
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime und Comics
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711 Chs

Axel VS Ryker 1

Axel almost knew that he was not going to win this fight. His Charmeleon was not trained properly and his opponent's Charmeleon was trained by Zard family with all the resources pulled in. But he wanted Charmeleon to learn in this fight. So, before the start of the fight, he called Charmeleon closer and said, "Listen, we have not trained properly and the opponent is from the Zard family so he is very strong. We may not win this fight."

"Char??" it said in confusion. If it was going to lose the fight then why the hell was it fighting?

"But I want you to learn from this fight. That guy is from a family who has mastered training your species for generations. So, obviously, he is going to be better than you. So, I want you and me to learn from him. Try to make the fight as long as possible. We are not here to win but to learn." Axel said.

Charmeleon had a thinking face for a short while and then it nodded its head. It went on to the stage and now was ready to fight.


"Let the battle Begin!!"

(Please note that Axel's Charmeleon is called Charmeleon and Ryker's Charmeleon is called Flare)

"Flare, use 'Work up'"

"Charmeleon, 'Dragon dance'"

'Work up' increases user's Sp.Attk and Attk while 'Dragon dance' increases Attk. and the speed of the user. Flare was fast. By the time Charmeleon used 'Dragon dance' 1 time, it had already used 'Work up' by 2 times.

"Now, use 'Flare blitz'" said Ryker. This move was similar to 'Flame Charge' except it didn't increase the speed but the power of the attack was much more than 'Flame Charge'.

Axel told Charmeleon to go with 'Flame Charge'. Charmeleon successfully dodged the attack to Flare as it was faster due to 'Dragon dance' and 'Flame Charge' and then used 'Scratch' on its opponent.

'Scratch' connected to Flare but it hardly did any damage. In addition to more power, 'Flare Blitz' also added some defense to the user.

Since Charmeleon was in close proximity to Flare, Ryker told it to use 'Dig' to avoid other attacks. Flare used the move but Charmeleon was successful to dodge it yet again. Charmeleon was taking full advantage of its increase in speed but suddenly Flare's right hand started to glow yellow and it punched Charmeleon right in the face.

The power of the attack was huge and Charmeleon was flown 4-5 meters until it found the landing on the ground. Ryker didn't waste any time and told Flare "Now, use 'Flamethrower'"

Hot red flames came out of Flare's mouth and proceeded to strike Charmeleon again. "Charmeleon, use your own Flamethrower and counter it, dodge it in the last second"

Charmeleon did what its master had told him. Axel knew that the power of Flare's 'Flamethrower' would be greater than Charmeleon's and so he also added it to dodge the attack.

Flare's flame overpowered Charmeleon's just as Axel expected but Charmeleon was fast to dodge the attack. By this time, the effect of 'Flame Charge' was already over. Everyone could see that Axel was on the losing end of this battle. The power of that 'Thunder punch' was massive. Charmeleon's body had good defense since it had been trained from the book 'Ancient way to power' given by Mew. But if any other normal Pokemon were to take that hit, then it would be in its last legs by now.

The match continued on the same level for 2 minutes. Flare would constantly use 'Dig' to confuse Charmeleon and then try to hit it with 'Thunder punch' or 'Fire punch' while Charmeleon would try to dodge the attack and use its moves like 'Flamethrower' and 'Dragon Claw'. Multiple attacks had hit Charmeleon but Charmeleon was only able to pull off 1 'Dragon Claw' to Flare's chest.

"I have had it for now. I will finish the fight. Flare, use 'Belly Drum' and finish it with Thunder Punch''" shouted Ryker.

Flare started to heavily pat its Belly with its claws and a strange energy was produced within it. It then used 'Thunder Punch' and unfortunately the attack connected. The attack was much more powerful than its normal attack.

The battle was over.


Axel called out Charmeleon and gave it to nurse joy to heal it up. 'Belly Drum' would consume 50% of the user's HP but would increase its rapidly increase the attack of the user. It was a double-edge move.

Axel started to think about the fight. Ryker was not a strategist when it came to battle but he noticed something. Ryker's Flare was fast, precise, and powerful. That was what made him dangerous. Axel wanted to extend the fight to learn more but he could not due to this particular reason. The starter families did live up to expectations. Zard family focused on attack power and that was what Ryker showed.

This time Ryker didn't make fun of Axel and he just left the stadium. Though Ryker won and by a large margin, he knew that Axel had trained Charmeleon well. He could also tell that Axel's Charmeleon was way younger than his. His Charmeleon was gifted to him when he was 12 years old but Axel's Charmeleon only seemed to be some months old. But it was powerful.

'What the hell was that? I knew that he was not fighting to win. He obviously wanted to learn from my Flare but that Charmeleon is a monster. It must have monstrous potential. I had thought only 1 'Thunder punch' would be enough but it made me compel to use 'Belly drum' too. This Axel…. He is not a simple guy' thought Ryker.

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