
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime und Comics
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129 Chs

S4E19: Can We Talk?

So once on the ship Foxx and Fantina were given joint rooms thus allowing them to visit each other without actually leaving their rooms. Foxx was still trying to piece everything of which he saw on the docks together and understand it as best possible while Joy laid on the bed sleeping when a soft knock came on the door that connected their rooms.

"Foxx, can I come in?" softly asked Fantina from the other side.

"Yah, what's up Fantina?" asked Foxx as he sat on the edge of his bed while he placed his bag on the floor next to his bed just s the door knob also began to turn as the door also creaked open.

"I was hoping to talk with you about something real quick." nervously replied Fantina as stepped through the door.

"Is this about what happened on the dock?" asked Foxx motioning for her to come sit next to him on his bed.

"Only the parts concerning me and Professor Ivy." replied Fantina as she came over to him and sat down next to him before adding, "As y may know we are the same age and have known each other for a long time now."

"I do know this." replied Foxx still a bit confused as this was really starting to confuse him.

"Yes I would be a fool to think you wouldn't notice even the littlest of things hence the reason I wanted to talk with you." confessed Fantina with a sigh as she looked down at her lap where her hands were shaking, "What I'm about to tell you I've not told anyone else except Professor Ivy that is."

"Fantina," replied Foxx trying to help her calm a bit by taking ahold of her hands, "You don't need to tell me if you don't feel comfortable doing so."

"No, you deserve to know seeing as you will more then likely spend time with both me and Professor Ivy over the next set of your journey." replied Fantina as she looked at his hands and smiled.

"If you feel like I need to know then at least know this you don't have to tell me until you'd ready." encouraged Foxx with a half smile.

"I don't think I'll ever be ready to tell anyone but you should know before we go any farther down this journey of ours." replied Fantina.

"Okay what is it or should I get the Captain and ask him to stop the ship." joked Foxx in hopes of easing things up a bit.

"Thanks" laughed Fantina as a small smile came on her face before she sighed, "What you most likely think you saw on the docks between me and Professor Ivy is exactly what you may be thinking, that is at least what I think. What exactly did you see?"

"You and Professor Ivy holding hands with interlocked fingers while it seemed that you hesitated to call each other friends as if there was another word you wished to use, yet the reasoning why I've not quite figured out unless she was your sister." explained Foxx only to pause before adding, "But then why would you hide the fact you were sisters doesn't really make sense thus my headache."

"You're forgetting another reason why two people would hold hands with interlocked fingers and hesitate to just call each other friends." replied Fantina with a smile that made it all began to make sense to him now.

"I see, you and the professor love each other like me and Dawn, yet I really don't get what is the big deal about it. Can two people not love each other freely? Who has the right to say two ladies or two men can love each other? Why can only a man love a lady and a lady love a man?" confusingly asked Foxx.

"Sadly only a few people see things as you do." sighed Fantina, "In fact most of the world would condemn it sadly before they would condemn you and Joy having the same kind of relationship as your parents."

"Well, in all honesty my parents have a really complex relationship and have only just now got married and only truly confessed their love for one another once I came back in their lives." confessed Foxx with a half smile. "I think you and Professor Ivy deserve to be happy and should just forget about what everyone else thinks."

"Sadly that's not an option Foxx. You see I'm a well known gym leader and contest champion while Ivy is well a Pokemon Professor almost as well known as you pa." sighed Fantina, "Thus, if we tried to be more open about our feelings we'd have the eyes of the whole world watching us and condemning us."

"Not mine." replied Foxx with a smile. "And with how close of friends Professor Ivy and Professor Oak are he more then likely wouldn't have a problem with you two. As for Dawn or my parents I think as a whole they are very acceptable of your choices so if anyone gives you any strife then we can pull some of our power as important people as well. I am after all a champion of the Battle On The Train like Professor Oak as well as the adopted son of Professor Oak, but if you want to wait until I really make a name of myself first that's up to your but either way I support both you and Professor Ivy's love choices."

"Thanks but I'm afraid not everyone is going to see things your way kiddo." sighed Fantina with a smile slowly standing to her feet before adding, "Thanks for the chat and trying to encourage me and for understanding me and please don't tel anyone about us."

"No problem, in fact I think only fools would be so absent minded to not be open to accepting everyone for who they are or for who they love." replied Foxx as he too stood to his feet with a smile.