Criminal Police Squad, who has uncovered many thefts and murders using Pokemon and is very famous in Pingcheng.

  This is the first professional trainer Fang Yuan met...

  "Fang Yuan, guess what starter I will pick..." Lin Jing said to Fang Yuan.

  "Growlithe." Fang Yuan said directly.

  "You are so boring." Lin Jing said in a dull tone.

  It was so uncomfortable to be guessed halfway through.

  "I didn't have to guess..." Fang Yuan didn't bother about the complaint. This Lin Jing was raised by Uncle Lin as a policeman since she was a child. The whole class knows it, and the Growlithe and the Arcanine are almost the standard equipment of a Chinese police officer.

  Growlithes are clever, brave, and loyal, and have a keen sense of smell. As long as they know a smell, they will never forget it no matter what happens. They can detect a person's emotions by smelling them. They are known as the most suitable Pokemon to be police dogs.

  Although this kind of Pokemon is very rare, with the conditions of Lin Jing's family, ordering one is easy and affordable.

  The encounter with his classmate was only an accident. The two families walked a distance together because of the way, but when they approached the breeding house, they had to separate due to the need to find their respective guides.

  After Lin's father and daughter left, Fang's father suddenly touched his chin and said, "Oh, do you plan to fall in love after graduation?"

  "It's a waste of time." Fang Yuan said calmly.

  "I think Lin Jing is fine." Father Fang said seriously.

  "I'm afraid that people will look down on your son." Fang Ma said.

  "..." Fang Yuan looked at the sky. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  My parents are good at everything, but they are a little confused and tired.


  "You are number 51, Fang Yuan family."

  "We are."

  After coming here, Dad Fang made a phone call, and soon a young man with glasses walked out of the breeding house and greeted him with a smile.

  After seeing this person, Fang Yuan's spirit was lifted up, finally started the selection.

  "You have worked hard, please come with me. By the way, my name is Shiraishi." After finding the customer, the young man with glasses who walked out of the breeding house smiled again.

  Public breeding houses and Pokemon centers are both affiliated organizations of the Trainers Association. At present, the only places in China that can legally sell Pokemon and Pokemon are public breeding houses.

  It is illegal to buy or sell Pokemon through other channels.

  It is worth mentioning that the owners and most of the employees of the breeding house are formal breeders who have passed the assessment of the breeder association. They are proficient in the cultivation of many Pokemon and naturally include incubation and care.

  Therefore, every Pokemon egg and Pokemon that can be sold in a public feeding house will not have bad talents and will not suffer from any diseases, but the price will naturally be higher.

  It is said to be a "house", but it is actually very large, like a square, with complete classification.

  Following the process of the other party entering here, the three of them nodded repeatedly while listening to the introduction of the glasses youth.

  "Before I came here, I think Mr. Fang, you must have known the types of Pokemon eggs in our breeding house. I don't know if there is anything you like."

  "We don't understand. The children still have to choose by themselves, and he said that he wants to go and select the Pokemon himself."

  Fang Ma said.

  "That's good, let the child decide for himself," Shiraishi said.