
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · Anime und Comics
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152 Chs

Violently Pro-Human!

As Ash and Brock were training climbing through waterfalls, an old man stood at the edge of the cliff watching them. Ace climbed behind them, making sure they didn't crack their skulls on rocks.

Eventually, they reached the top!

Ash threw his hands up, "Yeah! We did it! Hahaha!" Pikachu cheered, "Pika!" he looked around seeing the Mudkip and old man clapping as he laughed before slipping and falling down the waterfall again.

The Mudkip rolled around laughing as the old man smiled, "Ah, to be young." Brock looked at the old man, "Mister, are you raising these Mudkip?" The old man smiled and nodded, "That's right. My name is Swampy! You can call me Old man Swampy if you like!"

May sat on the side, grooming her Pokemon, "Wow, Swampy, you take care of all these Mudkip?!" Max was playing with the Mudkip as they dog piled him.

Ace looked down the waterfall, "Come on, Ash!" Ash got up and looked up before letting out a breath, "Alright!" as he released Treecko and Corphish, "You guys come out too!" Corphish and Treecko looked at the Waterfall before looking at each other.

Ace stood at the top, waving, "That's the spirit! Conquer Nature before it can conquer you!" Ash burst into flames and started climbing again with Treecko and Corphish as Pikachu tied balloons to himself, flying up.

Ace looked at him with a smile as Pikachu looked proud. Ace took out a large pin, popping the balloons as Pikachu fell down, "Pikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!" he laughed as he continued watching the group climb up.

Brock continued chatting with Swampy until Ace asked, "Hey, old man Swampert. You raise Eggs for the League, right?" Swampy looked at him and nodded, "Oh? You know this?"

Brock and May were startled, "All the Pokemon come from Swampy?" Ace shook his head, "The Alliance has breeders in special locations that raise one of the Three Starter Pokemon. These Pokemon are chosen because they have the most compatibility with trainers who are just starting out. If there was a better fit, they would be switched."

He shook a finger, "Because Mudkip, Torchic, and Treecko are easier to get along with than let's say Bagon, for example, they will be picked for breeding. They're also strong Pokemon. After all, they can all Mega Evolve."

May, Brock, and Swampy asked in confusion, "Mega Evolve?" Ace flipped out a Pokeball, "Come out, girl!" Ampharos appeared, "Ampha!" May gushed, "She's so cute!"

Ampharos twisted around happily, "Ampha~ Hehe~" Ace pointed at her head, saying, "You see that Pink Bow, in the middle there's a marble, right?" The three nodded and Ace smiled, "That's a Mega Stone."

He pulled on his chain, revealing the Lightning bolt keystone, "Shock the World and Roar, Ampharos! Mega Evolve!" Ampharos roared and was covered in a ball of light before it exploded revealing a new Ampharos with long flowing wool!

There were blue orbs sprinkled in the wool and Ampharos looked majestic. Still Pink though!

May, Brock, and Swampy were shocked, "Wow! It can evolve again!?" Ace smiled and nodded, "It's not permanent, only temporary… For now." Brock asked, "For now? Can it be permanent?" Ace explained slowly, "In Kalos, Professor Sycamore studies Mega Evolution. From his personal theory, Mega Evolution is actually the Ancient Forms of Pokemon that we see now. So in theory, it's possible to somehow actually evolve them again into this Mega Evolution state."

He looked at Ampharos and smiled, "But these forms take a lot of energy to maintain. Because there used to be more resources a long time ago, these requirements were fine, but now we have less and less." May sighed, "So it's our fault?"

Ace laughed and shook his head, "You can't say that. There's many theories about where Humans come from. But it's possible that we were once Pokemon. We simply evolved into what we are now. That's why we can become so strong like me. The Body is fundamentally different from other species like us…"

He coughed and continued, "Anyway. You can't think like that, May." she tilted her head as Ace smiled, "Ancient Ancestors of Humans evolved in incredibly harsh environments to become what we are today. There were probably hundreds of wars with Humans fighting and killing Pokemon when they were evolving. After all, we are an extremely invasive species. But in the end, we own the World. It's a sort of mercy that Pokemon even exist."

Brock tilted his head, "You mean to say, we're like Predators and we allow prey to live with us?" Ace smiled and nodded, "Exactly. I'm sure there's places where Humans eradicated Pokemon after evolving into Humans. It's not a question of blame, but a fact that we evolved faster. Anyway, this is a Pro-Human take. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a world where Pokemon control humans like Pokemon. The desire for species is to conquer other species for more resources, now we have more means so we can help species grow under our watch, but if they grow too much…"

He stopped talking.

Swampy rubbed his chin, "That's quite the theory, young man!" Ace smiled at him, "Just think of it as nonsense. I'm not a professor, it's just my own thoughts. We shouldn't be ashamed of being human. If Pokemon can take over Humans, they most certainly will. But we've domesticated most of them. Just domesticating them is stunting their growth. Think about it, you feed Pokemon PokemonFood while we eat meat. To grow your brain you need a lot of protein from meat."

He spread his hands and smiled as May was shocked, "We're preventing Pokemon from an uprising?!" Ace's lips twitched and he returned to the main topic, "Ahem! Well, it's not that serious… By the way, Mega Evolution can also change Pokemon Typing. For example; My sweet little Ampharos is now a Dragon-Electric Type."

Ampharos cheered, "Ampha!" Ace pointed at the sky, "Dragon Pulse, baby!" Ampharos looked up at the sky and roared, blasting out a full power Dragon Pulse, blasting a hole in the sky, lighting up the entire area!

Brock, May, and Swampy were awed as Ash flipped over the top of the waterfall, "Awesome! Is that your Mega Ampharos, Teacher?!" Ace nodded and smiled. Ampharos hugged Ash happily, "Ampha~!" Ash chuckled as Treecko jumped up, wiping his sweat mixed with water.

Corphish shot up, blasting through the water, "CORPHIISH!" Pikachu flopped over, "Pika…"