
Cultivation And The New Companion


Blake could be seen sitting on a rock, cross legged and eyes closed. He slowly breathed in and out peacefully, trying to feel something. He was trying to feel Spirit Qi, something very familiar to inhabitants of this world.

Spirit Qi couldn't be explained, it was like energy. You know what it is, know what it did, but you don't have any way of expressing it in words. Spirit Qi was in everything in nature, it also could be nature itself.

The comfortable feeling people get in forests was mainly because of it, the higher the concentration the higher that feeling was. Obviously, all this information was from the jade slip.

Blake thought that maybe Earth had small amounts of Spirit Qi then, although the feeling he got from the forests there was considerably smaller than on the ones here. Maybe it had something to do with the number of forests, jungles, and the like being considerably smaller than here.

Still on his meditation to feel Spirit Qi, he breathed in and out exactly the number of times the cultivation technique told, before stopping and repeating it. Blake was doing this for around two hours, Riolu was just beside him meditating as well.

Suddenly, he started to have a weird feeling, like there was something around him. He concentrated in this feeling more and more, and suddenly trembled like he was feeling cold. To his surprise, he could something around him!

It was formless and colorless, it was like air but different in some ways. It was coming from the ground, the trees, the air, from everywhere around them!

'Okay, the first step is done.' The first step in starting to cultivate was feeling the Spirit Qi. Now came the second step, absorbing Spirit Qi in your body and making it your own.

He tried to use his will to guide the Spirit Qi into his body. He was quite used to doing things with his will since his "system" had no way of controlling besides using his will.

As time passed, small of parts of the formless energy began to be drawn to him, entering his body from everywhere. Of those small parts, even smaller portions of Spirit Qi were absorbed by his body, and the rest all began to accumulate somewhere.

In the lower region of his stomach, or being more precise, in his Dantian, Spirit Qi gathered and formed a very small ball. That ball was the Qi Blake could now use, it was very little since he literally started just now. That was not Spirit Qi anymore, but his own Qi.

Blake opened his eyes and stopped gathering Spirit Qi into his Dantian, feeling like pushing it beyond his limits wouldn't do any good. He was tired, gathering Spirit Qi and guiding into his Dantian, transforming it in his own Qi was tiring. His physical body wasn't tired, but his mind was.

'Better rest a little.' Blake gave a sigh of exhaustion and gazed at Riolu, who was still meditating. He was meditating for around four hours now to improve his control of Aura, Blake didn't notice the passing of time when absorbing Spirit Qi. He looked way more like a real cultivator than Blake.

'I wonder if this guy can cultivate.... It's unlikely.' Blake didn't feel like Riolu needed cultivation anyway, since leveling up also makes him as strong as these cultivators. He also trained in Aura so he wouldn't have time to kill mosnters, cultivate, and train Aura control all at the same time.

'I wonder how well I did for my first time cultivating, the cultivation manual did not gave me anything to compare.' Blake was curious about how talented he was in cultivation. He doesn't know, but what he had experienced made him have a easier time starting.

His very small amount of ability to sense Aura helped him to sense Spirit Qi, and the time he spent controlling things with his will also helped him guide the Spirit Qi. This way, he only needed four hours to officially become a cultivator. This was less time than average, but it wasn't at the level of a true genius.

'I guess it's already time to welcome a new companion.' He didn't want to disturb Riolu so he didn't got him out of his meditation. He already had a idea about who he was going to choose. He thought the whole day about this, it was another bet like Riolu, but even if what he wanted to do was impossible, he wouldn't lose too much.

He put 31 IVs on everything, put 'Male' as the gender and selected 'No' in the [Shiny] box. This pokemon was more beautiful to him in it's normal form than in it's shiny form. When it was time to choose the nature, he stopped to think about what to do.

"I rarely play with this pokemon in the game so I don't know it's best natures, but it even affects the real world! I might as well go safe." He chose 'Serious' a nature that didn't boost any stat. All natures boosted a stat in 10% and lessened another by 10% as well, Serious was one of the few neutral natures.

Since a serious personality would not be any trouble in the real world as well, Blake pressed [Confirm] without hesitation, saying something at the same time he did it.

"Honedge, I choose you!"

A light suddenly glowed into his open palm, forming the shape of a ball. The light slowly died out, and a pokeball was left into his palm from it. He pointed it at the ground and with red rays of light, a pokemon appeared.

Resembling a sword from the medieval times, it's body was a silver sword with a light gray hilt. Embedded in the hilt is a blue gem with a dark center that appears to be its eye. Attached to the pommel is a long, dark blue cloth with a swirl design in lighter blue at the tip; the tip of the sash splits into four tassels. It was Honedge, the sword pokemon!


Type: Steel/Ghost

Lv 1

-Swords Dance



"Welcome to the group Honedge!" Blake smiled. Honedge was moving around, fluctuating in the air just slightly above the ground. Riolu didn't open it's eyes even to this, Blake thought he might be having some sort of breakthrough in Aura control.

'I wonder if I can do that for real...' Thought Blake as he stared at Honedge hilt. He knew what happens when you try to use it as a sword, but he had a theory he wanted to test.

'What if I gave it Qi to suck instead of my vital energy?' He really wanted to try it.

Honedge pokedex: If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps a blue cloth around that person's arm and drains that person's life energy completely.

RichBoyWinstoncreators' thoughts