
After 1 month will mankey continue with brock ??

After getting mankey answer , brock started training mankey in stone style first as he wanted to make his body strong and durable and this mankey has always like to defend first and attack afterward , and teaching mankey in monkey kung-fu is also good as it will him in controlling his rage and make him more calm and increase his mental power and eventually make him the strongest .

So brock started giving him tips about how to train in stone style about how he has to first start meditating and becoming more calm and confident and he has to start becoming one with nature and controlling his inner energy , he also starts telling him about how he has to agile and flexible and have strength and power at the same time, then he tell him that if he has to become adept in it he have to use his whole body even his tail.

He started telling him about combat techniques such as grappling, joint locks, striking, kicking and throwing to made sure he get all of it brock even performed it as after training so much his muscle does pack some strength.

Mankey watched every movement and after getting the gist of it he even performed it but still not good but showing it that he got the hang of it , seeing mankey perform brock was satisfied with it and he told mankey to train all techniques and get healed by chansey if he gets tired.

Leaving mankey brock moved towards chansey to ask her gravity move how much she has trained it till , after reaching the area were chansey was training he found that there was certain pressure around her when he entered the certain pressured area he found that here gravity was 3x more than normal gravity even he was not able to move directly , chansey noticing that someone was near her she turned around to only found brock struggling under the gravity pressure, so she started panicking and she forgot that she was responsible for this after some time she realized that she was responsible for this so she turned off the gravity , getting free from the pressure brock took some breather and smiled toward chansey as he was happy how the progress of the move have been he patted her head and gave her a lot of compliment as he liked pampering chansey and he treated her like a cute small sibling as she remind him of his sibling so he loved chansey a lot and she was also his first pokemon in his new journey , and chansey was even loved by machop and mankey as well as she treated them with love and care and always healed even if there was minor problem and even cheered them when they were exercising her jolly and adventurous nature made everybody happy around her even wild pokemon rarely attacked her so she was the princess in brocks group .

Done complimenting and praising chansey brock started exercising as well , he wanted to train in taekwondo as he really loved that martial arts and always wanted to train and become good in it and now in this life he will make it come true , so he started from skipping as he already sprinted in the morning after skipping he started doing other exercise starting from dead-lifts then Squats then Plyometrics then Power cleans then Agility ladders ending it with Dynamic stretching.

Getting tired from all exercise he moved towards tent area to rest as he was exercising a little far from tent after reaching tent he found chansey also resting there eating pokecandy which she loves and doesn't like to share the taste of pokecandy is sweet and sour brock also likes it but he will not dare to take from chansey without asking her permission cause he know she will get very mad at him if he dare to do it , brock moved to a chair and rested there by sitting and basking on the warm sun and enjoying the beautiful greenery .

Waking from the little nap he took which he was not meant to but if you were in his place you will also get sleepy and doze off , brock started to check on machop and mankey only to found them resting on the grass and enjoying the sun so he made sure not to disturb them he made them breakfast from the chansey egg as she gave them in morning after smelling the rich aroma from the dish both machop and mankey woke up and began to sit on the table waiting for the food seeing this brock happily served them and he served himself also the dish and served some berries with dazzled honey on top to chansey which she was very happy seeing dazzled honey , finishing the break fast brock and his team left for some wild sparring with wild pokemons and returning tent in evening with food and exercising in the evening and making and eating lunch at the night by sleeping in the night .

today morning brock moved some big boulders to make them machop punching bag and found a sturdy tree enough to not crushed by mankey till 15 days after showing the tree to mankey and the boulder to machop he told them to practice their techniques in the object until they crush them both machop and mankey started doing it , the same routine continued till 14 days until mankey was able to crush the tree wit his grappling force he was able to do it because of his training and chansey healing power and egg as healing made his muscle repair making them stronger day by day and chansey egg his the nutrition all you need after seeing the tree crushed brock praised mankey making mankey happy as this new to mankey getting praised by somebody else as he was bullied since childhood because of jealousy, but getting complimented was new to him and he liked it a lot showing smile after a long time , brock moved the tree with a big stone pillar that he was crafting from the big stone after seeing the stone pillar mankey was excited to crush the pillar also with his lock .

The same routine continued till month waking up , training, sparring, training, eating and sleeping by the end of the month machop was also very strong with his punches and uppercuts and mankey was also very strong with his grappling strength and they trained their bodies well increasing their height by three inches , making it funny how they both grew same in height in the span of month chansey was also able to control gravity till 6x .

Today was the day mankey will choose will he stay with brock for the rest of journey or not but he had made is mind that he will .... .. ...

=> thanks for reading support me and please correct my mistakes by commenting on the comment section as i am always ready for any advice and see if you think is deserve some stones if yes then pls give if no then we will see when my story id able to convince you .

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

_Slayer_13_creators' thoughts