
The Way Back To Viridian




[Pokemon Speech]


"See anything, Kayden?"

[Nope. Well, aside from caterpies and metapods that is]

"Finding a good bug-type pokemon is harder than I initially thought..." Nate frowned as they were now both calmly walking through the forest back to Viridian. Nate was in no rush as he wanted to see if he could find any pokemon in the forest that might consider adding. "I'd be fine with any decent pokemon at this point, don't care if it's not a bug..."

[According to memory, we never even really went through a forest that much in the games. It was more of an open plain, with a bunch of rattata that is. Who knows what we'll be able to find, this is the real world for us now]

"That's true. Anything is possible." Nate nodded with a smile as they both made it out of the forest and onto an open river area with a dirt path that led into the distance. This was the way that they took to get to Pallet Town, they only went into the forest to see if they could find anything interesting. "Now that I think about it, isn't this the river that Ash met Misty or something?"

[Yeah, pretty sure it is]

While the two of them were more focused on playing the games than watching the show, they did remember a few things that they either heard or seen by chance on the web or had watched in their spare time. They always preferred the games to the show.

[We never saw her when we came by here this morning though, probably that she hasn't actually arrived here yet. Ash is probably sleeping still right now] Kayden deadpanned as they continued walking. [Also, how the hell do they take so long in this forest area when we managed to walk along here this morning in four hours?]

"Beats me, bro. Maybe they got sidetracked by something or whatever." Nate shrugged. It was kind of strange how long they took to actually get through route one, it didn't take long for Nate and Kayden to get through. If they wanted, they could run and speed the time down to maybe an hour or two. "Not really our business though. We should keep sear- watch out!"


Kayden quickly reacted to Nate's words as he rolled out of the way of something that had just rushed past him, Nate looked at what had almost hit Kayden and saw that it was some kind of purple toxic liquid that was now sprayed all over the rocky edge of the forest.

[Hey, what the hell was that for, asshole!] Kayden stopped his roll and stood up and glared hatefully towards whatever had fired the attack at him. Nate and him looked towards the river, which was where the enemy had fired the attack from. [Wait, isn't that...]

"Yeah... the hell? What's it doing in Kanto?"

The pokemon that they were looking at was a pokemon that was obviously a bug and had just hopped out of the water and onto the edge of the river as it seemed to be staring at them with a challenging look in its eyes. The pokemon had a purple body that was covered in silver plates.

"It's a wimpod..."

[No damn...] Kayden muttered also in surprise. They both knew very well that wimpod were pokemon that originally came from the Alola region, so seeing one here in Kanto was a real shock. However, Kayden shook his head before glaring again. [Wait, aren't your species a bunch of cowards? How come it's attacking us head-on!?]

"We shouldn't always trust the pokedex, anything can change." Nate didn't bother to take out his pokedex since the one that Professor Oak had given to him was not a national dex, so it wouldn't even be able to recognise this wimpod. He'd definitely ask the professor to upgrade his pokedex though, he should have done that before, but it didn't cross his mind. "Why don't we catch it?"

[Hm? Oh, good idea! If this dude ends up evolving, he could be a real good addition!] Kayden grinned as he stepped up while cracking his small knuckles. Seeing this, the wimpod seemed to give a grin of its own as it prepared itself for combat. [This guy seems raring to battle too. Nice personality!]

"Wait, guy? Can you tell it's gender?"

[Don't really know how. But, just by looking at other pokemon, I somehow can tell their gender somehow. It's like magic. Pokemon magic]

"I see... anyway, let's start this off with a Quick Attack!" Kayden quickly complied as he suddenly shot forwards with a burst of speed. The wimpod narrowed its eyes before a purple aura surrounded its body, though it soon disappeared. Nate narrowed his eyes at the move. "Kayden, back off, quickly!"

[Gotcha!] Kayden quickly stopped his advance and jumped backwards just in time as a burst of purple energy suddenly shot out from Wimpod's body as Kayden skidded to a stop as he looked surprised by the attack. [Was that...?]

"Yeah, it used Struggle Bug. Charge in now with Quick Attack before it has the energy to use it again!" Kayden nodded before charging in again as the wimpod widened its eyes at the quick retaliation. It then fired a blast of wet sand from its mouth as Kayden quickly dashed around it as he arrived in front of wimpod. "Use Thunderbolt!"

[Lezz goooo!] Kayden grinned as his body sparked with a large amount of electricity. Wimpod soon felt an incredible amount of pain rush into its body as Kayden's attack struck it. Kayden jumped back as soon as his attack finished. Wimpod had remained unmoving on the ground for a bit, though soon began to force itself to move forwards. [It's still conscious...?]

"Woah, impressive." Nate smirked. He could tell that the wimpod was moving entirely out of willpower and was still wanting to battle, and that made him want wimpod even more now. While he knew using wimpod on the first gym was a double-edged move, he had a feeling it would be just fine. "Kayden, Quick Attack!"

[Got it!]

Kayden charged back towards the wimpod, who forced itself up before firing a blast of water from its mouth, surprising the both of them as the attack was so fast that it surprised them greatly. Nate widened his eyes before shouting. "Kayden, roll to the side!"

Kayden barely dodged the rapid attack as it sailed past him, Nate also quickly jumped to the side as the stream of water struck the ground behind him. He widened his eyes when he saw that steam was coming up from the ground.

[Holy crap, that was Scald! Who is this wimpod?!]

"Kayden, we're finishing this now! Use Quick Attack and finish!" Nate ordered as Kayden nodded before easily running up to the wimpod and striking it. They both could tell that the wimpod didn't have the energy to move, but it could still release attacks. The pokemon rolled across the grass a few times before fainting. "Damn, this wimpod was no joke..."

[No kidding! That poison from before probably wasn't even a move, probably poison from its body that it shot out] Kayden shivered as he didn't want to be poisoned. They knew that wimpod could fire poison from their mouths when they were threatened. They luckily took it out before it could do anything else.

While it didn't manage to do any damage to Kayden, it sure did surprise them.

Before they could say anything else, the wimpod seemed to wake up after less than ten seconds as it blinked a few times before looking around in confusion before noticing Nate and Kayden staring at it. It flinched for a second before calming down before walking up to them using its many legs, confusing them.

It then bowed at them, the best it could at least...

"Is it acknowledging its defeat?" Nate wondered in confusion. Kayden didn't get to reply as it then gave a nod at him, answering the question that Nate had just asked. Kayden and Nate shared a look before giving chuckles as they saw this. "Do you want to come with us, Wimpod?"

Wimpod seemed confused...

"Yo, Kayden. Can you ask Wimpod instead? Explain it to him... I'll get the healing supplies so I can treat the injuries we just gave him."

[Sure] Kayden nodded before turning to look at the confused wimpod that blinked his eyes at them. When he saw Kayden look at him, he gave him his attention. [Yo, homey. Would you like to join us on a journey of epic proportions and big boy tings?]

"That's how you ask...?"

Nate just shook his head at his friend's actions as he went into his bag to get the supplies he needed to heal wimpod, even if the pokemon didn't want to come with him, he would feel bad if he left it to its own devices when seriously injured by those attacks from Kayden. When he did, he saw that Kayden was finished talking with Wimpod, who stood next to him.

[We're good. He says he wanted to come with us] Kayden smiled as Nate looked at Wimpod for confirmation. Wimpod nodded its head with determination filling its eyes, along with excitement. [I told him about the gyms and league's we'll be taking on in the different regions. He agreed instantly]

"I see... well, good to have you on the team, Wimpod!"
