
Pokemon: Adventures

Surprisingly, Ash has a big brother.

justimagine · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

Indigo plateau

Indigo Plateau,

After few days, they were finally on the way to the tournament.

Vidal and the trio were on the way to the stadium; on the way they saw huge group of people on both sides of the road looking towards their way.

"What's this?" Misty looked puzzled.

"Maybe there are here to cheer for me," Ash waved his hand towards them, "Hi everybody thanks a lot for coming here for me."

Then a group came running towards them, and passed them cheering for the person coming behind them.

A guy in white sportswear was running towards them, with a torch in his hand; followed by officer Jenny and another vehicle.

"It's the torch," Brock said.

"They used to light the flame that burn during the whole Pokemon competition," Misty added.

"The flame supposed to inspire all the Pokemon and trainer taking part in the competition. Being a torch bearer is great honor," Brock said.

"There is legend that says flame comes from way back in ancient from flames of Moltres," Misty described.

"If that flame is really is from the Moltres then it is more than just the legend," Ash said.

"And you want to catch it right," Misty sighed.

"Well, yes. But first I am going to carry that torch." Ash ran towards the torch bearer.

"Only approved competitor can carry that flame," Officer Jenny came forward.

"But I am a competitor." Ash showed his badges.

"But the rules.." officer Jenny was interrupted by a man from the vehicle.

"Well, I say bent the rules. The Pokemon competition is all about the spirit, and he seems to have spirit," the person said.

"Is that Santa Claus?" Ash said out loud.

"Santa Claus.."

"May I present the honorable Charles Goodshow, president of the Pokemon Competition committee," Officer Jenny introduced.

"This whole competition is all about spirit and you young man seems to have spirit. Why don't you carry the torch to Indigo Stadium?" Santa Claus look like said.

"It is my honor," Ash was saying, but his voice was suppressed by the shout of Goodshow.

"YOU.... You dare to show you face in front of me?" Goodshow confronted Vidal.

The scene was bizarre; a person who was shorter than Ash was shouting at a boy with extreme anger.

"Sir, Do I know you?" Vidal said calmly.

"You…You… You left me alone in that volcano and asking who I am." Goodshow was angrier.

"Officer Jenny, Mr. Goodshow seems to have some sort of misunderstanding. If this goes on, we might be late to take the torch to the stadium," Vidal said.

"Don't try to change the topic. Come I will fight you." Goodshow took his balls out.

Vidal looked at Officer Jenny once again.

And Goodshow was dragged by Officer Jenny to the vehicle.

Ash began running with the torch.

"Vidal, have you meet Mr. Goodshow before," Brock couldn't help but ask.

"Meet. I suppose we crossed path some time ago, but nothing such a meeting and talking," Vidal explained.

Brock and Misty nodded.

On the way, Misty and Brock also took turn to carry the torch. They have brought their sportswear along, and Vidal was empty handed this time.

After the torch was safely delivered to the Indigo stadium, they headed towards the Pokemon league Village. Here, all the Pokemon trainers rest during the period of Pokemon competition.

But a familiar face stopped them.

"Vidal, I guess we meet again. Mr. Goodshow wants to meet you. So, if possible…" Lorelei came again to get Vidal.

Vidal nodded, "Well there is no harm in meeting him. You guys go on; we will meet tomorrow during the opening ceremony."

Goodshow was staring intensely at Vidal who has just arrived at the office in Indigo Stadium.

"You take rest for now. We will talk after the dinner," Goodshow left the room.

Lorelei showed him a room, and Vidal waited for the dinner.

The dinner was also good, except for the occasional stares of Goodshow.

After the dinner, "Follow me." Goodshow suddenly stood up started walking out.

Vidal followed him to the Indigo stadium audience area.

They both took a seat on the audience, under the light of the moon

"So, you young man seems to have many secrets," Goodshow said, "Who sent you this time?"

"Secrets. Everyone got some secrets. As for why I am here? You can see this." Vidal showed his badges.

"A competitor, is this the only reason? Aren't you looking for something like the last time?" Goodshow asked again.

"No. It is just for the competition this time. And I apologize for the last time. I thought you could handle them easily, so I didn't want to be in your way."

Ha… haa..haa….

"You are joking right. You are called to handle the legendary Pokemon situation by the top researchers of the regions. And you are saying those words." Goodshow laughed again.

"You see this white beard. I am old and have seen many battles. But nobody would send a boy in such dangerous situation if they aren't sure of your strength," Goodshow said.

'What? If just because I was trying to handle legendary Pokemon make me strong, than Ash should have become Legendary Pokemon trainer at the age of 10…' Vidal sighed in his heart.

"I am speechless by your deduction capabilities." Vidal said.

"Mr. Goodshow, I have been thinking of asking a question."


"What is the situation of Elite four and the champion?"

Goodshow expression changed, "There are only three at this moment, and the champion has disappeared."

Vidal can only guess who the missing trainers can be but didn't ask further.

Both of them were silent for a moment.

But their attention was caught by a person who has just entered the stadium.

"Looks like someone is unable to sleep," Goodshow smiled.

"Yeah, he seems to be too much excited due to the competition." Vidal sighed looking at Ash.

'If I didn't do something he will definitely lose. But I am here this time.' Vidal thought.

Vidal was under lot of pressure; whether he should win the competition for himself or let Ash win it.

There was still whole night to think over it.

"So Mr. Goodshow, can you arrange for me to battle the three Elites after the competition."

"Hmm. If you win the league you can surely challenge them." Goodshow said.

Even he wasn't sure what he was going to do in the match, "Still, take this as me asking for a favor from you."

Goodshow said after thinking for a moment, "If you put it that way, then I can call them to make a schedule."

Vidal nodded, "Then I should get going too." Vidal got up and returned to the room he was assigned to.

Vidal spent about a weak with the Ash Pokemon and training them in Professor Oak ranch, and he was very confident on the strength of those Pokemon.

But he was also confident; those Pokemon will never fight his Pokemon if faced in battles.

And Vidal has to make sure; Ash will use those Pokemon in battles instead of those he runs around carrying in his bag.

Now, what should he do tomorrow in the match was running through his head….