
Cinnabar Island!

"Drapion Use cross Poison!"

The scorpion-like Pokemon readied his attack, Charging forward towards Charizard.

The fire-lizard met the attack with a wing attack, Pushing the poison type back. Before the opponent could shout out the next attack, Charizard started charging his claws with Dragon energy, shaping them into claws.

With a strong swing, The poison type was flung into a wall, knocked unconscious.

"No, Drapion!"

And just like that, With no further complication, he had gotten the soul badge.

The next day would be spent flying on the back of the Pidgeot, but it was fine, It was for a badge...

Yes, a badge.


Nessa was having a great time, The photoshoot was going well, Today being the last day, Then she would stay on the island for the next week to catch a few Pokemon, She had time after the shoots but Nessa wanted to take her time to look for a suitable team member.

The day was going as planned, she was on the beach, taking pictures with some of the water type pokemon.


A whisper in her ear.


She jumped, Spun and Slapped the one behind her.

When Nessa Looked closely, She deadpanned. It was dust.



Dust sat on the rock, rubbing his cheek with a pout on his face.

"What gave you the bright idea to scare me like that? And what's that thing on the back of your head?"

He looked away from Nessa's patronising gaze, It wasn't the best idea, Sure but it was funny before he got slapped.

"This wasn't what I had in mind, honestly. And... that's my hair... Tied back."

Nessa looked at him for a moment, then turned to the waiting Directors.

"Let's take an hour break, This guy is going to be taking pictures with me, No need to worry about any contracts, he owes me a favour."

She says, Taking the Hair tie from Dust and dragging him off to the city.

"...Where are we going?"

"you're getting a haircut, A change of clothes and taking pictures with me."

"...I dont think I owe you that much..."

She looked over at him, Gave him a once over, and very politely ignored his remark.


"Were back!"

Nessa came back to the beach, Dragging dust behind him with an undercut and slicked-back hair, Wearing blue sneakers with black tounges, Black cargo pants and a light blue shirt, Hugging the form that he trained from when he was four...

(I feel ridiculous.)

"Alright, Do you have your pokemon with you?"

The director asked with a raised eyebrow.

As an answer, Dust let out his team.

"Oh you got a wimpod too, Mine evolved a few weeks ago."

Dust just looked at her for a while, before shrugging.

"Yeah, What about you? Got any new members on your team?"

Nessa reached for her belt and took off a Pokeball, releasing an Azumarill. Its bottom half of the body was white while the top was blue, Two long ears on top of its head, it looked cute... and the Aura she was overflowing with could be compared with his Luxio.

So he did the natural thing... and patted her head.


aww...What a cutie. undoubtedly strong too.

"Isn't she cute?"

Looking up at Nessa, he gave her a look as if to say "Do you even need to ask?".

"So... What was this about taking pictures?"


the rest of the day was spent taking pictures and now he was sitting on a couch in Nessa's Hotel room while flipping through them.

"These will be published?"

Nessa stopped looking through her backpack and rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah, im still surprised you're so photo genetic."

Dust smirked and held up one of the pictures to her. Nessa focused on it for a while, it wasn't long before her face started turning red.

In the Picture, The two of them were standing close... Very close. Their faces were inches apart and the stares they were giving each other were so intense someone could feel it just from the image.

"I find it amazing how calm you were during the shoot, while now you could give the Colour red a run for its money."

Reaching out with his hand, he caught a small flip mirror.

"S-Shut up!"

Chuckling, He went back to the pictures. He and his greninja standing back to back.

Him petting growlith and Luxio, Gardevoir creating a magic circle by teleporting the dirt slightly under the surface, the light of the telport giving a pink glow to the two of them.

"How did you manage to do that?"

Jumping at the sudden question from so close, he turned his head to the right Seeing Nessa observing the magic circle with interest.

"Uh... She just used teleport to move the pieces of the earth a few inches below the ground, the light was a side effect of the Move."

She opened her mouth in a silent "oh" and nodded.

"By the way... Im keeping these."

He pointed at the pictures of them together with a smirk. on the visible one, he had his hand on her waist while he was flanked by Greninja with crossed arms and on Nessa's side stood Golisopod.

Noticing that she was about to lounge at the pictures, he grabbed them and stood up, stretching his hand to the ceiling. Preventing her from reaching them.
