
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Videospiele
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30 Chs

Big bro birthday

"Soon will be big bro birthday. I should do something for once" I muttered as I watched my pokemons sparring between each other.

Until now, I never bought presents for him. Maybe it was time for me to begin to doing it. Even better, I should offer something I made by myself.

"Maybe I could knit a scarf" I realized. Winter was still far away but nevertheless it was a good is idea. It not like a scarf would not suit him in a few months. Actually he might even keep it for years, so it was better than most clothes.

"I made my choice. I am going to do a scarf! Now let us think about the material. I guess silk is fine. I will have to ask mom to buy me some. Or perhaps the maid already have it… I should look around with them first. Then what about the colors? Should I go for green since it will match his eyes colors? Damn I might even do one for myself, so that we have matching scarfs. Yeah that sounds good. Let us do one for him and one for me!"

I happily nodded at my own idea, thinking about us doing some cool poses while wearing them. I am sure mom will find it cute, as usual.

Time passed as I began working on that project. During this time, my new pokemons were training against illusions under the advises of my older ones.

This time, I was part of the plant battle club. Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Treeko, Turtwig, Snivy, Chespin, Rowlet and Grookey were composing my team. I noticed that even 8 pokemons to form a team was enough. It allowed me to focus more on each one of them.

"I should also plan of the next steps of my plan. I never thought I would have win both in the fire and water club on my first tournament" I muttered to myself before concentrating once again on the scarf I was making. Life was not easy for the 5 years old me!

Weeks passed and it was time for my brother birthday. After eating some delicious cake made by the maids, I was ready to give him my present.

"I have got something for you big brother" I said proudly before giving him the present I packed up.

"I was not aware of this. Did you bring him buy something?" my father muttered to my mother.

"I was not too. He just asked for silk a few weeks ago. I thought it was to play around" she replied.

To their surprised, once my brother opened his present, there was a green scarf inside.

My brother looked at my parents to guess if he should thanks them too for this but they denied it by moving their heads from right to left.

"Thank you little bro" he thanked me before hugging me.

"I knit it" I said proudly.

"Eh? What do you mean you knit it? Did you do it with the maids?" my father asked.

"Perhaps" I said while smiling mischievously. I then took another box which contained the scarf I did for myself. "That one is for me" I added.

"Get close to each other! We need to take a picture of them! They are so cute!" my mother yelled before rushing out of the room to find a camera.

The three of us could not help smirking by hearing her reaction. It was so predictable.

"Son, who taught you knitting?" my father asked seriously.

"I watched the maids doing it while hiding so that no one knew about my plan" I lied.

"You could have just ask them" he said before rolling his eyes.

"Then they might have leak my project" I replied.

"Yes yes if you said so" he abandoned the debate as my mother was coming back.

"Here, get closer to each other" she pressured us.

"And smile!!" she yelled when she saw how grumpy we both were.

"Yes yes" the both of us replied before doing as she asked. We cannot refused anything to our mother. After taking a few pictures of us, mother finally let us free. I used that opportunity to quickly escape to the warehouse. Since I spend too much time lately on knitting, I should went back on training.

"I wonder when he will stop surprising us" my brother said to my parents.

"It was unexpected from him… I just hope that we will keep having good surprises and not bad ones" my father said, worried that his last son would make some bad mischief.

"I think it is not his style to do that kind of thing" my brother defended me.

"That is true. You should go resting my dear. Tonight your future wife and her family will come. That takes me back when I was meeting your father" my mother declared while giggling.

They did not notice the despair that appeared for half a second on my brother face.

Since I knew guests were coming tonight, I was eating in the warehouse. A kind maid brought me food. Apparently my parents preferred me to stay playing there then being bored while they discussed between grow ups. Since the future lovers were busy learning about each other, I did not really have my place there.

"At least I am feeling comfortable with you, my comrades" I declared to my pokemons while patting my Snivy. After finishing the delicious meal I was given, I resumed my training. I did not notice that I was so tired that I felt asleep in the middle of my pokemons that night.

"This kid" my father sighed as he entered the warehouse. Some of my pokemons opened their eyes but closed them once they recognized him. My father took the sleepy me in his arms and exited.

"I just hope you will not rebel like your brother when your time comes" he muttered as we were walking toward the mansion. That night, I did not sleep well.

Months passed and it was time to kick some asses. No, I was not a bully! I was not the one destroying my enemies, it was my pokemons! They are the one bullying, not me! It is not my fault if my training methods is efficient! Mixing demons army with pokemons armies just make them increase drastically!

"He went too far once again" my father said as he buried his face in his hands. One could heard a girl crying after loosing.

"I should teach him to be a gentleman before it is too late" my mother declared before clenching her fists.

"I am afraid it is too late… I will never make him unhappy" my brother managed to say while shivering.

"Maybe you should get some pokemons too. Just in case you have an argument with him" my father told him.

"Or I should learn to run away. Yes I should definitely put more efforts in sport for my own survival" my brother resolutely said while doing his best for not trembling.

"In the worst case, mom will protect you" my mother said while patting him. She did not get that by hearing this, he felt humiliated even further.

Apparently not only I traumatized that poor girl, but also my brother. Well that is not so bad. Now he knows that he better let me in peace if he did not want to be severely punished.

The tournament finished with kids crying and me winning. I did not notice that my plant pokemons were smirking at the crying children while I was putting them into their pokeballs. I had to release them all for a commemorative picture before receiving my trophy. I got a new poster that way.

As soon as we went back to the mansion, we celebrated my third victory. I let my pokemons free for the rest of the day and let them eat to their heart content! However, I would let my parents rest.

"Mother, Father" I began.

"Which ones do you want?" my father cut me before I could continue.

"Let me guess… that time it is the electric battle club?" my mother tried.

"No" I replied.

"The poison battle club?" she asked again.

"Let him speak for arceus sake!" my father scolded her.

"Sure, sure. You will sleep on the couch tonight" she answered. Before they could carried on their nagging, I had to intervene.

"Machoc, clobbopus, riolu and jangmo-o" I declared.

"Eh? Only four this time?" my mother said suspiciously.

"Yes that will be enough this time for the fighting club" I declared.

"Alright then. We will look for them" my father nodded. I left them without further comment