Lance, a sixteen year old boy, was sat at his computer downloading a rom hack of a Pokemon game as he was bored of doing homework. However, when he clicked to download the game, a list of questions appeared which he answered. Once he answered all of the questions, he found his eyes looking at something completely different than his room. (MHA AU, Pokemon)
Lance had settled into the orphanage relatively quickly and spent most of his time alone outside with his Pokemon. He had been using his time to train them in combat, as he found that this could increase their levels as well as killing living beings, such as small animals.
However, as it was difficult for him to find them, killing animals was not the main way that Lance trained his Pokemon. Instead, he made them fight one another until they fainted, and the obvious strongest of the team was revealed.
Mr. Fish was easily able to dominate his fellow team members and had no trouble in training. This was due to his higher base stats than the other Pokemon, and his moves which were greatly benefited by his ability.
Although he was young, Lance did not leave the training solely to his Pokemon, as he removed the six held items from his Pokemon and put them on himself. This made everything he did significantly more difficult, and significantly slower than it would have been. However, he felt that it was becoming easier every day.
This was due to the EV boosting abilities of the items which he assumed would work on humans as well. This meant all of the training he did for himself had significantly better outcomes than it normally would have.
Although Lance spent all of his time by himself, some of the children at the orphanage attempted to speak to him, but he simply ignored them and continued his daily routine of training.
This caused the children to stop bothering him after a while, and instead this job was handed to the adults who worked at the orphanage. At first they asked him why he didn't want to be friends with the other children, and he just claimed to have no interest in them.
This eventually made them give up and turn to another line of questioning, as they wanted to know if his quirk was registered, as it would mean it would be easier for him to use if his abilities were registered and documented.
As he was yet to do so, he was taken to the hospital where he was asked what his quirk could do, and he gave the simple explanation that he could summon monsters. He acted as though he did not know any other information about his quirk, and was told to report anything he found out in the future. He was also warned of the dangers of quirks as well as the laws around them which weren't too strict.
Usage of quirks in private environments was completely fine, and the usage of quirks which would not cause problems for people were legal in public places as well. Using quirks for self defence was also not considered a crime, as long as once the attacker was unable to cause any more harm, the quirk user attempted to immediately stop fighting back.
After this, he was told by the doctor to name his quirk, and he decided to go for a name which would not reveal too much about his power and would not make it seem like he would be a threat as it could catch people off guard. The name he chose was 'friends'.
This would be useful for him in the future, as he had used the computer in the orphanage and looked for a good school for his future. He planned on going to a prestigious Hero school which trained the best combat Heroes in the world and the quirk name 'friends' would make his opponents underestimate him and give him an advantage.
This school was called Blackwater Academy, and it began accepting students from 16 years old which gave Lance a long time to train. Instead of focusing on both Hero training and combat training, Blackwater Academy was more for the combat side of things as most graduates would go on to join private armed forces or high up military squads.
Obviously they could become regular Heroes, but most of the students aspired for more than that.
Lance continued his daily life in the orphanage training himself and his Pokemon, and after what felt like no time at all, an entire year had passed. This meant Lance was able to choose six more Pokemon for his team, and the same list as before appeared with the six that he had previously chosen being greyed out.
He did not waste any time in choosing his new Pokemon, as the training with his original six was still going smoothly and, considering their levels and stats had been consistently increasing despite not having any enemies to defeat, Lance wanted to add some more training partners for them all to increase the efficiency.
Out of all of his Pokemon, only Kong the Grookey had evolved as he was the only Pokemon which had a low enough evolution level. As all of Lance's Pokemon were now level 20, Grookey had become Thwackey at level 16 and nothing else had evolved.
He also wanted to give the Pokemon items to strengthen himself, as he could not rely only on his Pokemon to fight for him. He had already started doing this by wearing the power items constantly and training his body, as well as a type of training which he was originally sceptical about. He decided to try and use King, his Honedge, as a sword to train both himself and King. This meant he was able to become decent at sword fighting, nowhere near perfect or even particularly good, but he would get better with time.
The second set of Pokemon which Lance would customise was:
1: Eevee (Normal)
2: Golett (Ground and Ghost)
3: Zorua (Dark)
4: Clobbopus (Fighting)
5: Galarian Ponyta (Psychic and Fairy)
6: Spheal (Water and Ice)