
Pokemon - A Mystical Journey

An avid Pokemon fan got reincarnated in the world of Pokemon. Let's follow his journey and watch as how he uncovers various mysteries of Pokemon world and begin to grow as one of the strongest trainer ever born Also I don't own Pokemon franchise . It is jointly owned by Nintendo, Gamefreak and Creatures. This fiction is but based on imagining that world of Pokemon from a different views while adding some twist and turns to make it more likable Author's patreon: https://patreon.com/darthnorther https://discord.gg/MWJBvR

Darthnorther · Anime und Comics
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328 Chs

Farm Life ( part 1)

Alex is now laying on the shore of the lake meanwhile there are sounds of laughter and water splashing coming from the said lake.

The lake happens to be lake Poly around which he wanted to create the farm and now the entire area of a few kilometre around the lake including it is his personal property.

With him buying such large land attracted the attention of the league but this didn't cause him any problem. In fact it just speed up the process and he only bought the land and the lake was just a extra bonus he got.

It took ten days since he started the talk with Mayor Boot for land to complete the deal. As for how much it cost he spent 100 million on land as a few kilometers away was a tall mountain which he found was a great place for ground types.

His onix fell in love with it because of the variety of minerals it has. This mountain he decided to decide in parts. The top would be mostly for land based ice type and Piloswine and the lower belongs to rock or ground type he catch later . after that had erected a snowstorm there.

This phenomenon attracted the attention of some people around but it was handled by his pokemons as for the poachers they supplied their life energy to Haunter.

This was another discovery of Alex. Along with the berries the life energy is also very nutritional to ghost types.

Earlier he felt only fear energy was possible food for them but now life energy made it easier. He knows as he travel around more he would face many life death experience hence the life energy supply can be consistent for Haunter.

Also it is similar to alcohol for ghosts as they become intoxicated and began to cause chaos. With timely subdue of haunter by Espeon stopped it all.

The sky high price is because he felt if he doesn't do it now later it might be problem. Currently he is only working on areas around the lake.

It has been a month and in this time a one storey house with five bedroom and total spread a hundred metre long house has been built.

As for how it was made so soon was the application of Pokemon who made it easy along with Alex spending a good sum of money.

Because of this his grandpa decided to live here while his parents and siblings live in he town and occasionally come here to visit which is the case now

His siblings are playing in the lake with the young pokemons and others Basking in the sun nearby. He was taking a day off today.

His two week stay became one and half months stay because of the work he had. This time he mostly did the paperwork for land and other formalities while training his pokemons along with new ones.

He also often visited the pokemon center for some task works. These tasks served as good training practice for the young pokemons like Ralts, Swablu and pichu. He also did some with Snorlax to bond with him.

Also as soon as he took Pichu away he gave it an everstone. Unlike in the games where pokemons at baby stage need love and friendship to grow and evolve in the real world, they grow at a vigourous rate.

It is said Pichu, igglypuff and azuril can evolve into pikachu, Jigglypuff and marill in just half a month to a month if they survive.

Also with such a small juvenile stage makes their appearance rare and also if trained well at this stage makes them much stronger in the future.

Alex found his Pichu to be about ten days old so he quickly gave him everstone and started to train him and decided only to let him evolve after he learned a bit of volt tackle.

He also got an azuril too along with other three water pokemons as this curious pokemon followed them and joined him.

For this future powerhouse pokemon Alex happily accepted of course it took so e time to calm the Raging water pokemons who accuse him of tricking the young pokemons in following him.

But the water needles created from lake by Slowking calmed them and they negotiated he won't catch any more pokemons from the lake even if they agree which he agreed but this time Alex added a new condition that if any of the pokemons decided to follow his siblings they should not obstruct them or else

He stopped there letting them think of what he may do. After all they knew if angered he could finish them off after seeing Slowking powers. And he secretly hinted them he wasn't the strongest pokemons Alex currently has.

So after that Alex brings his siblings to the lake so he can bond and get a stater like he got Pidgeot earlier which may ease their adventure in the future if they hope to do so.

His brother Ben currently has a poliwag who follows him while his sister Clara got a Horsea which was surprising for Alex but he later found that this curious horsea came from the sea and now reside in the lake .

It happened when he negotiate with water types and this pokemon before it could be expelled was saved by his pokemons.

These two pokemons are quite powerful if trained well especially Horsea as a Kingdra who could create whirlpool in the ocean of he wants to.

If she wasn't his dear sweet sister he doesn't mind getting him for himself but .

He also has them Slowly train these two pokemons just basics at that too.

Although he spent a lot during this time around five hundred million on trees, berries, land , building , as well as for mountain ownership he got a fifty year tax free space too.

If he could open a settlement in the real wilderness he might get complete ownership of the place if he is willing to protect the place himself or grant it to league and get certain percentage of profit every year. And any building there would be charged a single cent if they belong to him.

Of course if his family or descendants want to do more they will be taxed. Only his owned building or built at his lifetime could be tax free rest build after his death are under taxes.

This way league could get profits too and the original won't completely dominate it free.

Anyway back to topic, the pokemon egg he got has started to move around more and more these days. And mew only said it was a ground type pokemons before she left again.

So Alex has it laid on high quality minerals of the soil to strengthen his powers as well as he used Earth gem for him this may help him greatly in the future.

He felt the egg may hatch in a day to two so he will stay for one more week and try to train the basics of the pokemons he caught.

He has Snorlax run a lap around the lake Poly to keep him active and train him physically. His physical powers can match a tyranitar and they can bring down mountains.

He has trained dugtrio and Diglett too mostly on trapping others by ground powers and quickened their dig speed.

He has Magikarp mostly do physical training by swimming across lake along with poliwag and tentacool to make them warm up.

Magikarp tackled on Rick at shore to train, poliwag now learns water moves as well as small physical training

Meanwhile tentacool learns to use poison more effectively from Haunter and it's tentacles to subdue prey.

As for combee is mostly training in speed now and has become the leader of other combee he bought from black market.

He has about 20 combee who has started to make honey for Alex and will be edible in a week time too.

The saplings, seeds along with some trees( very costly trees as they were transported whole) now can be seen in few hundred metre area.

They will be the beginning of the new orchard farm of the Bart family.

Also something interesting happened in this time too. To know what Happened stay tuned.

To be continued

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I can let him have Beedrill to protect the honey as well as farm a bit but can't introduce too many pokemons now.

He would have his guard dogs sometime later but not now. he already has too many pokemons to raise. after they settled down he would get more.

the guard pokemons would be caught in groups not as a single pokemons and to protect the farm now Arcanine and Ninetails are enough.

Darthnorthercreators' thoughts