
Pokemon: Journey to The Top

MC gets reincarnated as per his wishes into the Pokémon world with a system and an... intriguing starter choice follow him on his journey through the Kanto region to the top of the world the champion!! (Power system idea taken from Pokemon Master of Tactics by alex02373 anything else is what I've added myself).[I don't own Pokémon nor the Cover Art all rights go to the original creators.]

The_Great_BoredOne · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 2: Humble Beginnings

[General POV]




As Eli groggily woke up, he felt as if he had been hit in the head by a truck. He did ask for knowledge of the world he would be in, but he didn't expect it to hurt like hell. First and foremost, he looked at his surroundings and saw a sign saying he was in Route 1 near a pond covered by dense forests. Slowly, he came to the realization that this world was really different from the Pokémon world he knew and loved.

Pokémon could be divided into Potentials, and moves had move masteries (AN: read auxiliary chapter please). He again realized it was REALLY different from the Pokémon world he knew. In this world, humanity had barely started to gain power over Pokémon thanks to the invention of the Poké Ball and Pokémon items but even then the world was riddled with chaos and wars, until the alliance was made to get protection from one another, the alliance was formed between the 8 nations, 9 including the newly discovered Paldea region. The alliance ruled around 80-90% of the world, with there being a few outliers, but even those outliers were being stamped out with the rapid modernization of the world.

Unfortunately, the profession of a Trainer, which involves working with Pokémon, is a high-risk profession. The number of people who want to become Trainers every year is very high, but very few people can actually become Trainers, and even in those few, there are the very few that can actually become good Trainers. It simply involved too many unknown variables and money.

While ruminating on the new information he had just gotten, he decided to take a look at what he looked like in the reflection of the pond. He had light skin, black eyes, and brown hair with a streak of white down the front of it, wearing a dark brown coat over a yellow sweater and fingerless black gloves. "Huh, I don't look half bad," Eli said with intrigue.

"Now, time to check my starter," Eli thought seriously. In his possession, he found a bag, and on his belt, he found one Poké Ball. He slowly unclipped it from his belt and unlocked the Poké Ball. Out came a bear-like Pokémon with its body primarily a dark gray, with a yellow snout and white patches of fur on its head and chest. The patch of fur on its forehead partially covered its black eyes and had two black downturned eyebrows on top. Additionally, with two white ribbons of fur located behind its head. He looked surprised to see a human in front of him and quickly took a fighting stance, but a fighting pose from a 0.6 m tall Kubfu looked more adorable than threatening.

"Hello there, little guy. I won't hurt you, I promise. You see, I am your trainer from now on, and you are my partner," Eli tried to calm the little ursine down. "Kubfu?" the little fighter looked at Eli with confusion. "You see, I am your trainer, and it is my responsibility to help you become stronger," Eli tried to explain to the little Kubfu. "Kubfu," he nodded in acknowledgment. 'Hook, line, and...' "Become my partner, Kubfu, and I promise to make you the strongest Urshifu the world will ever see," Eli spoke with passion. "Kubfu??!!" the little fighter exclaimed with stars in his eyes, asking if he was serious. Eli nodded. "You have my solemn vow." "Kubfu!!" he shouted, raising his small fist up to Eli. Eli was caught off guard, but he smiled and fist-bumped the little bear as a sign of their new partnership.

'Let's see how good you really are, my little monster,' Eli thought as he scanned Kubfu from his system. A smooth interface appeared, and the info he saw on Kubfu shocked him.

Pokémon: Kubfu

Lvl: 10

Type: Fighting

Ability: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Gold

Moves: Rock Smash, Leer, Endure, Focus Energy

(Innate Talent) Brick Break

(Innate Talent) Bulk Up

Eli widened his eyes in surprise. "Very good, we can work with this," Eli said to Kubfu as he patted his head. Kubfu raised his hand in acknowledgment. "Kubfu!!" he said with a cheerful expression. "Ok, little guy, I will recall you for now. When we begin training, I'll let you out, ok?" Eli asked Kubfu. Kubfu nodded his head in acknowledgment and with a flash of red light was returned into his Poké Ball.

"Now then, let's take inventory," Eli took off his bag and opened it to see what he had.

Eli's Bag:

• Wallet (3000P)

• Pokédex

• 2 extra pairs of clothes

• Scroll of Waters

• Map

• 5 Poké Balls

• 2 Potions

• Portable Tent

• Rations

• Pokémon food

• Note

After sorting out everything he had, he took out the note and read it. "Eli, my child, I have done as you wished. Now take the world by storm, and I would like to tell you the stark change in this world compared to the one you know. Kubfu don't evolve by just seeing the scrolls; they must learn the katas in there and learn the true essence of the scroll. They also have a secret. Good luck finding it out and good luck on your travels - God." As soon as he finished reading, the note vanished out of thin air.

While Eli was walking deeper into the route, he was comprehending what God had just said and scrolled the Pokédex, coming upon his Alliance ID.

Pokédex Number: #996922109

Name: Eli

Age: 15

Badges: 0

Official Matches record: 0 Wins/ 0 losses

Pokémon in possession (Carry Limit-6):

• Kubfu [Level 10]

While he was browsing the Pokédex, he got an alert. "Major sightings of migration of the Corviknight line seen in routes all across Kanto. We urge the Trainers to stay alert of huge Rookidee flocks." After seeing the News, he suddenly had an idea. Eli had indeed already created a rough outline of what he wanted his team to be, and especially he wanted his Kubfu when he evolves into an Urshifu to play the role of a head-on fighter who can tank hits and dish damage or with some support from his allies be a fast sweeper. The tools he will need for that would first and foremost be tailwind, and the Corviknight line can indeed learn tailwind and as well as be good tanks overall.

While Eli was lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice a Rattata coming over to him with an angry expression. When he did realize, he sent out Kubfu. Kubfu looked ready to battle as he took a fighting stance. "This is your first fight, Kubfu. Give it your all." He then proceeded to scan the Rattata quickly.

Pokémon: Rattata

Lvl: 9

Type: Normal

Ability: Runaway

Gender: Male

Potential: Shallow Bronze

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip

(Innate Talent) Quick Attack

(Innate Talent) Hyper Fang

'Not bad, but not quite good either,' Eli contemplated. While indeed Hyper Fang was a devastating move in lower levels, he had confidence that Kubfu could play around it.

"Bulk up now," Eli instructed his Pokémon as Rattata continued dashing forward. Kubfu began having a faint outline of red as his muscles visibly bulked up due to the fighting energy. As the Rattata neared, he shouted, "Brick Break!!" On the way, the Rattata had prepared a Hyper Fang and lunged forward onto Kubfu. Kubfu intercepted the rodent and with his glowing hand delivered a swift and strong chop onto the rodent's head, knocking it out.

"Good job, Kubfu," Eli praised his Kubfu while the little bear beamed at the praise he had gotten. Seeing the rodent unconscious, Eli had half a mind to catch it with its strong Innate Talent move, but he decided against it, as a Rattata wouldn't go far with his ambitions, and he had scarce resources. He had to make every last item count.

With how engrossed he was in the battle, he didn't realize the sun setting in the distance, and he quickly made his tent and gave his Kubfu the food he had. "Kubfu, listen up. You have a long road ahead of you to become an Urshifu, but I believe you can do it," Eli spoke seriously to his only Pokémon. "Kubfu!" the little bear nodded seriously. "Ok, then listen up. In addition to your normal training, you must learn to interpret this," as he started talking about training plans, he gave his Kubfu the Scroll of Waters. "To evolve, you must fully understand the true secrets of the path of water."

Kubfu looked at the scroll in amazement and with renewed resolve took the scroll and started observing the contents. "Haste makes waste, Kubfu. Rest for today. If you are to master the scroll, you must also learn discipline. I will keep watch. First, go to sleep. Your real training begins from tomorrow. Goodnight," he softly chided Kubfu for his behavior. Kubfu nodded and entered the tent to sleep.

After Kubfu went in, Eli started pondering. "I am actually in the Pokémon world. I can't believe it. My wildest dreams are turning into reality." As he kept watch, he started brainstorming on his team plans, reminding himself to get a notebook to write them down. After some time, he also entered the tent to sleep after making sure that there weren't any dangers outside. With one final thought, he fell asleep, awaiting tomorrow's trials. "Live life to the fullest."

WOOOOOOO FINALLY DONE. All in all i really like how this story is turning out to be I hope it continues like this.

The_Great_BoredOnecreators' thoughts