
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime und Comics
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129 Chs

S3E12: Fuchsia City

The sight of the city was a welcoming one since they'd spent the last four days on the road mostly listening to James whine about his feet hurting and being tired or hungry. Thus it was nice to be somewhere that had a hotel to let him rest in while the others took care of the business they had in town. The only problem was that everything wasn't okay in Fuchsia City.

You see as Foxx looked around he noticed a large number of questionable people and a very low count of rangers. In fact he couldn't find a single Poke Ranger as he looked around. He finally turned to the others and softly said, "Something's not right."

"What do you mean? It looks like a normal little city to me." replied James.

"Yes but for this being the city tied to the Safari Zone where are all of the Poke Rangers?" asked Foxx, "Where is Officer Jenny?"

"Now that you mention it I don't see any. As for these city folk they look more like-" started Jessie only to be cut off by a rough voice behind them.

"Team Rocket? It's because it is them." explained the man and when they all turned to look they saw a older black haired man in a ninja outfit. "They've captured the Poke Rangers and Officer Jenny. They plan to steal all of the Pokémon from the Safari Zone. I'd do something but I don't have enough Pokémon nor potions to make much of a difference."

"Then we will." replied Foxx it's a grin before looking over at his parents and adding, "You up for a revised version of your motto?"

"I don't know we've never been the greatest even along side the heroes." sighed James.

"You've helped us get better son so what's your plan?" asked Jessie with a smile.

Foxx then whispered his plan to them before having Joy cause a smoke screen. This made every member of Team Rocket go into full alert and as the smoke started to clear out walked Jessie then James as they recited their modified motto.

"Prepare for trouble!" softly called Jessie as all that could be seen of the duo was their silhouettes as they walked through the smoke.

"Make it double!" replied James as he to was shielded by the smoke.

"To protect the world from devastation!" added Jessie.

"To unite the people within our nation!" added James.

"To proclaim truth and love!" Added Jessie as she was slowly exiting the smoke.

"To extend our reach to the stars above!" added James as he too started t exit the smoke.

"Jessie" proclaimed Jessie exiting the smoke and striking a majestic pose.

"James" proclaimed James as he joined her.

"Poke Protectors, surrender now or prepare to fight!" added Jessie and James together.

"Foxx that's right" softly added Foxx as he and Joy exited the smoke and stood between Jessie and James before adding, "Unless you want a royal butt whooping I'd clear town you Team Rocket Scum."

"What you think we're scared of a twerp and two Team Rocket castaways." laughed on of the grunts.

"Ouch. We have feelings you know." replied James as he dropped his pose.

"Yah. Just because we left Team Rocket doesn't mean we're weak." snapped Jessie, "Plus this twerp as you put it is the one who beat both Admin Capone and Geovonni"

"He just got lucky is all." replied one of the other grunts as they all started to release their pokemon and get ready for a mass battle. This meant Foxx would have to be on his toes to battle multiple trainers at once but he was ready. With the flick of his wrist he sent Eevee into the battle along side Joy.

James and Jessie tossed out Weezing and Arbok. As for Dawn her she through out Pinlup while Meowlth got into position to help fight. They all slowly positioned themselves back to back in a small circle protecting each other while also attacking the large group of team rocket grunts who've surrounded them.

"Mom, Dad, You two and Meowlth take the left and remember everything we've worked on. As for me and Dawn we're going to handle the right. The goal is to push towards the Safari Zone." ordered Foxx as he readied himself for battle.

"Yes son." replied James as he and Jessie struck a battle pose before the their Pokémon and Meowlth charged into battle against the grunt's Pokémon.

As for Dawn she just nodded as her Pokémon and Foxx's leaped into battle. This would be a long and hard battle and if they were going to win this thing they would have to give it their all times ten. She looked over at Foxx real quick to see a smile and a slight sparkle in his eyes that said he was ready for this and nothing they could do wild change it.

To Be Continued...