
Pokemon: Dark Times

Darius was just a young adult who suddenly found himself in a whole different world. He soon learned it was the Pokemon world. With the help of a floating screen, he's going to survive and thrive. Now, if only he could stop being the wandering version of a Pokecenter... --- Read my name - read it. Got it? Then go on, if you want, if you feel uncomfortable about men kissing, then turn around and go away. Also, another thing, there will be Fusion Pokemom (from the Pokemon Fusion game, because Yes) and Fakemon. It's because I want to.

DaoOfGay · Anime und Comics
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02: Cerberus

It took about three days for the Houndour to be completely healed, Darius started hanging out with some Caterpies and Butterfrees in their forest and managed to convince the leader to help him so now Darius has a better shelter in the Butterfree Forest! With some String Shots from the Pokemon that lived there, he made a hanging shelter that was safe enough for him to live!Hanging a few feet from the ground in the trees is actually quite fun - Of course he helped the Caterpies and Butterfrees on making more of these homes for the Metapods who were waiting for their evolution, creating safe shelters for the Metapods really got him in the good side of the Butterfrees who would help him whenever necessary.

And that's how he received Butterfree Honey as a gift!


[Butterfree Honey

Description: Honey made by Butterfrees, it is very sweet and nutritious!

Uses: Food, ???

You must become a Pokemon Breeder to know more]


It was a very nice honey and he always ate it when he got it, he did manage to teach the Butterfrees how to make better hives to store their honey by using the String Shots and Sticky Webs. Using branches, leaves, and rocks they made these large hives that are really strong when adding some stones to their surface, inside the hives, they stored the honey they made and some of the other Metapods who were direct descendants of the leader Butterfree! Those Metapods were rather interesting. They all had [★★★☆☆] or [★★☆☆☆] of potential, which caught his eyes. He also, somehow, became the go-to babysitter.

The number of recently born Caterpies he took care of was enough to cover his head and shoulders with green! The Butterfrees really liked him, huh?

"Ah, you're finally awake, i see!" Looking at the now walking Houndour, Darius smiled while feeding a Caterpie a piece of Aspear Berry, which is this yellow berry that heals the [Freeze] status: "You slept a long time, but you were healing thanks to the Oran Berries I constantly fed you so it was expected." Darius expected the Houndour to just thank him and leave or something similar, but the pup simply sat down before him and barked as a screen appeared before his eyes:

[Houndour Lvl 5 wishes to join your Team!]

[Do you accept?]

"You want to follow me?" I mean, Darius also hoped for that- Houndoom is the evolution of this Pokemon, and a Houndoom is a powerful pokemon that he wants to have! The Houndour nodded, face serious to express his focus and desire to follow him, so Darius smiled and patted his head as he said: "Okay then, you can be a part of my team... I guess i could give you a name." The surprised expression on the Houndour's face was funny and adorable, even more so when he titled his head to the side like a dog would. "Cerberus, your name is now Cerberus."

[New Team Member Acquired!]


| Name:

| Species: Houndour

| Type: Dark/Fire

| Held Item: None

| Gender: Male

| Level: 5

| Rank: Novice (1)

| Potential: ★★★☆☆

| Nature: Adamant (+Attack/-Sp. Attack)

| Abilities -

Trained Abilities:

Flash Fire (Increases fire damage when hit by fire moves)

Obtained Abilities:

| Attributes -

0-10: F

11-20: E

21-30: D

31-40: C

41-50: B

51-100: A

101-200: S

201-500: SS

501-1000: SSS


Strength: 23 [D]

Speed: 19 [E]

Endurance: 40 [C]

Attack Potency: 22 [D]

Vitality: 23 [D]

Energy Control: 12 [E]

Energy Resistance: 33 [C]

Energy Capacity: 12 [E]

Energy Potency: 13 [E]

| Moves - Learned, Trained, Expert, Mastered, Complete Control.

Egg Moves: Thunder Fang [T], Fire Spin [T], Counter [E]

Moves: Ember [E], Smog [L], Leer [T]

TMs: N/A


'At least now he has no F stats.' Darius needed to train this boy up so he can get stronger, and for that, he needs to start from the basics! "Okay then, tomorrow we'll start training- We will do the basics for now, you'll run around until you're tired, then I'll have you practice your moves and energy consumption so you can become stronger too little guy." Darius saw the glint in Cerberus' eyes. He wanted to be stronger, and Darius would help him!

-Scene Cut-

Darius: Make sure to always have a full stomach!

Cerberus: *looks at Caterpies*

Caterpies: *Run.exe*

-Scene Cut-

Tomorrow soon arrived, faster than expected, really, but it was a welcome tomorrow.

"Let's start the drill!" Darius did his best to look like a soldier to the little hound Pokemon, but he failed miserably as the Houndour looked up at him like an excited puppy: "Let's start with running around- I have some weights if you wanna try running with them?" He showed the pup a rudimentary weight made with rope made from the silk that the Caterpies keep giving him as a gift and some rocks, he made them so they could be wrapped around Houndour's body and make his center of gravity heavier. Cerberus eyed the rocks before nodding. He wanted to try and see if he could keep the rocks on him as he ran. It would help him get stronger faster.

Darius wanted him to increase all his stats for when he Increases his rank- Ranks were a thing here too, and the higher ranking he saw was from the Butterfree leader that was a Rank 5 Pokemon, or an Elite Ranking Pokemon. The ranks went from Novice (1), Trained (2), Experienced (3), Expert (4), Elite (5), Master (6), Semi-Champion (7), and Champion (8)! Or that was what his system told him, at least. It would take a while, but the results were going to be amazing when all his Houndour's stats were at least S. He would have him increase his ranking by giving him the go-ahead. Apparently, when Pokemon achieve a certain amount of power they can increase their ranking, Darius explained to his Houndour to the best of his ability why he shouldn't just increase his rank when he feels like he can, which ended up being resumed as: "If you don't and do only when i tell you to, you'll be stronger than others." which was the truth.

After running for half an hour with the weights on, Houndour looked exhausted, so Darius gave him an Oran Berry and guided him through what he wanted him to do: "I want you to aim your snout towards that tree and release your Ember at it, okay?" Houndour followed his advice and released a spark of flames that flew for about 5 feet before being completely extinguished by the wind, which was pathetic and Houndour looked embarrassed to show his trainer that- "Wow, that was a strong Ember, but I know you can make this better!" Darius held out the Aspear Berry in his hand, he knew what he could do to help, but he decided to just say "Let's first start your energy control training-" Darius led Cerberus to a campfire and pointed towards it: "-I want you to control, play with the flames of this campfire, okay? You can do whatever you want as long as the flames don't leave the campfire and cause a forest fire." Pokemon can learn how to control the Primoridal aspects of their types, seeing as how Water Pokemon can control water, Flying Pokemon can control the air, and Bug Pokemon can control whatever the fuck it is that they control- It's this weird energy that is sticky, corrosive, thick, hard, malleable and very interesting!

Darius calls it Energy Manipulation, in which Pokemon control their energy to use their moves or out of them using their moves. Darius has seen only the Leader Butterfree controlling Flying Energy to fly around faster than the other Butterfrees, which is really interesting! Only a few Pokemon seem to be able to freely control their energy, he thought that maybe only Pokemon of high ranking could but looking at Houndour making the flames flicker as if a wind was blowing by them with his energy, it seems that it can be taught! "Now, while you train your energy control, I will make you some good food."

Darius, two days ago, managed to change his class to another one - [Beginner Pokemon Breeder]!


| Name: Darius Markus

| Age: 20

| Gender: Male

| Energy User Rank: 1

| Energy: 100/100

| Nature: Gentle Giant - Grants you the unique skill [Friendly]

| Affinity: Dark Types - Dark Types seem to like you more...

| Job: Beginner Pokemon Breeder

| Job History: Beginner Wilderness Survivor

| Unique Skill:

[Friendly]: Pokemon smaller than you sees you as a non-threat at worst and a friend at best. Pokemon larger than you will see you as a non-threat at best and a mortal enemy at worst.

| Skills:

[Beginner Wilderness Survivor]

Wilderness Survival lvl 3 - You know how to survive in the wild! Finding water, shelter, and food is easier for you.

Shelter Making lvl 2 - You know how to make a basic shelter to protect you from the elements of nature.

Gather lvl 3 - You know how to find food and other useful things in the wild

Basic Cooking lvl 2 - Although not the best at it, you know how to cook, well, at least you won't burn water!

[Beginner Pokemon Breeder]

Pokeblock Creation lvl 1 - Helps in the making of Pokeblocks and gives inspiration whenever the need arises.

Pokemon Anatomy Understanding lvl 1 - Helps you understand the anatomy of Pokemon.

Basic Medicine Making lvl 1 - You know how to make basic potions, antidotes, and other basic medicines.


Now he can make Pokeblocks!