
Pokemon: Journey to The Top

MC gets reincarnated as per his wishes into the Pokémon world with a system and an... intriguing starter choice follow him on his journey through the Kanto region to the top of the world the champion!! (Power system idea taken from Pokemon Master of Tactics by alex02373 anything else is what I've added myself).[I don't own Pokémon nor the Cover Art all rights go to the original creators.]

The_Great_BoredOne · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 8: Tournament Begins

[General POV]




{Time Skip 7 days}

The week flew by for Eli and his team. Satisfied with their levels, they shifted focus to moves and body training, making impressive progress.

Pokémon: Corvisquire

Lvl: 24

Type: Flying

Ability: Keen Eye

Gender: Male

Potential: Shallow Gold

Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip, Hone Claws, Taunt [E], Fury Attack

(Innate Talent) Drill Peck [E] (Innate Talent) Tailwind [E]

(TM) Roost, (TM) U-Turn, (TM) Fly, (TM) Protect

Pokémon: Kubfu

Lvl: 24

Type: Fighting

Ability: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Gold

Moves: Rock Smash, Leer, Endure, Focus Energy, Aerial Ace, Reversal [E]

(Innate Talent) Brick Break [E] (Innate Talent) Bulk Up [E]

(TM) Protect, (TM) U-Turn, (TM) Ice Punch, (TM) Fire Punch, (TM) Thunder Punch, (TM) Mega Kick, (TM) Mega Punch

Corvisquire got Taunt to expert rank, and Kubfu got the three moves Eli had asked him to train to expert rank. Their physical growth was equally impressive, but Ralts outshone them.

Pokémon: Ralts [Shiny]

Lvl: 16

Type: Psychic Fairy

Ability: Trace

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold

Moves: Growl, Double Team, Disarming Voice,Confusion, Hypnosis, Teleport [E]

(Innate Talent) Dazzling Gleam [E] (Innate Talent) Magical Leaf [E]

(TM) Protect

Ralts got his innate moves and even teleported to expert rank in one week! While training, they prioritized their moves and stats, limiting their catches, but they gathered some good potential Pokémon to sell, like:

• Silver/Deep Silver Scyther (Lvl 22/23)

Silver Raticate (Lvl 25)

• 2 silver beedrills (Lvl 25/26)

• Gold Beedrill (Lvl 27)

Silver Pineco (Lvl 19)

• Gold Pinsir (Lvl 22)

2 Silver Pikachus (Lvl 18)

He hoped for more, but anything less wouldn't justify the effort. While Pinsir could fetch a high price, Eli struggled to see it fitting his team.

As he made his way into the Viridian Stadium, he saw a huge crowd of people waiting in line. After what felt like hours, his turn arrived as he registered the two Pokémon he would be using in the tournament.

Eli-Kubfu Lvl 24, Corvisquire Lvl 24

After registering, he got his participant number, #23, and a briefing about the rules. This would be a single battle tournament; there'd be two elimination rounds before the top 16, then the quarterfinals and the semifinals, and the next day would be the day of the finals and the third-place match. As he left the registration booth, he stood in the waiting area for his number to be called. He saw many people, rookies like him, and saw a familiar face in Adrian, who waved at him. As Eli was about to make his way to have a chat with Adrian, another familiar face arrived in front of him.

"Well, lookie here. I warned you not to come into this tournament, ready to get crushed." A person came up to him with a loud and obnoxious voice. Eli, not recognising him, asked, "Sorry, who are you again?" Adrian burst out laughing, while the other guy was too shocked to speak. "I'm Tristan, you dumbss!" the now-identified Tristan shouted red in embarrassment as he stomped off. "...." Eli, still not remembering who he was, started having a conversation with Adrian. "So how good do you feel about this tournament?" Eli asked Adrian, and Adrian gave Eli a look that said it all. "Really? You are participating, and you have the gall to ask me how I'm feeling. When'd you become a comedian?" Adrian replied sarcastically. As Eli was about to reply, the speaker in the room announced, "Participant numbers 23 and 64, please make your way to the stage."

"Hey, I gotta go. For now, we'll meet up after, yeah?" Eli asked, to which Adrian nodded. 'Alright, here goes.' As he made his way into the stadium, he saw a huge audience waiting for him on the screen.

Participant #23: Eli

Kubfu Lvl 24, Corvisquire Lvl 24

Participant #64: Tristan Lee

Fearow Lvl. 22, Spearow Lvl. 19

"Ohhhh, so you were that spearow guy who lost to Rookidee before." Eli had a light bulb moment as he started the conversation, to which Tristan went red from either anger or embarrassment. Eli couldn't tell, maybe both. "AHHHHHH SHUT UPPP AND FIGHT, I WANT REVENGE." Tristan bellowed.

"What do we have here, folks? The tournament has just begun; we aren't even at our first battle, and we seem to have a rivalry here. Who do you have your money on?" The commentator's voice resounded around the stadium from the speakers, to which the audience cheered.

"Trainers, release your first Pokémon!" The referee in the middle of the field shouted. Eli nodded as he let out Corvisquire, and Tristan let out his Spearow. He didn't even view it as a threat, so he didn't bother scanning it. "Taunt, then tailwind into Hone Claws. "Eli gave out multiple orders at once while the poor spearow was too scared by the crow to even move, even though his trainer had ordered him to use Leer. "And what's this? Ingenious play by Participant 23 here; not only did he shut down any strategic play from his opponent, he is even setting up to also take the next Pokémon of his opponent down with ease!"

"Spearow, do something!!!" Tristan was just as panicked as his Spearow as he saw the Corvisquire setting up multiple times. "Finish this drill peck." Eli spoke with finality, and just like the lighting Corvisquire struck, poor Spearow didn't stand a chance. "Grr, you just got lucky, Fearow. Go take revenge." Fearow came out with a menacing squawk, but upon seeing the familiar face, he was scared out of his wits.

"Drill Peck again." Eli looked bored as he commanded his Pokémon, who looked just as bored, disappointed in not getting a challenge. "Fearow use Fury Attack." Tristan shouted with confidence, only for it to be shattered by Corvisquire's Drill Peck. 

"Ohhhhh, total and utter domination by our participant #23, poor participant #64, never stood a chance." The commentator narrated to the crowd, who looked disappointed at the first battle of the tournament. Eli quietly returned his Pokémon as he left the stage, not bothering to look at that waste of a trainer.

As he got back into the waiting room, he saw a tall boy with a very muscular build. He had grey eyes and black hair of medium length that was messily combed backward, making it stick outwards. "BWAHAHA, that idiot that was shouting at you got humbled, didn't he? You should have seen the look on his face." The person in question laughed aloud.

"Hiya, I'm Andre Gödelstride, Eli, right? Damn, bro, you really know your way around a battle.". The person now identified as André introduced himself. 'Wait.' Eli thought in his mind. "The same family that made the Poly-Pal?" Eli asked the tall boy in front of him. To which Andre let out a smirk, "The one and only, anyways, so how'd you get so good at battling? Aren't you a rookie? Don't tell me you disguised yourself as one to get the prizes." To which Eli rolled his eyes. "Haha, very funny. I'm going to go meet my friend now. Wanna join?". To which Andre shrugged, "Sure, you gotta kill time somehow."

As they made their way to Adrian, he introduced Andre to him. The three continued on with their conversations on a variety of topics, from training to their feelings about the tournament, in the middle of which Adrian had a battle and was called up and returned after winning, resuming their conversation until Andre was called to the stage. "Seems like I'm up. I'll be back soon. See you." After Andre left, Eli couldn't help but comment, "He's... interesting to say the least," to which Adrian gave out a chuckle. "I dunno, you guys seem to get along well." Adrian replied. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say, let's observe his match for now. If there's anyone to look out for, it'd be him." Adrian nodded as they looked at the screen showing Andre's match.

"Ok folks, we're underway with Participant #1, and Participant #59, Lexi Wellington, sends out a furfrou while Participant #59 Andre Gödelstride sends out a pancham," the commentator announced.

While they got ready to fight, Eli scanned the pancham to gauge its strength, as it was most likely either Adrian or Andre he'd be facing in the finals tomorrow.

Pokémon: Pancham {Held Item: Muscle Band}

Lvl: 23

Type: Fighting

Ability: Iron Fist

Gender: Male

Potential: Gold

Moves: Low Kick, Brick Break, Taunt, Work Up [E]

(Innate Talent) Circle throw [E], (Innate Talent) Fake out [E]

(TM) Mega Kick, (TM) Thunder Punch, (TM) Mega Punch, (TM) False Swipe

He was strong, but not unbeatable. Eli thought in his mind as he watched the Pancham, who had a yellow headband, battle the Furfrou. "Alright, lead with a fake-out into a circle throw, then a low kick." Pancham quickly followed through as the Furfrou, who had been preparing Headbutt, was caught off guard before being thrown across the stage and hit by a low kick. "While it recovers, use Work Up." Andre commanded again.

"Flawless execution by Pancham Furfrou looks like it's barely standing up." As the commentator spoke, the crowd went wild with cheers. " Lexi shouted, "Furfrou, Wild Charge!!". Furfrou coated itself in Wild Charge as he went straight for the Pancham. "Intercept with Brick Break." Andre commanded cool, calm, and collected. While the Pokémon looked like they were about to meet at the last second, Pancham feinted to the side as he brick-breaked straight into Furfrou's side, knocking it out without ever taking any damage.

"And just like that, folks, Lexi is down to her last Pokémon. Will she create a comeback? Let's wait and see." As she recalled her Furfrou, she let out her next Pokémon, "Growlithe Fire Fang go!" Lexi shouted as Growlithe charged up its move. "Oh sh*t, Mega Kick and Mega Punch combo go!" Andre shouted. As the Pokémon met in the centre, the Growlithe missed its Fire Fang as it got uppercutted by a Mega Punch before being slammed into the ground by a Mega Kick soon after.

"And that wraps wrap folks Andre Gödelstride with a flawless victory." As the crowd cheered Andre on, he smiled and waved at the crowd before going back to the waiting room. "Congratulations on the win," Eli and Adrian commented as Andre returned. "Barely broke a sweat." Andre gave his, at this point, iconic smirk.

As they watched the battles pass, Eli and Adrian got called again for their second elimination rounds, which both won quite easily, before Andre had his turn again, which he also won. This dominance by the trio continued until the semi-finals, where Adrian and Eli were pitted against each other. Andre, as before, breezed past his opponent, and he wished both of his new friends good luck.

"We're onto our last match for the day, folks. The two dominators, Eli and Adrian Firewood, meet in the semi-finals." "Trainers, send out your Pokémon!!" The referee shouted as Eli and Adrian sent out their Pokémon. "And Corvisquire and Charmeleon have taken the field." The commentator exclaimed. As he waited for the match to begin, Eli scanned the Charmeleon.

Pokémon: Zorua

Lvl: 23

Type: Dark

Ability: Illusion

Gender: Male

Potential: Gold

Moves: Scratch,Leer, Torment, Hone Claws [E], Fury Swipes,Taunt

(Innate Talent) Night Daze [E] (Innate Talent) Shadow Ball [E]

(TM) Protect, (TM) Work Up

'Trying to be sneaky, huh?' Eli thought, amused. "Alright trainers, BEGIN!" The referee started the match. "Taunt." Eli commanded first. "Hone Claws, wait, how?" Adrian was shocked by Eli's perfect read. Corvisquire got out of the taunt, cancelling "Charmeleon's" move. Recovering quickly from the setback, Adrian shouted, "Night Daze Go!" "How is Adrian able to use Night Daze with Charmeleon Folks? This is crazy!!" The commentator shouted, rising up from his seat. "Tailwind and Drill Peck go." At the same time, Eli commanded his avian as Corvisquire started spiralling while using Drill Peck. The sudden boost from Tailwind caught "Charmeleon" off guard, but not before he launched a Night Daze that Corvisquire took head on, taking substantial damage. But the Drill Peck proved to be too much for it as the "Charmeleon" got sent flying, mid flight, turning back into Zorua.

"Can you believe it, folks? It was actually a Zorua!!" The commentator shouted as the crowd cheered. "Roost now," Eli immediately commanded, while Adrian was busy recalling his Zorua. "You play dirty, you know that." Adrian said jokingly, to which Eli shrugged. Adrian shook his head as he let out his final Pokémon. "Charmeleon, take the stage!" Adrian shouted as his final Pokémon, his stater, took to the field.

"Here it is, folks, Adrian's Charmeleon, who had been dominating the competition before," as the crowd went ballistic. Meanwhile, Eli quietly scanned the Charmeleon.

Pokémon: Charmeleon

Lvl: 24

Type: Fire

Ability: Blaze

Gender: Female

Potential: Gold

Moves: Scratch,Growl, Ember, Flame Burst, Metal Claw, Slash

(Innate Talent) Flamethrower [E] (Innate Talent) Dragon Claw [E]

(TM) Fire Punch, (TM) Work Up, (TM) Will-o-Wisp [E], (TM) Fire Blast

'Will-o-Wisp could cripple both of my Pokémon, especially at expert rank. I can't let him use it.' As a plan formed in Eli's mind, the referee resumed the battle. "Taunt" and "Will-o-Wisp" Both trainers gave their commands, but by a fraction of a second, Corvisquire was faster as he cancelled the fire lizards move. "Damn it, Flamethrower," Adrian cursed in frustration. "Dodge with a fly, then use Hone Claws." Eli gave out commands. "Aim where it might fly to, not where it is." Charmeleon succeeded a bit as she singed some of Corvisquire's feathers, but in turn, Corvisquire got in two Hone Claws.

"Drill Peck, go end it." Eli hoped to end it with this one move. "Wait for it, Charmeleon." Charmeleon nodded as she remained still, hoping to intercept the avian head-on. "NOW! FIRE BLAST!!" Adrian shouted as Eli's eyes widened, but it was too late as Corvisquire took a point blank Fire Blast, but that didn't stop his momentum as he rammed into Charmeleon, who was sent flying. "Both Pokémon are unable to battle, but as trainer Eli still has one Pokémon, he is the victor!" The referee shouted as the crowd went wild. "Well played, man; I never stood a chance." Adrian shook Eli's hand as they made their way off stage. "You really caught me off guard with the fire blast at the last moment; I didn't even have time to use protect."

"It's getting late. Wanna go out to eat with Andre after we get our Pokémon healed?" Eli asked, to which Adrian nodded, taking him up on the offer. They met up with Andre in the Poké Centre, who had a lot to talk about: "Your Corvisquire is a mad lad, who even takes a point blank fire blast head on and lives to tell the tale anyway? Bloody hell!" Andre swore as Adrian and Eli both laughed. After collecting their Pokémon, the three went to a restaurant to eat, where Eli got some interesting information from Andre. "You hear? There's an illegal betting ring going on about who's going to win me or you, haha, and not gonna lie, you seem to have bad odds; it's like 85 to 15 in my favor." Andre chuckled as he began eating.

Eli had successfully gauged Andre's strength, so he felt those odds were just biased. He thought he had a fair chance at victory too. 'Hmmmm, that gives me an idea.' As they finished their meal, a scheme started to brew in Eli's mind. After they parted ways, Eli decided to go to the black market as Wilbur Bon Vide and sell all the Pokémon he had to Magnus Vanguard. After a round of aggressive bargaining, he got 4,895,500P for the Pokémon he caught. Gold/S rank Pokémon were sold in the millions, even if they weren't of a popular species, and with a strong Pokémon like Pinsir alone, he got 3 Million P. After leaving the hunters guild, he made his way to a bar in the shady underworld as he made his way to the person hosting the bets.

"I place 4 million on the Eli kid." Wilbur Bon Vide said as he placed it on the counter, shocking everyone in the bar. "Y-y-you sure? The kids odds of winning are kind of low." The guy taking the bets asked, to which Wilbur Bon Vide replied in a cold tone, "Did I stutter?" The bet taker, scared sh*tless, quickly put the bet in as "Wilbur bon Vide" left.

Leaving the criminal underworld, Eli took off his disguise and sighed as he made his way back to his room in the Poké Centre before quickly sleeping, prepared for tomorrow.

Hope you liked this chapter as always if you liked vote it and review this is me logging off.

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