
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Videospiele
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30 Chs

Mia's worries

"What are you doing here?" my mother asked Mia. She was in a pitiful state, as if she had been crying for hours.

"Please let me live here for a while" she said while sobbing.

"Oh dear, what happened to you?"

My mother could not embracing her frail body in her arms.

"T-they all left for work without telling me! It has been 2 days already"

"Is it shorter usually?"

"It depends… but at least a member of my family should stay with me"

"Your family employees should have been able to take of you"

"Y-yes! However my family should have told me! I would have come here sooner!"

My mother discovered the truth with that last sentence.

"So you just wanted to stay there with Henry?" she deduced.

"Of course I would not say no… but I also came to spend time with you"

"Yeah yeah" my mother said before putting her away. Did she really think my mother would fall that easily for this lie?

"Henry is in the warehouse" she sighed.

"Like usual" Mia sighed too.

"That kid should make friends and go out more often. I am quite worried"

"Well as long as they are boys I do not care" Mia mumbled as she began walking toward the warehouse. "Girls, bring the luggage to his bedroom" she ordered Anna and Laura without looking back.

"Seems like she came fully prepared" my mother sighed while seeing this. Why was this girl so attached to Henry? He kept spending his days in the warehouse while barely going out.

Just like this, she lived with me and my parents for a while. At first I thought she ran away from home after arguing with her parents. However I realized it was not the case after a few days. I mean her parents would have already asked my parents if she was here if they were looking for her.

Then a week passed and I began worrying. I mean her parents job is risky so maybe... I tried my best to not think of it too much since Mia can read my thoughts. I knew she was already worried and I did not want to make the situation worse. Is not it my role to support her and make her feel better? In the end she is still a girl who needs her parents love.

After a month, I realized that Mia was sleeping less and less. She began having nighmares and they got more and more frequent. That did not help me. I mean I was doing my best to not make her worrier but now how should I talk about her nightmares without worsening her mood? The life of a future husband is not easy.

After two months, we finally get some news. Apparently they would be back in 3 days in their home. When Mia learned this, she was happy and mad at the same time. Happy because they seemed to be fine and mad because they did not give any news for such a long time. Believe me, she was scary. I nearly pitied her parents for the wrath they will have to confront. I was glad that it was not directed towards me.

Those days with her were appreciated, if you ignore the growing anxiety. We did not argue at all, which was a good sign. I mean once couple began living together, it is rare that they end up arguing at least once. In the worst case, they even break up. I was lucky on that matter and I recognized it.

I watched her leaving and somehow I felt an emptiness in my heard. I realized that for the first time in my life, I might really feel towards a woman. It was not that savage impulsion that would lead me to flirt and consume her body. No it was different. It was just that I wanted to stand next to her.

'Hopefully she does not become an assassin too' I could not help thinking. It was selfish since it was her family business, but still, I hoped that it would become true. I mean I do not want to not see my wife for two months and be worried all that time about something that might happened to her. Some would be disturb by the fact that she would be a killer but I was not. I mean, I did kill of lot of living being myself... so I was not in a good position to judge her actions.

"Are you sad son?" my father asked while patting my shoulders.

"A little" I admitted while I saw her entering the car that should bring her back to her house.

"To think my son would love someone and not a pokemon" he teased me.

"Dad!" I complained.

"To think you brother was afraid of his partner until a year before marriage. I am happy it did not take that long for you" he chuckled.

I remembered the time I knocked at his bedroom and should not have. Damn I am still ashamed of it.

"By the way they should comme tomorrow for lunch. So please be oresent" my mother intervened.

"Yes yes I will" I replied. I was happy to see my brother but well... his wife... I still had difficulties to talk to her... i mean we have nothing in common...

I then rushed to the warehouse. Having many pokemons is great but it takes longer and longer to wash them. Having many water pokemons is of great help for that kind of task. They can help washing others and allow me to not spend the whole day doing this. However they could not help for brushing. Since most people were afraid of them, I could not ask for help. So I spend at least two hours per day doing this. It let me less time to train for self-defense...

"To think i have only 2 years left" I sighed as I realized that I should begin thinking of a way to make money. I earned a lot everytime I won a tournament. However when I look at the number of pokemons I have, I wonder how long that amount of money will last.

"Unless I got sponsored by my family company, which should solve the housing, water and food problems... I should talk to my brother. I guess i will have to do some advertising in exchange. I could use the money I have to buy equipment instead. Winning badges can also be a source of income. That sounds like the best plan. Let us talk about it with him! Or maybe I should ask father since he have not yet give him fully control of the companies" I realized.

That evening, I got an agreement and most of my worries were solved. If I knew sooner, I would have got a Snorlax but it could have been an argument for them to refuse my offer. Even if we are family, business is business.

I also realized that in the future I could ask for more sponsors, as long as they are not in competition with my family businesses.

Time passed and I won the next two tournaments. I did not forget to make sure that people around me knew that I was feeding my pokemons with my parents company food. I mean since I won, maybe people will think that the food was one of the causes. It was far simpler and less boring than answering questions during press interviews. Oh dear I began avoiding the journalists. I mean you always have to say the same kind of stuff and they always try to make it sound different so that they attract more people. It is just annoying. I begin to compare them as mosquitoes. Those poor persons are just doing their jobs but still… I cannot stand them anymore. I now pity famous people. Even as a hero, there were not many journalist tracking me since press was not that developed. However here there is radio and tv, so the press is similar than on Earth.

The next clubs I will join, being the poison and the electric one, I began thinking of which pokemons I was going to use. For the latter, an elekid, a mareep, a toxel, a shinx, a zeraora and a tynamo joined the team. As for the first, a grimer will join it. Being the only newcomer with toxel, the victory should be granted. As for the electric team, I will need to make sure that they are ready for the competition. So, I will focus more on their growth.