
Pokemon: Journey to The Top

MC gets reincarnated as per his wishes into the Pokémon world with a system and an... intriguing starter choice follow him on his journey through the Kanto region to the top of the world the champion!! (Power system idea taken from Pokemon Master of Tactics by alex02373 anything else is what I've added myself).[I don't own Pokémon nor the Cover Art all rights go to the original creators.]

The_Great_BoredOne · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 10: The Auction

[General POV]




Eli slowly woke up to the chirping of Pidgey perched on the windowsill of the Poké Centre, sunlight already slithering through Viridian city's rooftops. He stretched, the day's promise tingling in his veins, as his Pokédex buzzed with a message from Andre blinking on the screen.

<Rich Mofo> Yo, are you up yet? I'm heading to the Poké Centre.

<Lucky Bastard> Yeah, heading out too. By the way, when do you leave for Paldea?

<Rich Mofo> Next week, why? Wanna train together till then?

<Lucky Bastard> Yup.

<Rich Mofo> Sure, I wanted to let Pancham have a crack at your Kubfu anyway.

<Lucky Bastard> Mhm sure.

<Rich Mofo> I see you, look up from your Pokédex, idiot.

Eli looked up as he saw Andre, who looked completely different, gone. His trainer outfit was replaced by a finely tailored suit and slicked back hair. "Who the hell are you?" Eli blurted out as Andre gave a smirk. "What? I know how to look good. I'm just giving you a chance." Andre replied jokingly. "Sure, sure, whatever, are we going or not?" Eli asked to Andre. "In that drab? You are not; we need to get you some good clothes." Andre looked at Eli critically. "Why does it even matter, we're in private rooms are we not? nobody will even see us." Eli fired back. Andre shrugged. "If you say so, alright, follow me."

As Eli followed Andre, he was led to the other side of the giant city, which had a huge auction house. "It's here; our room is number 69; I hand-picked it." Andre smirked, to which Eli rolled his eyes. "Very mature of you." As they made their way to the room, they saw many people, from just rich people to gym leaders like Koga and Lt. Surge to even the Champion Lance and the Elite 4. "Wow, they got quite a crowd, huh?" Eli commented. "Of course this auction happens once a year. All sorts of rare items attract a lot of people here." Andre replied.

After a few minutes of waiting on the stage, they saw a beautiful woman. "Hello everyone, and welcome to the annual Viridian Auction. I will be your auctioneer for today. As you have seen, we have given a specific phone for every room in this auction; that is where you will bid. Without further ado, let's begin with the first item of the day: the dragon fang from a Champion-level Garchomp of the SS-Rank. The starting bid is 10 million P." There were a few bidders here and there, but it was a given who the item would go to: The Dragon Tamer Lance.

This continued on until one item piqued Eli's interest: "Now we have 10 feathers of a Champion Level Honchkrow on the SS-Rank, each reinforced from flying energy from the avian for a week. The starting bid is $6 million." Eli realised that this would be the perfect item for his Corvisquire and started bidding. "11 million P from room #69." The woman echoed his bid. "13 million P from #53." Seeing he was outbid, Eli got annoyed as he only had 61 million P and he couldn't afford to overpay, but sighing raised the bid as he made a promise to Corvisquire. "15 million P from room #69 going once, going twice, and sold to room #69." Eli was satisfied with his purchase as Andre asked, "For your Corvisquire, I assume?" to which Eli nodded as the auction went on until there was an egg being showcased. "This is the egg of a Larvitar with two Champion-level SS-rank parents; the starting price is 100 million P." Eli sighed at not being rich enough to bid on it, but Andre swiftly bid on it. 'Rich bastard.' Eli thought in his mind. "150 million P from room #69 going once, going twice, and sold!!" Andre faced no competition with his absurd bid. as he secured the Larvitar.

The next few items were not worth noting for both of them, as none of them fit their Pokémon or were too expensive for Eli. That was until a briefcase with three white scales arrived on the stage. "These are the scales from a half-blood Lugia. Any Pokémon absorbing the energy from these scales is bound to raise its potential; the starting bid is 25 million P." Eli knew no matter how much it cost, he had to get those scales for Ralts, as with those scales and some other items, Ralts was bound to be a potential Deep Diamond Pokémon. "30 million from room #69 going once, going twice, so—what's this? 32 million from room #1." 'Damn it' Eli thought as he raised his bid to 35 million P. "35 million going once, going twice, and sold to room #69." Eli had secured the scales from the Half Blood Lugia, but he didn't feel a lot of joy as he only had 11 million P left to buy an item for Kubfu.

While not comparable to full-blood Pokémon, who could be considered true deities, half-blood Pokémon were their offspring, so they were strong, but normal Pokémon could also reach their strength with time and training, but one edge they had over other Pokémon was that the items they created were more potent and coveted.

As the auction reached the 50th item, an Eevee was shown from a cage to the crowd. "This is a S-rank Eevee, quite the rare species; the starting bid is 50 million P." Andre seemed to want the Eevee as well and immediately bid. Seeing his friend show interest, he decided to scan the Eevee.

Pokémon: Eevee

Lvl: 10

Type: Normal

Ability: Adaptability

Gender: Female

Potential: Gold

Moves: Covet, Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Quick Attack

(Innate Talent) Helping Hand (Innate Talent) Shadow Ball

The Eevee was an all-around good Pokémon with a plethora of evolutions, so it could fill any role on the team, so it didn't come as a surprise that Andre and other people bid for it too, but with a bid of 75 million, Andre won the struggle and was the proud owner of the Eevee. As the auction drew to a close, one of the remaining items was the steel of a Half Blood Registeel, and Andre, who had an Onix and could evolve it with the steel, decided to bid on it. After some competition, Andre was 80 million poorer, not that it mattered to him as he got the items he wanted.

Another item Eli found was a Black Belt reinforced by the fighting energy of a Machamp, with the starting bid being 9 million. Hoping for no competition, Eli bid all his remaining money as he bought the item for 11 million. All in all, Eli got what he wanted for his Pokémon as he and Andre made their way to collect their items before leaving. He felt like he spent a lot in the auction, but he knew that in actuality, Andre spent a ludicrous amount of money on just two Pokémon alone. 'Wish I was that rich.' Eli sulked as he thought. After making their way out, they went to grab a bite to eat as it was the afternoon before heading to a secluded clearing to train.

Before that, Eli let out his Pokémon as he gave each of them the item he bought from the auction. Corvisquire could only successfully absorb two feathers for now, but it was well worth it as Eli checked the potential of his Pokémon.

Pokémon: Corvisquire

Lvl: 24

Type: Flying

Ability: Keen Eye

Gender: Male


Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip, Hone Claws, Taunt [E], Fury Attack

(Innate Talent) Drill Peck [E] (Innate Talent) Tailwind [E]

(TM) Roost, (TM) U-Turn, (TM) Fly, (TM) Protect

Pokémon: Kubfu

Lvl: 24

Type: Fighting

Ability: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold

Moves: Rock Smash, Leer, Endure, Focus Energy, Aerial Ace, Reversal [E]

(Innate Talent) Brick Break [E] (Innate Talent) Bulk Up [E]

(TM) Protect, (TM) U-Turn, (TM) Ice Punch, (TM) Fire Punch, (TM) Thunder Punch, (TM) Mega Kick, (TM) Mega Punch

Pokémon: Ralts [Shiny]

Lvl: 16

Type: Psychic Fairy

Ability: Trace

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold

Moves: Growl, Double Team, Disarming Voice,Confusion, Hypnosis, Teleport [E]

(Innate Talent) Dazzling Gleam [E] (Innate Talent) Magical Leaf [E]

(TM) Protect

While he was disappointed that the item of a half-blood legendary still didn't raise his Ralt's stats, he did concur, as the jump from Deep gold to Shallow Diamond was bound to be a huge one. Maybe after Ralts evolved into Kirlia, he would be a shallow Diamond or even Diamond Potential.

"So you want Kubfu and Pancham to spar and see where they stand?" Andre asked as Eli shrugged. "I have some pointers to give to your Kubfu as well; he is strong but lacks technique. I'm guessing you don't have any martial arts knowledge." To which Eli shook his head. "I thought so, but well, I do, and seeing Kubfu's style, I think a martial arts called Wing Chun would fit him. It is a martial arts style characterised by its focus on close-quarters hand-to-hand combat, rapid-fire punches, and straightforward efficiency—things your Kubfu values a lot. He doesn't need any in-depth practice, as far as I think, as he could probably just evolve the basics into a Martial art for himself. First, I will teach him the basics, and then we'll make the two spar for the week we're going to be training together."

Eli nodded as Andre started teaching Kubfu the basics of Wing Chun, and Eli decided to train with Ralts and Corvisquire. Their training continued until Andre came back with Kubfu. "He has a really good foundation and focus needed for Wing Chun; there's already nothing more to be taught to him by me; let's get on with the spar." Hearing Kubfu's progress, Eli was surprised.

"Ok, for this battle, don't reinforce your moves with any energy; go for a pure martial arts battle." Both of the Pokémon nodded as they got ready. "Begin," Andre said as both Pokémon got into action. When it came to raw strength and moves, Kubfu was superior to Pancham, but in pure martial arts, he was completely outclassed by Pancham, who mixed multiple martial arts into his own fighting style as if it were instinct for him. Every kick and punch from Kubfu was blocked by Pancham in various ways, showing their skill gap. When Kubfu punched, his fist was grabbed before being thrown over head. When he tried to kick, it was blocked by Pancham's shin before being hit with a nasty kick himself. There was one turning point when Kubfu redirected and countered Pancham's punch, diverting it as he landed a punch square on Pancham's face, which Eli realised awfully resembled the description of the second phase of the scroll. 'Maybe Wing Chun is the way to go.' Eli thought seeing Kubfu's rapid progress.

"Alright, that's enough. Your Kubfu is quite the monster in martial arts. After just a few hours of learning Wing Chun, he already modified it to suit him and did reasonably well against my Pancham. We'll do regular sparring and training our Pokémon till I leave, so I expect your Kubfu to do better in the following days." Andre complimented Kubfu as he told him about his plan, which Eli readily agreed with. Kubfu was this strong already; after just one day of training with Andre, he had full confidence he would get the second step down until next week.

"Alright, I'm heading out for today. Good luck with training; goodbye." Andre left, waving good-bye to Eli, who entered deeper into the forest to level his Pokémon up a little bit. With their increased potential, but as night was going to fall soon, they probably only had time for one, maybe two levels before they had to leave. He didn't see any good Pokémon to catch and sell regrettably as his finances were at an all-time low, but he did meet his expectations of levelling up his Pokémon.

Pokémon: Kubfu

Lvl: 25

Type: Fighting

Ability: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold

Moves: Rock Smash, Leer, Endure, Focus Energy, Aerial Ace, Reversal [E]

(Innate Talent) Brick Break [E] (Innate Talent) Bulk Up [E]

(TM) Protect, (TM) U-Turn, (TM) Ice Punch, (TM) Fire Punch, (TM) Thunder Punch, (TM) Mega Kick, (TM) Mega Punch

Pokémon: Corvisquire

Lvl: 25

Type: Flying

Ability: Keen Eye

Gender: Male


Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip, Hone Claws, Taunt [E], Fury Attack

(Innate Talent) Drill Peck [E] (Innate Talent) Tailwind [E]

(TM) Roost, (TM) U-Turn, (TM) Fly, (TM) Protect

Pokémon: Ralts [Shiny]

Lvl: 19

Type: Psychic Fairy

Ability: Trace

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold

Moves: Growl, Double Team, Disarming Voice,Confusion, Hypnosis, Teleport [E], Heal Pulse

(Innate Talent) Dazzling Gleam [E] (Innate Talent) Magical Leaf [E]

(TM) Protect

Kubfu and Corvisquire grew one level each while Ralts neared his evolution as he sat at level 19 and also learned Heal Pulse, saving Eli a whole lot of money in healing items. As they returned back to the Pokémon Centre, he saw the egg starting to shake a little. Guessing it'd take another day to hatch, he decided to venture deeper into the forest tomorrow to catch Pokémon and sell them to get enough money to buy the items he'd need for the new born. With tomorrow's plan in mind, Eli fell asleep with Ralts in his arms.

And we starting off strong with Volume 2 as always if you liked vote it and review this is me logging off.

The_Great_BoredOnecreators' thoughts