
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · Anime und Comics
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153 Chs

Leaving Pallet Town

[Archen (Female)]

[Level 1]

[Ability: Speed Boost]

[Cranidos (Male)]

[Level 1]

[Ability: Unaware]

[Tyrunt (Male)]

[Level 1]

[Ability: Huge Power]

Ace swallowed and stared at the three as Professor Oak picked them up one by one. Tyrunt bit Oak's head and blood spurted out as Oak laughed. Ace was dumbfounded, "Professor, are you alright?!"

Oak waved his hand, "Great! Let them play." Ace was speechless, old man! You're bleeding from your head! What do you mean by play!?

Ace picked up Archen and looked at her. Archen stared back with dead fish eyes and Ace heard Lacrimosa again, he looked around quickly, wondering where that was coming from.

Ace asked, "Can I take Archen for now?" Oak waved and nodded, "I'll take the Data from these two first…" then he paused, smiling "They're yours anyway, Ace." Ace smiled and nodded, taking Archen with him.

He clicked on the Mystery Gift and collected it as he left the lab.

[Pokeblock Machine]

Ace blinked and put Archen down, taking out a Pokeball from his backpack.

Archen stood there menacingly as Ace tapped on her with a pokeball.

The Pokeball jiggled and clicked as Ace smiled to himself, letting Archen out.

Archen moved and grabbed Ace's pant leg without saying anything. Ace shivered and gushed inwardly, rubbing her little head.

Noibat chirped and waved at the Archen, who looked up at Noibat.

Noibat froze and turned away.

Ace didn't notice and let out a breath, "Let's train!" as he started running.

He didn't get far before he was stopped by a little boy.

Ash looked at Ace and shouted in shock, "What is that, Ace?!" Ace looked at him and smiled, "That's Archen." Ash had stars in his eyes, "WOW! So cool!" Ace stopped and looked at Ash, rubbing his chin as Noibat knocked into Ace's head, headfirst.

Ace suddenly had an idea and smiled, "So you want to learn?" Ash looked up at Ace in confusion, "Learn? Learn what? I already know my Attribute Tables!" Ace stared at him and Ash chuckled, looking smug, "Fire is weak to Grass, Grass is weak to Water, Rock is weak to Electric, Ground is weak to Electric…"

Ace stared at Ash and nodded, this was the reverse Attribute Master, who was he to correct him? Maybe that was really the way things were? 

Ace waved and said, "I'm talking about Pokeblocks. Do you know how to make Pokeblocks?" Ash was dumbfounded and asked, "What's a Pokeblock?" Ace smiled and nodded, "Pokemon food." 

Ash jumped, "I want to learn! Yippee!" Ace smiled slightly and said "Come on, from now on, train with me and I'll teach you how to make Pokeblocks." Ash cheered and followed behind Ace, who continued to run.

The next day

Ace was looking at Ash, saying "You have to mix the ingredients… WRONG!" Ash looked frustrated as he sat in front of a Cauldron-like Pokeblock machine. Ace was confused as he looked at the Pokeblock Machine…

Why was it a cauldron? Is this secretly an Immortal World??

Where am I, seriously.

But he inexplicably knew how to use the Pokeblock machine.

And he taught Ash by the way, it was fun. Maybe when Ash was a big shot, he would say on TV- 'Actually, all my achievements are due to my teacher Ace.' Ace fantasized happily while drawing his Mystery Gift.

[10 Luxury Balls]

Ace sighed to himself and Ash looked back, asking "Huh?" before the cauldron exploded. Ace sighed again, "How many explosions is that?" Ash's face was black and he shook it off, laughing "I don't know, I don't have that many fingers." Ace's lips twitched as he looked at Ash's silly face.

[Taught Ash Ketchum the basics of Pokeblock Making- 10 BP]

Ace's eyes flashed and he nodded, very good!


And so, the time passed quickly.

Training, cleaning, helping, teaching…

Everything every day with a relaxed mood. Ace wasn't under any pressure and as the time passed, he felt a little better about what happened to Noivern. Although he was still sad, he needed to take care of Noibat and Archen now…

As for Cranidos and Tyrunt, Ace was taking them along, however they weren't going to be on his main team. Where he was going, they would be welcomed… He was just worried about staying there for a while…

A few months passed and finally, the Ferry to Sinnoh was ready to leave. It even came to Pallet Town specifically, super lucky!

Ace looked at the Ferry and sighed, it was time to leave Pallet Town… He turned and saw Ash waving at him with clenched fists, "I'll find you, Teacher! Yeah!" Ace smiled slightly, waving at them as Professor Oak patted his shoulder, smiling "Just contact me if you have any problems. I'll gladly take care of any Pokemon you can't handle."

Ace looked at him and smiled, "Thanks, Professor." Professor Oak chuckled and shook his head, handing him a pokeball, saying "I found this little guy wandering on the outskirts of the Forest… I can't keep him in the lab."

Ace looked at him in confusion and Oak smiled wryly, "Well, you'll see." Ace opened the Pokeball on the spot and a Farfetch'd appeared with a sharp aura all around him.

However, this Farfetch'd was bigger than most and its Leek was longer over its shoulder. Notably, its left eye was a long scar over it.

Ace was dumbfounded and said "Galarian Farfetch'd?!" he was confused, "Why is there a Galarian Farfetch'd here?" Oak sighed and explained, "Poachers set up bases in Viridian Forest all the time. Most of them get destroyed… Either by outside sources or escapees. This little guy must've been captured from Galar."

He looked at Ace and smiled slightly, "You can take care of him, right?" Ace looked at the Farfetch'd that glared at him with one eye, Ace nodded and said seriously, "I will take care of him." Oak smiled happily when he saw this, patting Ace on the shoulder, saying "Be sure to contact me."

Ace felt warm and nodded with a smile, "Sure." Oak nodded and left as Ace looked at the Farfetch'd, smiling "Wanna come with me?" the Farfetch'd looked at the ship and then sneered at Ace, walking ahead.

Ace waved at Ash, Delia, and Oak before boarding the ship and leaving.

Professor Oak was a very kind person, Ace didn't want to leech on his kindness forever…

Men needed to make a name on their own!

Not to mention, he was a man with big dreams!

Ace looked out at the sea as the ship sailed away, "Champion, here I come!" Farfetch'd sat on the deck next to Ace, holding his leek and looking cold as the ship disappeared from Pallet Town.

Ace was on the deck and looking at his inventory, he had a bunch of useless things that he got from the Mystery Gifts during these months.

Among them, there were tons of Pokeballs of all varieties, Berries, junk, etc.

However, Ace managed to get some good things too…

[Sirfetch'd Leek]

[Human and Pokemon Weights Kit]

[House Remodeling Token]

[Healing Spring]