
Chapter 438 Contest, The Sacred Stage

It's easy to compare using Butterfree too!

Although this Mr. Ogata is already a middle-aged greasy uncle, he has real ability in coordinating Trainer's Contest performance! Although it is not as good as Xiao Zhi and purple Flash Butterfree, it is still amazing enough.

However, just when Ogata was about to end his performance, his wife and son appeared in the audience, "Husband, don't be embarrassed anymore!"

His son also said, "You are so old, what are you still doing?"

"Do you know what the neighbors say about you?" the mother and son each said, and Ogata was indeed annoyed. He took off his sunglasses, revealing his small eyes, "What are you doing here? The important Contest competition is now underway. Hit!"

"The most important thing is the issue of face! The way you dress has become everyone's laughing stock!" The two mother and son were completely unable to support Ogata.

"What do you call this outfit? This is what I wore when I formed a rock band before. How ridiculous!" Ogata, who seemed to be submissive, was acting very tough at the moment, "I will never go back until the Contest is over. !"

He didn't argue with his wife anymore. He had left the audience aside for a long time. He turned around and returned to the stage, but his wife followed him all the way and continued to question, "What do you want, do you have any dissatisfaction?"

Next, Mr. Ogata said something that moved both Xiao Zhi and May!

"This has nothing to do with dissatisfaction, because this is my dream!"

"I go to and from the company every day and have worked hard for so many years. At this age, I can see what the future will be like. Is it okay for me to pursue a dream that I couldn't achieve in the past?"

"I admit that I was wrong for not telling you, but I...

Before Mr. Ogata finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the audience. The audience who had shown kindness to him before were now looking at him with worry!

He lowered his head, "This is the sacred Contest stage, let's go outside and talk!"

Ogata was about to take his wife and children away, maybe he was ready to give up this competition.

"Please wait a moment!" May and Xiao Zhi stopped them. Mr. Ogata's first review is not over yet! Please, please let him perform until the end!"

However, Mrs. Ogata refused, "This is our family's family matter and has nothing to do with you! Can you please leave it alone?"

This is indeed a family matter. Xiao Zhi and May have no position to stand out (bebd) and take care of it. May is about to speak, but Xiao Zhi takes a step forward, "The Pokémon Contest is a competition where Pokémon and coordination trainers have practiced countless times together. The success is shown to the audience!"

"For Coordinator Trainers who have dreams, this is a sacred stage worthy of respect! In those countless exchanges and exercises, the bond established between Coordinator Trainer and Pokémon is absolutely not allowed to be trampled on!"

Roar! Roar! Roar!

In the waiting room, all the participating coordinators and trainers heard Xiao Zhi's speech and all screamed with excitement.

They stood up one after another and gathered on the stage. They stood behind Xiao Zhi and bowed slightly to the audience and Mrs. Ogata, "Please let Mr. Ogata finish his performance!"

May and Ogata were stunned, what an appeal this was! May looked at Xiao Zhi in front of her, and he was so radiant at this moment!

The audience, Miss Lilian, and the three judges were also affected and thought that at least Ogata should be allowed to complete the performance!

"Xiao Zhi is right. The sense of accomplishment when the performance is successful and the touching communication with the audience are beautiful things that cannot be expressed in words!"

With that said, Ogata bowed deeply to Xiao Zhi and the audience, "But now, I have stained the stage of this sacred Contest, "I'm really sorry!"

Seeing how things turned out like this, and seeing Mr. Ogata taking the stage so seriously, Mrs. Ogata and her son were finally moved!

Someone in the audience took the lead in applauding, for Xiao Zhi's declaration, for Ogata's persistence, and for the unity of all coordinator trainers!

This is the most shocking performance of this Contest!

Xiao Zhi and all the coordinators and trainers around him were smiling kindly, "Mr. Ogata, you are shining brightly as you pursue your dreams!"

Lilian and the judges also said sincerely, please be sure to let us see you perform to the end, okay?"

For a moment, there was thunderous applause!

Xiao Zhi and May nodded to the people behind them and walked off the stage, leaving the stage to Ogata!

"The first review ended in an atmosphere of love and touching. The following four coordinators Trainers successfully entered the second review!"

Xiao Zhi is undoubtedly the first, May is second, Mr. Ogata happens to be fourth, plus a passerby, they are the four people who have entered the second round of review!

Xiao Zhi and Qi Lulian easily defeated the passerby's Vileplume. Mr. Ogata will face May, and the winner of the two will face Xiao Zhi, the big devil!

"Pokémon Contest Jiruba Conference, the second round of review, the second game, the contestants are Miss May, a girl with a cute printed headscarf, and Mr. Ogata, a passionate rock musician!"

Mr. Ogata took off his sunglasses and looked at May, "Thank you, Miss May. Thanks to your help and Mr. Xiao Zhi's help, I have been able to reach this point!"

Xiao Zhi's performance is enough for him to be called sir!

May smiled and said, "Everywhere is Mr. Ogata's strength, but I won't give you the Ribbon Medal. Let's have a Contest battle without any regrets!"

"I am the same in this regard. I also want to try playing against Mr. Xiao Zhi!" At this moment, Ogata was full of fighting spirit!

"Combusken, take the stage!"

"Venasaur, come on the stage with rock and roll enthusiasm!"

This Venusaur is so powerful. This should be Ogata's Earl Dervish Pokémon. It is indeed a veteran Trainer. Even if it is just the accumulation of time, the level of this Venusaur is very high! Even if there are disadvantages in Attribute, Venusaur can achieve it. Level suppression!

"Venasaur, use Razor Leaf!"

"Combusken, use Fire Spin!"

The two attacks collided in the center of the stage. This was considered a greeting!

However, Ogata's ultimate move was released immediately, and his momentum suddenly increased, and he roared, "Venusaur, use Plant Frenzy!"

This is the ultimate evolved Mega move of the grass-type Yusanjia. Thick thorns bounced out from the ground. Combusken was whipped out of the way no matter where he could avoid it.

Her points were greatly deducted. The huge gap in levels made May suddenly lose her mind!