
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime und Comics
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129 Chs

S5E20: Twinleaf Town

The next morning everyone woke up to the sound of sizzling bacon and eggs. Poking their heads out of the tents they found Foxx sitting by the relight camp fire cooking breakfast. He looked up and smiled at them before motioning for them to come over and join him.

"But it's so cold out there." whimpered James to which Jessie and Meowleth both just rolled their eyes before coming out and sitting around the fire.

"Not by the fire dad." replied Foxx with a smile, "Besides it will taste better warm anyways."

"Yah come on James it's not like you really have anything to loose by leaving the tent but a little heat which you will regain from the fire as well as the food." encouraged Jessie from her spot around the fire, and after taking a bite of the food she added, "Plus our son is indeed a extremely good cook."

"As long as we're not comparing his cooking to yours I'd believe that." huffed James as he came hopping out of the tent still bundled up in his sleeping bag.

"And what is wrong with my cooking?" questioned Jessie pointing her fork at James in a very threatening way.

"Enough both of you we have a lot to achieve if we're to make it to Twinleaf Town before night fall." huffed Foxx handing James the last plate of food before setting the pan aside and going back into the guys tent to change.

From there he started to break down camp and wash the dishes while everyone else got changed back into their normal clothes. In the end it didn't really take them all that too long to get camp packed up and on their way.

Now Foxx took the lead and set a very reasonable pace that would end up allowing them to reach the outskirts of Twinleaf Town about mid-day and just in time for lunch which is really all a certain three members of the party could think about as they whined about either being tired, cold or hungry the whole trip.

Thus upon reaching the town Foxx first sought out a hotel room for his parents and Meowlth for the time being. It wasn't anything fancy but hay it was at least not a tent. So the trio split off from Foxx, Dawn and Joy for a little relaxation and rest.

As for Foxx him and Dawn continued through the town stopping to get a quick bite to eat before hitting up the local shops for supplies all on their way to Dawn's parent's place. With every step they made towards it Dawn only got more and more nervous about the whole thing.

"So having second thoughts about me meeting your parents?" asked Foxx having noticed the small hints of nervousness building up within Dawn.

"Well, it's really just my mother but yah just a little since you're very smart and a professor in training." sighed Dawn as they moved closer to her mom's house.

"It can't be that bad can it?" asked Foxx with a smile, "I mean if you want I can try to pretend to be a pokemon trainer or something else."

"No, just be yourself. It's just that my mother was a skilled coordinator when she was younger." replied Dawn, "I mean I took Ash there and it was okay once I convinced her that we were just friends and that he wasn't holding me back from become who she dreams of me being."

"I see so me being a coordinator is the only thing that would truly please your mother." replied Foxx thinking as they were slowly approaching her house.

"I'm not completely sure how she'd react to you being a professor for she might warm up to the thought of you being a professor if you have a special present for her." replied Dawn with a grin as she took his arm and approached Dawn's house.

"Well, a gift would have been better mentioned sometime before we made it to the front door of you mother's house." whispered Foxx half teasingly as he knocked on the door.

"I'm sorry I really didn't think about it until just now that my mother didn't really take to well to Ash at first so I just wanted to give you a little heads up." sighed Dawn as the door to her parent's house began to creak open.

"Hello how may I help…" started Dawn's mother only to stop when she saw Dawn to which she added, "Dawn dear why didn't you tell me you were coming and who is this young man."

"Oh we wanted to surprise you as well as we didn't really know when exactly we'd be arriving mom." replied Dawn with a smile, "This is Foxx Oak, we met around Christmas time when I went to Pallet Town to have Christmas with my friend Ash Ketchum's family. Can we come in?"

"Oh, is he a pokemon trainer like your friend?" nervously asked Dawn's mother as she stepped out of the way to let them in.

"Actually ma'am I'm training to be a Pokemon Pokeball Professor." replied Foxx with a smile as they walked through the door. "As bad as it may sound my travel doesn't really have any order to it and would easily work around whatever coordinator schedule Dawn may have."

"Are you really trying to butter me up and make me like you when my biggest concern is my daughter's future as well as her happiness." replied Dawn's mother giving him a questioning glance as she inspected Foxx.

"Mom! Why do you have to make everything so difficult whenever I bring a guy over?" questioned Dawn shutting the door behind them and walking Foxx over to the couch.

"What? Is it my fault I want you to be happy and running around the world looking for god only knows what!" exclaimed Dawn's mother with her hands on her hips and her back towards them.

"Dawn it's completely understandable after all my parents dropped me off at Professor Oak's door step because they didn't think they couldn't properly raise me." explained Foxx as he sat next to Dawn on the couch.