
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · Anime und Comics
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153 Chs

Oh my dear Arceus, what have you done?! (Alt Title- The Real Cheater Appears!)

A while later

Ash walked into the Pewter Gym, "Hello?! Is anyone there!?" 

A spotlight appeared and shone on Brock, who said "Are you here for a challenge?" Ash held out a fist, "That's right! I'm Ash Ketchum and I'm gonna be a Pokemon Master!" Brock snorted, "Is that your Pikachu? Well, I can't refuse a Challenge as a Gym leader!" as he snapped his fingers.

Ash scrambled with Pikachu as a rock terrain slid out from the walls. He escaped and shouted, "What's the big idea!?" Brock held out two fingers, saying with fierce eyes(???), "A Gym Challenge is 2 on 2! No more nonsense! Come out, Onix!"

Ash waved, "I choose you, Pikachu!" Pikachu ran out, patting his chest as though everything was in his calculations. Ash shouted, "Pikachu, get him!" Pikachu threw out a thundershock and Onix looked at him.

Onix: ???

Pikachu: …

Ash was dumbfounded, "Huh?!" Brock snorted, "Onix! Attack!" Pikachu ran around in a panic before being grabbed by Onix's tail as Brock shouted, "Bind!" Ash froze and shouted worriedly, "Pikachu! Stop!"

Brock shouted, "Do you surrender?!" Ash sighed and said sadly, "Yeah…" Brock waved and Onix let Pikachu go.

The lights turned on and Ace sighed on the side, "Did I teach you nothing?! Ash!" Ash was stunned and turned to see Ace leaning on a pillar! He lit up, "Ace!" before running over and hugging him.

Ace caught him and patted his back, putting him down as Brock walked over, holding Pikachu. Ash scrambled, "Ah! Pikachu!" as he held Pikachu in his arms. Ace took out a spray bottle and sprayed Pikachu as the little guy sneezed, "Pika!"

Ace looked at Pikachu and was blinded by the shining rainbow colored text.

[Pikachu (Male) (Thunder Godhead Apprentice) (Skin God) (Blessed by Arceus)]

[Level 5]

[Ability 1- Static]

[Ability 2- Movie King]

[Ability 3- Hyper Recharge]

[Ability 4- Fierce Adversity]

[Moves- Thunder Shock, Volt Tackle]

[Notes: Can learn all Pikachu related moves naturally, will spontaneously learn in times of crisis. Extremely Special! Strengthening can lead to Favorability increasing with Arceus. Can be strengthened Infinitely. Pikachu does not have a potential limit. Can surpass Lv100 cap without difficulty. Warning: Forcefully separating this Pikachu from his trainer successfully will lead to erasure by Arceus.]

Ace almost died from a heart attack!

He looked at the Abilities and really nearly died!

[Movie King- A small probability to trigger an explosive decrease or increase in combat strength when facing any known Pokemon, including Legendary Pokemon. When Triggered, stats will even out to the exact same level as the opponent regardless of the strength difference.]

[Hyper Recharge- After prolonged periods of use, battle, training, etc. will enter a short recharging state in which the Pokemon will be severely weakened.]

[Fierce Adversity- When faced with insurmountable odds, this Pokemon will perform miracles!]

Ace's expression had been frozen for a long time…

Let's compare, shall we?

[Static- 30% chance to paralyze Opponent]

Oh, oh. I see! Okay.

So it turns out that I'm not a real cheater. After all, my Pokemon only have one ability… Ace shouted in anger, "What the hell!" as he threw the empty Potion at the ground in frustration.

It bounced back and smacked him in the face!

Arceus: Calm down, young man. You're making a fuss.

Ace rubbed his face and looked at Pikachu, who was now completely fine! Ash looked at Ace, "Uh… Are you alright, Ace?" Ace rubbed his nose and said seriously, "Teacher." Ash blinked and nodded, "Oh… Oh!" 

Brock looked at Ace and said in shock, "He's your student?!" he looked at Ash and sighed, "And you're still so stupid?!" Ash pointed at his face, pouting, "What do you mean stupid?"

Ace turned to Brock and patted his shoulder, "You're not bad, Brock. But you're too kind. If you see another idiot like this, just crush him!" Ash was full of confusion while Brock looked troubled, "I don't want to hurt Pikachu…"

Ace patted his shoulder a few times, sighing 5 times in a row. Ace grabbed Ash and carried him out of the Gym, grinding his teeth, "I taught you so many tactics, so many tricks, how to train Pokemon, and you come to a Gym to embarrass me?!"

Ash flailed as Pikachu sat on Ace's shoulder nodding, Ash turned to Brock, "Brock, help! Save me!" Brock sighed and prayed, "Hopefully you make it out alive…" Ash screamed, "AHH! Brock! I'll be baaaaaaaaaaack~!" as he disappeared from the door.

Ace carried Ash outside and a man walked over, sighing, "You lost, right?" Ace and Ash looked over, "Oh, Flint! Yeah…" Flint looked at Ace and nodded, "Hello, I'm Flint." Ace smiled and nodded at him, "Sorry, this brat caused you trouble, Mr Flint."

Flint froze and played it cool, "It's nothing… I have a way to power up your Pikachu, Ash!" Ash's eyes lit up and Ace decided to let him go, "Let's go check it out." Ash picked up Pikachu, "Pika?"

Ash clenched his fist, "Come on, Pikachu! After you get powered up, ha! That Brock guy… He'll pay for hurting you!" Pikachu's heart was warm and he shouted energetically, "Pikachuuu~!"

They followed Flint, who told Brock's backstory. Turns out that his 'good for nothing' father left to become a Pokemon Master, leaving Brock with his 10 siblings. To make matters worse, his mother was dead.

Ace had a few question marks over his head. 

Really dead?

Or dead in your heart, Flint!

If he remembered correctly, this was a translation issue that the English Dub just refused to change. It was still there in the 5th episode of the Original Anime if they never changed it.

We only speak English down here, brother! Hellyeah!


Flint showed Brock taking care of his siblings before bringing Ash and Ace to a water mill. He hooked up Pikachu to the power storage and said, "The river's dried up… if you want to Power up Pikachu, you have to start the mill yourself!"

Ash clenched his fists and nodded seriously, "I'll do it!" Pikachu was touched again and Ace swore to Arceus he saw [+5 Friendship] floating up from Pikachu's head!!!

Ash started running on the water wheel and the electricity floated into Pikachu's body! Pikachu cried out, "Pika!!!" Ash encouraged him, "Come on, Pikachu! We can do it! Together!"

Ace had to say, if he was a Pokemon, he'd be touched! Of course, then he would probably already have an entire couple dozen childre-AHEM!

Being a human is best.

Human Supremacy!

Getting these strange thoughts out of his head, he pulled up a Panel on Pikachu. As expected, it was completely different from other Pokemon…

It was entirely gold!

Pikachu's Stats were on it. Not only that but Racial Values, Abilities, Move Relearner, etc.

Ace looked at the panel in front of him and was surprised! 

In the ETC portion, there was some new stuff!

[Areas of Strengthening]

[Partner Pikachu Package- Requires 5 Lightballs, 10 Thunderstones, Soothe Bell, Partner Pokemon Gene Change, Zap Plate, and 100 Electric Gems]

[Gigantamax Factor- Gigantamax Factor Pill, Electrium Z, 5 Dynamax Candy, 5 Dynamax Crystals, 5 Dynite Ore, Pikanium Z, and Pikashunium Z]

Ace was dumbfounded and looked at the shop before turning green! He had a lot of BP! Really a lot! He also had a lot of money! But you want to know something…

He didn't have enough!

Rough calculations- 134 million BP for both!

Ace only had 120 million! 

Do you know what kind of astronomical figure this was?!

1000 to 1

Comfortable estimate another 50 million.


Let me get my calculator, friends!

Ahem! A total of-

50 Billion.

Only 50 Billion, haha!


Ace made a prayer and said, "Arceus, bless me with some good luck, okay? That's all I want! Your servant is trying to strengthen your little emissary!" before sinking 50 Billion Pokedollars into the System.

Gamefreak Company- Nearly Bankrupt!

Yes, nearly! The sales are an astronomical figure! When he gets back, looks like he's going to have to start making Hoenn… When will I get a break!

Ace shed a few tears before ruthlessly pressing both buttons!

Pikachu froze and then screamed "PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" 

A bright light exploded and roared out as Ash wiped his sweat, "That's great, Pikachu!"

Ace looked at the Pikachu, who looked the same before blinking.


He looked at the Panel and covered his mouth in horror!

[Areas of Strengthening]

[Thunder God- Mjolnir Core, Source of Lightning, Railgun Super Power, …]

Ace looked at the long list and felt dizzy. He turned to the normal Pikachu stats before feeling depressed.

What teachers do for students… let me tell you…

[Pikachu (Omitted…)]

[Level 10]

[Abilities- …]

[Moves- Zippy Zap, Volt Tackle, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Thunder Shock, Floaty Fall, Surf, Fly, Splishy Splash, Pika Papow,...]

Ace looked under and his eyes cracked.

[Can Learn: Meteor Mash, Icicle Crash, Draining Kiss, Electric Terrain, Flying Press,...]

Ace nearly sat down, these are all the moves from the Costume Pikachus?! Without hesitation, click click click!

In an instant, Pikachu went from cute to… well, he didn't change at all!

Ace expressed confusion.

[To spare Pikachu from exploding, these moves will gradually be learned over time through epiphanies in times of crisis. Most moves are locked for now.]

Ace checked Pikachu again and saw the changed Race Value.


He clicked on the ? and a new text box appeared.

[Subject to Change with the Times.]

Ace: ??????????????

[Incoming Message!]

Ace felt that today was really a lively day! 

As Ash argued with Misty, Ace looked at the message.

[Arceus looks favorably upon you. +10 Luck]

And then…

There was no Then!

Ace looked up at the sky with dead fish eyes.

The Screen popped up again.

[Arceus Friendship +20, 1 Month Lucky Streak, Mysterious Reward Bag]

[1 Month Lucky Streak starts now!]


[Open Mysterious Reward Bag?]

Ace took a breath and calmed down, "Open it, damn it, if I don't see a Chibi Rayquaza that can speak perfect English, I'll explode!" as he opened the Reward Bag, he was praying in his heart 'Chibi Rayquaza… Chibi Rayquaza…'

It doesn't have to speak English!!!

[Mysterious Map]

[Rayquaza Scale]

Ace looked at the Emerald Scale in his hand and shed a few tears. Oh my…

I'm so happy.


Is it too much...? Naaaaah! Pikachu is Pikachu. Everyone loves Pikachu. 
