
A peculiar way to die and a bizarre chain of events

This story begins in class 4-A, Ironclad Ronin Academy, one of the leading schools in the country founded by an otaku(1), hiring otakus to teach the students who as you have guessed correctly are also otakus. The school is attended by young men and women of all walks in life with one common trait, a love for the Otaku-culture or as referred to within the school grounds, O-cult. Nurturing their learners' love for the o-cult, their talents, and their knowledge all at the same time, the school had produced countless successful people.

Sitting in the very back of the class, beside the window, is a 15-year-old young man. He had natural saber-shaped eyebrows above green eyes resembling that of a wild dangerous predator, well if they could actually see them as they were covered by his curly golden blonde long hair which he rarely raises up. The only part of his face that could actually be seen was his straight-edged nose above thin rosy lips that covered his straight clean white teeth that seems to be sparkling every time light reflects on them.

This young man is Marcus Odine G. Simetra, the president of the Pokémon Fan Club in IRA and arguably the absolute expert in all things related to the franchise within the entire academy.

Just like the rest of his classmates, he was an otaku who loves to read manga & light novels, watch anime, collect figurines, and play games related to them. Every single otaku in the school had a certain anime, manga, or light novel that they liked the most and they always tend to contend with each other for which one is the best, causing the division of students, faculty, and staff that lead to and became the reason why most of the clubs are about certain titles(3) such as the Demonslayer club, Naruto club, Shield Hero club, and One Punch Man Club.

While Marcus was sitting by the window, his mind couldn't help but drift into the clouds. 'Thank goodness Ash finally learned. I'm so tired of him battling with his unevolved or barely evolved pokémons... He didn't even consider type advantages! If I was the MC instead of him, I'd train my mons whenever I get the chance and why is the rocket trio so obsessed with his Pikachu anyway?' he thought to himself not knowing he had raised his flag.

"Marcus... Marcus!... Mr. Simestra!" Marcus was immediately pulled back to reality as his literature teacher called out his name so loud that it could be heard two rooms away. "Yes sir!" Marcus flusteredly replied while immediately standing up from his seat.

The teacher, Professor Miriam sighed. This particular student always had his body on the ground but his mind in the sky after fifteen minutes of listening to his lecture. "I'll repeat the question only once. What are the three parts that form the plot of a story?"

"Umm... the beginning, the middle, and the twist," Marcus answered rather dazedly, still adjusting his state of mind. The professor was dumbfounded by his student's foolish answer before angrily scolding him, "What are you talking about?! What do you think this is? GooseBumps?! Get your head out of the clouds and pay attention to my lecture!"

Just as the mad professor was about to continue scolding his cloud drifting student, the bell rang. Professor Jabster had no choice but to stop and dismiss his students. "Alright class, that will be all for today's lecture. Be sure to do that assignment I gave you and pass them on Monday especially you, Mr. Spinda (3). Goodbye and enjoy your weekend class." And with that said, the professor packed up and left the classroom.

"Yo Marcus! Let's go!"

"Come on Marcy, what are you waiting for slowpoke? Time's not waiting for anyone, and neither is that game."

It was his best friends, Nickel and Katherine respectively. These two were the best of all his friends...well, they were his only friends but moving on, they have been together since they were in nursery and were nearly inseparable. Let's also not forget to mention that all three had looks that could rival even popular celebrities.

"Alright, I'm coming but Kat, will you please stop calling me Marcy! I'm not a girl!... Hey, wait for me!" Before Marcus could finish what he was saying, his two lively and playful friends had already left... that is after Katherine playfully stuck her tongue out while showing her left eye and Nickel smacking his behind two times to taunt him.

"Why you!... Wait for me!" With that, Marcus hurriedly stuffed his things in his bag and gave chase to the two.


Outside the game store, (A couple of hours after they left the academy)

Three teens walked out of a store with gleeful expressions while a store worker posted a sign in the store's window saying that the newest pokémon game had been sold out which left all those standing in a line the length of one and a half Rayquazas to leave with sorrowful and depressed expressions. One had to know the new game was the very first virtual reality Pokémon game released by Nintendo featuring all nine regions and nearly a thousand pokémons in an open world where you can interact with other players of the same server and basically experience living as a trainer in the pokemon world using the new Nerve Gear that has been guaranteed to not be able to trap players in-game with the threat of their brains being fried.

The depressed fans who were unable to secure themselves a copy of the game dejectedly left while looking at those lucky ones and wishing they were the ones who owned those.

The three who just left the story with joyful expressions on their faces happily walked down the road on the way back to their dormitory building in the academy. These three people are of course Marcus and his friends.

"BOO!!!" All of a sudden, a voice abruptly sounded out as someone jumped out from the other corner of the street hidden by tall walls of the houses around the street. The sudden voice startled all three of them especially Marcus who was leading the bunch.

"Hahahahaa! got you guys again!" It was their classmate Lilliana. A sweet sixteen-year-old girl with a body of a supermodel and a face fit for a leading actress in movies. That's right, another beautiful person. She was a kind-hearted, generous and lively young lady but she had one part of her personality that isn't quite accepted by her classmates, her habit of jump-scaring them every time she had the chance.

Once Marcus realized who it was, his face immediately turned red. That's right, our little pokéfan got a crush on this girl right here.

"Jeez! will you stop doing that?! One day, you'll give everyone in the class a heart attack! Look at Marcus, he's so scared, he's red as a Magcargo."

"Can't do. It's just the way I am. Sorry, Marcus, I'll try not to be so scary next time," Lilliana playfully stuck out her tongue before 'apologizing' with a teasing look in her face.

The now four people walked along the way till they reach the road near the slope near the wide river where a tall bridge was set up that has a train track built at the center just above it.

With Lilliana at the front, Marcus at the center, and the other two at the back, the four teens were busy chatting while walking when Nickel saw at the corner of his sight, a motorcycle with 2 people riding it was fast approaching with two police cars chasing behind it in both sides.

The motorcycle driver was moving so fast but due to his fast calculation and keen sight mastered through 10 years of playing PVP and FPS games, he was still able to see the direction and angle of the vehicle and it was going to hit Marcus.

Being the good, trusty, and loyal friend he was, he immediately pulled him away from the incoming danger.

Although Marcus was suddenly pulled, he was still able to see the motorcycle pass him quickly and a police car that was going to hit Lilliana who couldn't hear the car's horn due to her headphones playing extremely loud music at nearly maximum volume.

As the good friend and possibly future boyfriend...maybe, Marcus dashed like a linoone and pushed her away sending them both falling to the slope and landing near the river. On the way down, Lilliana's headphones were thrown off her head and landed on the ground nearby.

Just as Lilliana came to and was in the process of standing up, she saw a plane with a wing with an engine emitting smoke quickly losing altitude and crashed into a passing train in the trail track at the bridge above the river beside them.

The train was thrown off track and fell below heading in their general direction but due to her startled and panic state, she thought that it was leaning more to Marcus' direction so, as a good friend, she pushed him away from it just as he was getting up.

Marcus, of course, noticed the incident but was able to make the necessary calculation, and based on that, he knew that it would crash beside him rather than directly at him.

Just as he was heaving a sigh of relief while standing up to help Lilliana, he was suddenly pushed and the direction he was pushed to was exactly the spot where the train was going to fall on. Due to the abrupt change, and the fast-falling of the train, he had no time to evade or move. Such a sudden turn of events made Marcus unsure whether to laugh or cry.

The turn of events took a long time to describe but it actually happened in only mere moments.

Just as Marcus expected, well almost, the train crashed a few centimeters away from him but it still hit him and swept him off his feet and crash to the pillar holding the bridge up hitting his head and back hard on the process. The pain caused his vision to go blurry as someone hit by HM05.




'Good golduck! stop calling me Marcy!' This was Marcus' final thoughts before coughing out blood and his soul left his body as it drifted away just before it was suddenly sucked in an invisible little portal which closed after sucking him in and spitting out another soul just like how a victreebel spits out and swallows after using stockpile.

Oh, and if you're wondering about what happened to the plane, it crashed into the wide river a few meters away from them.

It was reported in the news that night that a man was caught after a long chase along with his partner in crime by the police for bombing the left engine of a plane that crashed against a train full of passengers which killed a teenage boy after falling near him sending him flying to a pillar that caused a fracture in his skull and broke his spine, crashed into the Shenro river. But of course, Marcus would never know that he was merely an unlucky victim of the aftereffect of the crime because he already left this plane of existence.

Of course, his sad untimely death at that specific time coincidentally allowed him to actually live the life of his choice in the pokemon world in another plane of existence though he won't know just yet.

What happened to his soul? where does the portal lead to? who's soul was it that came out of the portal? why was there a portal there and why was it invisible? also, why are there too many questions? find out in the next chapter.


(1) - Otaku is the term used by some anime and manga fans as an affectedly formal way of addressing others with similar interests.

(2) - "Chuunibyou" or "eighth-grade syndrome" is a condition where people believe they have superpowers or are just plainly far more superior to others because of some other reason.

(3) - Spinda, a normal type gen 3 pokemon easily recognized by his eyes that always looks confused and the spots that differ and never the same amongst their kind (sorta like thumbprints).

Welp, that took longer than expected, by far my longest chapter yet, though don't expect all the chapters to be this long as me writing long chapters is just as rare as finding all 4 seasonal sawsbuck at the exact same place. Though you can expect a long wait before the next chapter as I'm as lazy as a slaking.

Also please leave a comment if you like this novel. It might sound odd but receiving comments for my novels makes me proud, I nearly jumped with joy on the first comment about my novel.

A_Stag_On_The_Suncreators' thoughts