
The Prologue

The year is 2020. Just 15 years ago, everyone was living in harmony but now, everywhere you go is danger.

So 15 years ago Pokemons started to rebel against humans because they wanted freedom and did not want to rely on humans. They refused to get inside their pokeballs. This led to the current situation. Humans were furious about this and so both Pokemons and humans started to fight. The advanced technology of humans and the natural abilities and power of Pokemons.

Humans refused to let Pokemons live in the wild. They thought Pokemons will be dangerous if they started to run wild. So many hunters started to hunt Pokemons. That was the beginning of this massive distrust and fight. During this time Pokemons also started to kill human when their life was in danger. Humans started to think Pokemons are more dangerous even though they started it in the first place. So now Pokemons were literally monsters who will kill you.

This was the biggest event in the history of the world. 50% of humans were killed and 60% of Pokemons went extinct due to the continues struggle of humans to gain their freedom and live in a world without the fear of such monsters and the struggle of Pokemons to survive and live in the wild without human interference.

Now, only the strongest of Pokemons survive. But half of the remaining humanity still fights to regain their lost freedom and live in fearless world. Most Pokemons do not come out of nowhere like they used to.

Pokeballs are also completely useless now. It's basically kill or be killed in this world now.

During the war an association was formed by humans. It was called Pokemon hunters association. This was basically the remaining military of humans to fight against Pokemons.

Humans couldn't build civilization anywhere now. Just walking in the wild without being armed was dangerous. Pokemons also want to get rid of humans now.


" My name is Ren! I am here to join the Pokemon hunters association." A young boy by the name Ren just joined the military to hunt Pokemons.

Hunters association recruits many people every year. Due to the disadvantage of humans against Pokemons, more people were needed. The new recruits were trained for about a year and were given many missions ( mostly being hunting Pokemons ). Many people were killed by the strong Pokemons everywhere.

Dragon type Pokemons and legendary Pokemons were mostly dangerous. And most Pokemons also had already evolved into their final stages. It was quite hard to find even one

Pokemon which was in its first stage.

"Why do you want to hunt Pokemons?" A soldier asked Ren.

"I want to regain my and the rest of humanity's freedom no matter what, sir!" Ren answered proudly in his military uniform.

Ren had a black hair and was average looking at best. He didn't stand out much in the whole crowd of recruits. They were all wearing the same uniform as well.

The recruit soldiers were introducing themselves and now they were all about to begin their one year of training. This began their new life as a soldier.

If you are actually reading this then I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This was a very small chapter as it was suppose to be just an introduction of the story. If you like the premise then be sure to add this to your library.

I am a new author so I would appreciate any kind of feedback

Something_66creators' thoughts