

Quilava was a slim quadruped Pokémon. The top half of its body is blue, while the lower half is cream. Its ears are triangular with red insides, and it possesses a rounded nose and red eyes. It had five red spots on its body that can project flames: two in a somewhat exclamation-mark shape on its forehead and three lined up horizontally on its rear.

Daikon took out his pokedex and scanned Quilava.

[Quilava the Volcano pokemon. Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This Pokémon applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foe with flames.]

Daikon smiled as he put his pokedex away. He also noticed that Quilava learned a new move when he evolved, Flame Wheel.

Quilava ran over to Daikon and stood on his back legs looking for praise. He was around a meter tall when he stood on his back legs, almost to Daikon's hip.

"Hahaha yes you did a good job. You have gotten stronger too." Daikon praised as scratch Quilava's ear.

"Quil quil." Quilava said as he closed his eyes in happiness.

Daisy walked over to Daikon and congratulated him, "Good job. Your pokemon already have excellent battle instinct. You also know how to guide them in battle." she praised as she watched him playing with his Quilava.

"Thank you Miss Oak. May I battle the intermediate trainee? I have one more pokemon and I wish to test my Quilava's strength." Daikon asked, he wanted to continue to battle. Watching his pokemon get stronger gave him a natural high.

Daisy thought about it for awhile until she replied, "Okay but it will be only one pokemon. Your Quilava just evolved and is still injured from the previous battle."

Daikon nodded and thanked her.

Soon a young man came out with red hair. "Im Kip, the intermediate trainee." he said flatly.

"Daikon." Daikon said curtly.

Kip threw out a pokeball and a Sandslash appeared.

[Sandslash the mouse pokemon. Sandslash's body is covered by tough spikes, which are hardened sections of its hide. Once a year, the old spikes fall out, to be replaced with new spikes that grow out from beneath the old ones.]

Daikon throughout a pokeball and a black Dratini appeared.

"A black Dratini!? Must be a rare shiny!" Kip muttered to himself.

Daisy's eyes also narrowed seeing this Dratini. The pokemon itself was super rare but a black shiny one was unheard of.

"Battle start!" she yelled.

'Aqua Jet!' Daikon said through their Blood Bond.

A thin film of water covered Dratini as he sped toward Sandslash like a rocket.

"Defense Curl!" Kip said. Sandslash curled its body into a ball, bracing for the attack.

Dratini slammed into the Sandslash but reflected off of him, causing little damage.

"Fury Swipes." Kip said.

'Keep your distance with Dragon Breath.'

A black energy erupted from Dratini's mouth. Sandslash couldn't avoid the attack and was hit. It took a couple of steps back before righting itself.

'Dragon Dance then Aqua Jet again.' Daikon said.

Black energy started to surround Dratini as he used Dragon Dance, boosting his stats. He then took off towards Sandslash using Aqua Jet.

Sandslash use Swift!" Kip yelled.

Star shaped beams of energy shot towards Dratini but he broke through them and crashed into Sandslash.

'Use Aqua Jet again.'

"Use Dig!" Kip yelled at his injured Sandslash.

Sandslash used his large claws to dig underground and quickly disappearing from sight.

'Use Dragon Breath into the hole.' Daikon said.

Dratini quickly used Dragon Breath into the hole and a loud cry came from under the ground.

Sandslash burst out of the ground and fainted.

"Sandslash is unable to battle. Dratini is the winner." Daisy announced.

Daikon ran onto the field and grabbed Dratini. "Good job you little glutton!" he exclaimed as he rubbed his head.

Dratini gave a happy cry as he coiled around Daikon's arm.

Daikon left the gym and headed back to the pokemon center to heal Quilava and book a room for the night.

Seeing the blonde nurse again a slight blush creeped into Daikon's face but he ignored it and asked her to heal his Quilava.

"Your Cyndaquil evolved?" she asked shocked, he had only been gone for a couple hours.

"Yes. I'd also like to book a room for the night." Daikon said.

"Of course." the blonde nurse said as she took Quilava's pokeball away. She returned with a key and said, "Room 12. Second floor."

He thanked her and went to his room. He released Eevee and Dratini to feed them but Dratini refused to eat any of the food he bought. He sighed and promised to take Dratini out after Quilava was healed to hunt.

Eevee happily ate the food that Daikon bought her. Daikon went through todays battle with her on what she did right and where he thought she could improve. Eevee listened with rapt attention, wanting to improve herself.

Daikon commanded Dratini the whole time for his battle so he didn't have much to say to him. He asked Dratini how he like his first official pokemon battle, Dratini gave a happy cry.

Daikon went downstairs and picked up Quilava and left the city to let Dratini do some hunting.

After walking a good ways away from the city, Daikon let Dratini out of his pokeball.

"Okay go get yourself some food." he said.

Dratini let out a happy cry and took off into the trees, looking for his next meal.

Daikon smiled as he walked after it.

A short while later Dratini was busy eating a Sentret that it had caught. Daikon was standing near it fiddling with his pokedex.

Daikon suddenly dropped the pokedex and rolled to the side. Where he was a second ago, two knives were stuck in the ground.

"Nice reactions for a brat." a cold voice said from the shadows.

Daikon immediately called Dratini to hide behind him and unsheathed his black sword.

"What are you going to do with that? Poke me?" the cold voice sneered in derision.

"Why don't you find out?" Daikon coldly said.

A dark clothed figure walked out of the trees. His face was covered by a black hood, beside him was a Mightyena.

"You must be the thief." Daikon said, remembering the thief had used a Mightyena.

"Yes, now give me your Dratini and sword." the thief said.

"Like hell." Daikon tightened his grip on his sword.

"Fine." he turned to his pokemon and said, "Deal with the Dratini, I'll handle the brat."

Mightyena let out a vicious snarl and ran at Dratini. Feeling angry at being looked down upon, Dratini let out an angry cry and used Aqua Jet, colliding with Mightyena.

The cloaked man had a small dagger in his hand as he slashed at Daikon. Daikon easily avoided it, sliding his left foot back. He then countered with his own attack, sending a quick stab towards the man's throat.

The man panicked, not expecting the kid to be able to counter, he fell back on his ass trying to avoid the attack.

"Pathetic. You actually threatened me with this meager amount of skill." a cold detached voice came out of Daikon's mouth, not his usual voice.

The thief looked up and say two blood red eyes with a thin vertical pupil staring down at him.

"W-what are you?" the thief stuttered in fear.

Mightyena suddenly lunged at Daikon, trying to protect its master. With a quick flash of Daikon's sword. Mightyena collapsed onto the ground, blood pooling around it.

"Shame it had a trainer like you. Now follow your pokemon in death." Daikon's words were ice cold.

He stabbed his sword into the man's heart, killing him. The man tried to struggle but it was futile as the life drained out of him.

Daikon cleaned his sword and sheathed it back to his hip. He then searched the thief's body and found a phone and wallet. He checked the phone and found text from a Kip that told him about a shiny Dratini.

'The guy from the gym?' Daikon's eyes hardened.

After searching the body, he released Quilava and asked him to burn the body. Dratini was busy eating while Daikon was disposing of the body.

Daikon was still amazed at Dratini's ability to eat more than it weighed. After finishing the Mightyena, Dratini shed his skin again, growing in the process. He was over a meter long now and his black scales looked denser than before.

Daikon returned Dratini and Quilava to their pokeballs and headed back into the city.


Outside the city where the corpse of the Mightyena laid a shadow jumped down from the tree. They pulled out a phone and made a call.

An old blonde woman with a walking stick answered.

"What?" she answered clearly irritated.

After listening for a bit, her face turned into one of interest. She hung up the phone.

"Interesting kid. No wonder Samuel asked me to keep on eye on him." she said, "What do you think?" A Gengar emerged from her shadow with an evil grin.


Daikon walked straight into the Viridian Gym.

"Daikon! What are you doing here?" Daisy said as she walked up to him with a smile.

Daikon walked past her, ignoring her. He saw Kip and his anger skyrocketed. Walking up to him Daikon punched him square in the face as hard as he could. Kip went flying and landed hard on the ground, teeth broken and blood pouring out of his nose and mouth.

"Wh-!" Kip started before eating another one of Daikon's fist.

"What are you doing!?" Daisy screamed as she tried to pulled Daikon off Kip.

She wasn't able to because of Daikon's strength and size. Daikon continued to beat Kip's face in until he was almost unrecognizable.

"Rhydon pull him off!" Daisy yelled.

Daikon was pulled off quickly after Rhydon grabbed him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Daisy screamed at Daikon.

Daikon ignored her as he glared at Kip, his eyes red. "You're lucky we are in the city and not outside or you would be dead right now. But if you ever try to harm or steal any of my pokemon again I promise you, even the city won't keep you safe." Daikon spat viciously. He then broke free of Rhydon's grip and walked out of the gym. He threw the thief's cell phone to Daisy and said, "You should keep a better tabs on your trainees." he said coldly to Daisy as he walked out.

Daisy looked down at the phone in shock. She quickly looked through the phone, her face turned dark. She recognized Kip's number on the phone.

"Joel get the police." she said as she glared at Kip.