It took 1 day by plane to get to Hoen, I came looking for a wild flygon to put my plans into action, I thought about going to the desert we have in the games, but I remember an episode where Ash is close to the city of Sootopolis and finds a rocky place that was the home of the Trapinch, as I remember it is an area that is like a rocky desert that there are several underground tunnels dug by the Trapinch, there is a scientist who as a child fell into these holes and ended up in a lake, so these tunnels are connected to this lake, which is completely surrounded by rocks and there is only a crack at the top that faces some mountains and that's where I'm going to look for this flygon.
It wasn't too hard to find it happens to be a really famous area for the Trapinchs so instead of looking around here I go to the nearby mountains where the vibras go and I must be completely careful as well as the inner areas of the viridian forest this is also a place that surpasses the invisible barriers of games and is home to powerful Flygons dragons, even if they are friendly, you can't underestimate them.
Time Skip
1 week and finally I find what I want, this Flygon is really fierce and lives alone which is very rare because Flygons are very sociable among their types, I confirm with my Pokémon and her Dragon type energy is at least 10 times more abundant that of the ground type which makes some sense this is not a desert area that Trapinch normally live in games and the ground type energy is not so high and due to its aggressiveness I can only assume that it is because of its powerful type energy Dragon.
Jim: `` Flygon, I challenge you to a battle. ''
The flygon rises with greenish flames coming out of her mouth, she is clearly thirsty for a battle. I launch my Beedrill because I decided that he would be the one that would mate with Flygon.
Jim: `` Agility approach and follow with Ariel ace``.
The blow hits the target, but she doesn't surrender and launches a Dragon Breath.
Jim: `` Swords Dance and end with X-Scissor. ''
She lasted longer than I thought I thought she was only in the early stages of the elite rank, but I was wrong.
I cure her with hyper potion and give an Oran berry when she wakes up, she is a little surprised in situations like this an elite rank pokemon as she is caught. I look her in the eye and say.
Jim: ´´I don´t want to capture you, but I want you to have an egg with my Beedrill, in exchange I´ll give you some dragon type items that will help you to advance in power``.
She is a little irritated by the egg part, but when I mention Beedrill she is a little happy, I think Beedrill won her respect and admiration, and she was completely happy with the mention of the dragon type items I came to collect this you have time to bribe when that time comes and also for my future Trapinch.