
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime und Comics
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707 Chs


The Kanto League was an island. It was covered with the ocean from all sides. Even though it was an island, it was a very big island. The size of the Kanto League was as big as a country. 

 Axel would be facing a lot of water-type Pokemons. He must have a strong team of electric-type and grass-type Pokemons with him to counter it. 

Axel started to separate divisions. There was one to counter water-type Pokemons, one for the night watch, one for the flying-type Pokemons, and one for king-rank Pokemons.

Even though Gerad had said that the information would arrive within 3 days, Axel wanted to do his own investigation. So, he told his team members to scout the area of the north zone to see that they didn't miss anything. 

Axel also called out for a detailed map of the north zone. There was a separate team for traps too. Traps had been vital in his previous tide experience and he wanted to use it this time too. 

First of all, he told Nidoking to dig multiple holes in the ground and cover those with leaves and tree branches. He wanted to put some land mines in those holes for extra effect. 

He found out that land mines were very expensive and would not be effective for a Pokemon that was pseudo-king and above. So, he didn't want to waste resources on it cause this was the Kanto League. They would be facing a vast majority of elemental rank Pokemons and pseudo-king rank Pokemons. 

The highest number of Pokemon would be in rare rank. There was no doubt about it yet Axel only bought a very small amount of land mines. There were many traps that were used and produced by Axel.

Like as foothold traps, body gripping traps, dead fall traps, snares, trapping pits, cage traps, and many more. 

His team members could understand the reason for these traps but others could not. Cause they had never used this kind of traps during the tide. Some of them were seeing this kind of traps for the first time. 

"Axel, everyone is asking the same question. Why are you ordering to make so many traps? This kind of traps had not been used in the tides till now.", said Dragon.

"Let the other soldiers come in too. I will explain to all of them.", replied Axel.

From his previous tide, he realized that aerial battle would be the hardest to deal with. All of these traps were for land Pokemons not for flying type Pokemons. The Pokemon that would come from the sea would also come to the land to fight. Axel was not going to fight the tide in the sea. It would be a stupid strategy.

Axel wanted to make a trap for flying type Pokemons too. However, flying type Pokemons were very nimble and fast. It was almost impossible to make a trap for them. 

Axel had been thinking about this for the longest time. He had come up with some ideas with Mark and they were trying to make some traps for the flying type Pokemons too.

Axel called up Mark on his phone.

Tring. Tring.. Tring.. Tring…



"Mark, what is happening on the traps that I told you about?"

"Woh, you seem to be in a hurry."

"Yes, I actually am."

"Ok, the traps have been made but I still need some time for the defensive mechanism."

"Ok, first can you tell me the concept of the traps again? I want to hear it from you."

"We would release our newly formed gas in the air. The gas would start to freeze the target in the air. It could not be able to completely freeze the Pokemon, but it would rapidly decrease their agility.

The problem with this is that our ally Pokemons would also have the same effect. So, I am trying to make a cure for this gas. I am so close to making it. I believe that it would be completed in 7 days."

"Thanks, Mark. But I would need that solution before the start of the tide. How can you deliver that to me in such a less time?", asked Axel.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about it. I will directly tell you the formula and you can make it there only."

"Seriously, you would do that? Mark, this is your invention, I hardly contributed anything to it."

"Don't worry. I trust you on this. You have helped me a lot in the past. This is the least I can do for you."


"Hector, tell me what type of Pokemon species we would be facing in this tide?"

"Sir, the Kanto League is at the center of the Kanto region. So, we would only be facing Pokemons from the Kanto region. However, that is also a problem.

Since it is in the center, there is an equal chance that we would be facing all these Pokemon."

"Okay, so we have around 79 Pokemon species in the Kanto region, counting the legendaries and mystical Pokemon and not counting the variation of Eevee.

So, if we deduct legendaries and mystical Pokemons, we will get 74 Pokemon species. If we add Flareon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon; we will get 77 Pokemons.", said Axel.

"Sir, we should also deduct the starter Pokemons cause it is very rare to find them in the wild."

"Okay, so 74 Pokemon species. That is a lot of them."

"Yes sir, but we can prioritize water type Pokemon and count all the ghost type Pokemons. The only ghost type Pokemon in the Kanto region is Gengar so I believe that there could be other ghost type Pokemon species too."

There were 14 water type Pokemons in the Kanto region.

1. Golduck

2. Poliwrath

3. Tentacruel

4. Dewgong

5. Cloyster

6. Kingler

7. Kingdra

8. Seaking

9. Starmie

10. Gyarados

11. Lapras

12. Vaporeon

13. Omaster

14. Kabutops

Among them, Pokemons like Seaking and Tentacruel would hardly come to fight in the land. They could come to fight on the land but they would be very slow in land. 

Omaster and Kabutops were fossil Pokemons, so they would not be found in the wild. So, they would be dealing with 10 water-type Pokemons. It was not a lot but it was also not less.


They started to make strategies and evening came. Axel could see a huge amount of soldiers walking towards the north base. They were 3 million strong. Axel was starting to have a headache.

Normally the soldiers that didn't know Axel would not follow him. Cause he was very young. He had made a statement and let them know who was the boss.

All of them gathered and Axel came onto the stage. It was now time for his speech.

Axel took the mike and looked at all of them. After looking at all the soldiers he started to speak.

"Gerad must have told you about me. If he had not then let me break the news for you. I am the general for the north zone and all of you would be under me till the tide ends."

The soldiers started to shout out loud. None of them wanted to be under an incompetent leader and as per them, Axel was very young to have such a big position.

Axel then called out Nidoking and Nidoking gave a big roar. The roar was so huge that the soldiers didn't even speak. There was silence now.

"I know you think that I am incompetent or I am too young to be the leader for all of you. I don't care what you think. My job is to save all of your sorry asses and then make sure that we survive the tide and I will do it with or without your help.

Now, if you want to know my credentials, I have king rank Pokemons. Most of you know about me due to the league battle. I also was a zone commander in a previous tide and I saved more than 50% of my soldiers in that tide. 

All of you are part of the league and during a time like this, you don't have the luxury to comment or shout at me. Orders of the league should be followed to the T and I don't see that happening here. 

If any of you have any problems with me. Come at me. I will directly execute you. Cause I don't need any soldiers that would not follow my orders."

None of them said anything. They wanted to but none of them wanted to lose their lives.

"Now, let's start. We have devised multiple strategies for the battle but we have not gotten any information of the number and the type of the Pokemon that we would be facing. 

The information would come to us in 3 days but I don't want to waste those 3 days. That is why I called all of you so early. I will now announce the brigadier generals who would be my right hands.

The first would be Dragon."

Dragon came to the stage. All of them knew who Dragon really was. He was a famous person in the whole wide world.

"The second would be Clair."

Clair also came onto the stage. She was also the holder of king rank Pokemons. She had a vast amount of knowledge and experience in tides. She was perfect for the job.

"The third would be a member of the Elite 4, Agatha."

The soldiers started to cheer when Agatha came to the stage. She was the oldest Elite 4 and she was the rival of Oak. The soldiers started to feel a bit secure after seeing her. 

"The fourth would be Kurt."

Kurt was the leader of the Venu family in the Kanto region. He was a powerful trainer and he had 4 king rank Pokemons. He deserved to be in that position.

"And the fifth would be Hector."

Hector may not have a king rank Pokemon till now but he had 6 pseudo-king-rank Pokemons. Axel also appointed Hector, cause he needed someone he could truly trust in the tide. 

He could trust all the others but he had not personally worked with them in the tide. 

"All of them are great and powerful leaders. We have also thought about the traps that we would be using in the tide.

Normally, traps are not used much in the tide but I would be focusing on it. We have also developed a trap for aerial battle and that would make the battle more easy for us...….."

Axel started to tell on how he was going to deal with the tide. He told them that they would be focusing on water-type Pokemons. There would be separate teams of electric type Pokemons and grass type Pokemons to deal with them.

He also said that he would appoint Agatha for the night watch. Agatha was a ghost type specialist and she was perfect for the job.

He also said that there would be strategies on each Pokemon species that they would be facing with their details.

After saying it all, he told all of them that they would start to prepare for the tide from tomorrow. All of them would be given 3 days rest before the start of the tide and then they would start the battle.


After the announcement, he called all the brigadier generals to the room for the meeting. Ashmita was also there.

"Now, do any of you have anything to ask?", asked Axel.

"Yes, as I said again, why are you hell-bent on traps?", asked Dragon.

"That is a good question. When I became a zone commander, I realized that the soldiers didn't use any battle strategies in the tide. So, I came up with traps. Due to traps, our death toll in the north zone was less than 50%. 

You must remember that I was very new at this and it was less than 50%. Traps may look simple and it takes a lot of time to set up but they are very effective.

No matter how much experience one has dealing with the tide, the first encounter is really important to set up momentum. When one sees waves and waves of wild angry Pokemons coming at them, their hearts would start to flutter and that would take a lot of lives of our soldiers.

So, when we see that the wild Pokemons are dying from traps, our confidence would boost up."

"Okay, I have heard your reason and if it has shown results then it would not be a problem.", said Dragon.

"Thanks. Hector what about the details on Pokemon species?", asked Axel.

"Sir, we have been successful on that. We have all the details, the weakness and strong points of all the species of Kanto and Johto region."

"Good, give me the file. I want to see."

"Wait, you guys were able to get all the information in such a short time. How is that possible?", asked Agatha.