
Pokemon: A Transmigrated Adventure.

Asa Archer was hit by a truck and awoke in the Pokemon world. Shocked and confused, he realized he had been transported to an impossible realm filled with fantastic creatures. Asa would now embark on an epic adventure in this new world, so unlike his own * * * * * P.S. First Fan-Fic, so if you have any criticism, please leave it below.

ThatOnewee_aboo · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: Nuevema Town

Asa cautiously picked his way through the dense forest, trying to get a sense of direction or find anything that could lead him out of this sea of trees. His legs shook as he walked, his whole body still rattling from the effects of the accident.

Finally, the trees began to thin, and Asa glimpsed shapes in the distance that didn't belong to the forest. Buildings came into view, houses with peculiar rounded roofs and structures unlike anything back home.

A town. He was approaching a town of some kind. His heart lifted at the sight, hoping that perhaps the inhabitants would have answers to the many questions swirling in his mind. Who lived here? What were the Pokémon that roamed this world like? How could he possibly get back home?

As he emerged from the forest, walking on a packed dirt path toward the town, a few locals emerged from their homes and stared at him with open curiosity and surprise. They seemed human, but they had colorful hair and peculiar clothing, nothing like what he was used to.

"Welcome to Nueva Town," one man said with a slight accent. "Are you lost, traveler?"

Asa blinked, unsure how to respond. After a moment, he said, "I seem to have ended up here by accident. I don't recognize this place at all.

"Son, you're in Nueva Town, which is located in the south-central region of Unova," another explained. "We are neighbors with Castelia City and Route 2 to the north."

Unova. They were all but confirming he had ended up in the world described in the Pokémon games. Asa's head spun, still reeling from this impossible discovery.

"Please, come share some tea and rest your feet," a kind elderly woman said, beckoning him toward her cozy stone home. "We would be happy to tell you more about our town and Unova."

Wary but with few other options, Asa followed the woman into her home, his mind abuzz with questions yet to be answered. What new adventures and discoveries awaited him in this strange world he had somehow been transported to?