
Pokemon Earth's Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

A young man suddenly found himself in a parallel world to Earth, and the most surprising aspect of it was the presence of Pokémon in this world. However, a significant issue existed: most people harbored strong hatred towards these creatures. Five years ago, when Pokémon first appeared in this world, it caused alarm and panic across the globe. Countless instances of destruction, loss of life, and chaos unfolded. The protagonist was bestowed with a system that transformed him into the World's Strongest Dragon Trainer. Author's Note: The world itself remained unchanged; I merely altered the names of countries. For instance, Japan became Nihon, China became Longdong, the Philippines became Maharlika, and so on. This change was necessary as I am not familiar with these places. Even the city names were modified, but I needed them to feature in my story. Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a non-commercial, unofficial work created solely for entertainment purposes. All characters, settings, and elements related to the Pokémon franchise are the intellectual property of Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. I do not claim any ownership over Pokémon or any associated trademarks. Except for the Pokémon related to my story, I only own a few original characters and some ideas. That's it. This work is not intended to infringe upon the rights of the original copyright holders. On Patreon, I've released advanced18 chapters ahead of the webnovel: https://www.patreon.com/iceclaw9113

iceclaw9113 · Anime und Comics
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231 Chs

Presenting the Rocks!

Linh, puzzled by Floyd's decision, inquired, "You're not planning to keep the Squirtle?"

Floyd shook his head. "No, currently, I don't have a plan,"

Growlithe as a third priority was already enough, and what he's prioritizing is to catchi second and first priority Dragons. He can't stretch himself too thin with another third priority type.

Linh seemed perplexed by this. "You claimed this Squirtle as a sort of retribution for Hu Tianyi's actions, yet you don't plan to keep it?"

Floyd elaborated on his reasoning, "This Squirtle is one of the members of Blastoise, a beast that I owe much to. I can't let someone who doesn't appreciate or understand about beast to care for it. It would be a waste of its potential." He didn't specify anyone, but the implication was clear, and everyone understood who he meant.

The group fell into a thoughtful silence.

Phuong, breaking the quiet, asked, "So, you're looking for a suitable trainer for this Squirtle?"

"Yes," Floyd confirmed with a nod.

Linh added, "We saw you earlier speaking with Jonathan and Xiao Yun. So, what's your plan if you can't find a trainer?"

Floyd sighed, gently patting Squirtle's head. "I was hoping Bianca would take him, but she left in a hurry. If no one else is interested, I might have to keep him temporarily or hand him back to Professor."

Squirtle looked up at Floyd with innocent eyes, seemingly unaware of the conversation's gravity.

Linh, empathizing with Floyd's dilemma, started to offer, "Well, if no one else is interested, I could possibly—"

Before she could finish, Chen Xin unexpectedly cut in, "Let me take care of him."

The room fell into a brief silence as everyone turned to look at Chen Xin, surprised by her sudden interjection.

Chen Xin, though blushing, stood firm in her decision. "I want to take care of Squirtle," she stated clearly.

(AN: Let's add more drama)

Later, as Floyd walked back to the clinic, he contemplated how to celebrate with his Pokémon, remembering the promise he had made to them.

He was deep in thought when a familiar silhouette caught his eye. Looking ahead, he saw Chansey, her expression one of displeasure, while Happiny pointed an accusing finger at him, both seeming to hold a grievance against him.

Caught in an awkward situation, Floyd could only offer an uneasy smile as Chansey approached him. With a firm grip, she took hold of his left arm and began leading him back to the clinic.

"Eh, Chansey? I, I can walk on my own," Floyd protested, trying to assert some independence. However, his attempt at resistance was quickly thwarted as Happiny amusingly yet firmly pushed him from behind.

"Happi~ Happi~ny!" Happiny exerted her strength, insisting on guiding Floyd.

Floyd, realizing the futility of resisting the determined duo, let out a resigned sigh and allowed them to escort him without further struggle.

Moments later, Floyd found himself sitting on his bed in the clinic, under the watchful and somewhat stern gaze of Chansey. "Chansey, Chansey, Chansey!" she scolded him.

Though Floyd couldn't understand her exact words, he knew she was expressing her displeasure at his earlier escape, especially since he hadn't fully recovered.

"Happi~ Happiny!" Happiny joined in, mimicking Chansey's stern demeanor towards Floyd.

"I'm sorry, I really am. There was just something urgent I had to attend to, and besides, my body feels much better now. Look," Floyd tried to reassure them, standing up to demonstrate his improved condition, though his right shoulder still showed signs of injury.

"Chansey!" Unconvinced, Chansey promptly guided him back to the bed, her concern evident.

Floyd's Pokémon watched the scene unfold, choosing not to interfere. Though their physical wounds had healed, they too were processing their recent experiences, using this quiet time for mental and emotional recovery.

Meanwhile, Fraxure and Dratini sat in contemplation, their eyes closed as they reflected deeply on what happened earlier.

Happiny soon returned with a bowl of rice and chopsticks, while Chansey produced an egg, preparing a meal for Floyd. Feeling somewhat helpless but appreciating their care, Floyd complied and began to eat. He also took the opportunity to offer pokeblocks to his Pokémon, including Chansey and Happiny, as a token of his gratitude.

After finishing his meal, Floyd looked at Chansey and tentatively asked, "Chansey, I need to go to the laboratory. Is that okay?"

"Chansey!" she responded, shaking her head emphatically in disapproval.

Floyd, understanding her concern but needing to convey something important, persisted, "It's really important. I have to speak with the professor."

Understanding the urgency, Chansey begrudgingly fetched a computer from nearby. She quickly called someone, and within moments, Kanraku's face appeared on the screen.

Kanraku, adjusting his glasses, appeared on the screen with a look of curiosity. He seemed engrossed in his research before the call. "Oh, it's Chansey. What's going on?" he inquired, his tone indicating he was ready to shift his attention from his work.

"Chansey, Chansey!" Chansey excitedly relayed her message, her gestures animated as she tried to convey the urgency of the situation.

Kanraku's interest peaked upon understanding Chansey's message. "Oh, Floyd-san has something important to share? Alright, just give me a moment, and I'll be right there!" His eyes lit up with anticipation at the prospect of hearing Floyd's report.

Incredibly, it took Kanraku only a few seconds to arrive at Floyd's location, much to Floyd's astonishment. "So fast!" Floyd exclaimed, surprised by Kanraku's rapid appearance. He knew the clinic and laboratory were close, but this was unexpectedly quick.

Kanraku, with a hint of pride, explained, "The laboratory has direct connections to various places here. You've seen the shortcut before, right?" He then took a seat, his gaze focused on Floyd. "Now, what is it that you needed to report?"

Floyd, feeling a bit helpless under Chansey's vigilant care, replied, "I was planning to come to your laboratory, but Chansey wouldn't let me leave the bed."

Chansey gave a snort of approval at her decision, then, along with Happiny, gracefully exited the room to give Floyd and Kanraku some privacy for their discussion.

Kanraku, watching Chansey leave with a small nod of appreciation, turned back to Floyd. "Chansey did the right thing. You need to rest and fully recover from your injury," he advised. Then, leaning forward with a look of expectancy, he asked again, "So, what did you want to report?"

Floyd sensed the gravity of Kanraku's expectation, knowing that his discoveries were often of significant interest. "Wait, let me get it," he started, reaching for his backpack.

A sudden wave of alarm washed over him as he realized his backpack might have been tampered with. "My backpack!" he exclaimed, his concern evident.

At that moment, Munchlax, who had been quietly enjoying his meal while listening, quickly sprang into action. He waddled over to Floyd's bedside, retrieved the backpack with surprising agility, and handed it to Floyd.

Kanraku, noting Floyd's concern, provided some reassurance. "Bianca took care of your backpack while you were unconscious," he informed Floyd.

Hearing this, Floyd let out a sigh of relief, though he couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and awkwardness. The thought that Bianca, who knew the secret of his backpack, had kept it hidden and protected it for him brought a warm feeling to his heart. This realization made his cheeks flush with a blend of embarrassment and fondness.

With this newfound comfort, Floyd proceeded to retrieve the items he had found earlier – the mysterious Tumblestones from the forest and the meteorites he had collected.

Kanraku's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he leaned in for a closer look. "What are these?" he asked, his excitement palpable at the sight of the unusual rocks.