
Pokémon: The Ultimate Adventure of Ash (Remake)

Our protagonist has failed in life, his wife denounced him, he spent years in prison and when he got out, he discovered that his ex-wife had been having sex with his best friend. Alone, without family and friends, our protagonist decides to commit suicide, when suddenly he meets a strange man with whom he exchanges words. This man gives him a strange ring and then he’s gone. After his departure, our protagonist commits suicide and reincarnates in the Pokémon world as Ash Ketchum before starting his journey, what adventures will our protagonist have? How many Pokémon will he catch? How many women will be in his harem? Discover it in this exciting new adventure full of action, romance and lots of sex! *Note: This is a remake of my previous Pokémon fic. This fic is rewritten from 0, it is much better written, the conversations are much more fluid and with more sense and the relationships are much more elaborate, in addition, each girl will have a background. Important things to know about this fic: - Sex will start from chapter 15 more or less since I do not want to rush into relationships. - The girls will quickly fall in love with the protagonist but it will not be instantly. - The protagonist has a very original system never before seen, if you want to know its functions, you will have to read the fic. -The protagonist will catch all Mythical Pokémon and maybe some legendary. - All characters from my previous fic will appear in this without exception. - I’ll do two or four films. - Only certain events will be the same as the canon, but 90% of the entire fic will be made by me. - All the most important pokegirls will be in the harem of the protagonist, if you want some other girl either invented or belonging to the anime or video games, you can suggest it, because probably I will not reject any proposal. - There will be no Pokephilia. - There will be no Netorare. - There will be a little yuri, but only during sex with the protagonist, the girls will not have sex with each other without the protagonist, in addition, there will be little yuri, so it will be fun to read it and not frustrating, believe me. - There will be chapters every two or three days due to lack of time, I would like to upload one daily, but unfortunately the translation takes a long time, also, I have another fic to upload. My patreon: patreon.com/Bloodnight79 There, for a small price of 1$, 2$ and 3$, you can enjoy 5, 10 and 15 chapters of this fic and another one and in the future even more things will be added.

Bloodnight · Anime & Comics
Zu wenig Bewertungen
80 Chs


*Note: Ok, I feel a little better, so here you have your daily chapter, I hope you will forgive me but I have not yet recovered completely, but as soon as I recover, we will return to normal schedule.

But if you can't bear the desire to know what happens next, you can always subscribe to my patreon where for only 3$ you will be able to read up to 15 advanced chapters, that is, you will be able to read the chapters that others will take to read a month, so give it a try and subscribe.

Although if you think that 3$ is a lot, there are other packs where for only 1$ you can enjoy 5 chapters in advance, it's almost free and so you help me and encourage me to continue writing this fic, so give it a try and subscribe.

My Patreon: patreon.com/Bloodnight79


"Are you saying that this cave connects Kanto with Orange Archipelago?" – Celeste asked somewhat surprised.

"Both are very far from each other, is that possible?" - asked Roxanne somewhat skeptically.

After all, Kanto and the Orange Archipelago were quite far from each other, the possibility that this small lake was directly connected to the Orange Archipelago... it was very hard to believe.

"I was also skeptical at first, yes, after all, Kanto and the Orange Archipelago are very far apart, so how is it possible that the two were connected by this small lake? I wasn't entirely convinced either, but if I find the crystal Onyx, those doubts will be cleared up, after all, I have only followed the indications of the book" – Mateo nodded.

I see, this is completely different from anime, but... I think it makes sense, after all the planet Pokémon is huge and has gigantic oceans, I don't see why this lake can't be connected to the Orange Archipelago.

"Excuse me, I have a question" – I said.

"What do you want to ask?" - asked Mateo.

"How long have you been here looking for the Crystal Onyx?" – I asked curiously.

"10 days!" - Mateo exclaimed.

Hearing that, the three of us sighed, after all, he'd been looking for too much time, so there's a good chance the crystal Onyx isn't here...

"I know what you're thinking, but before you appeared, I found something very interesting in the book" - said Matthew.

"What did you find?" – I asked curiously.

"You see, I have discovered that the Crystal Onyx is not a conventional Pokémon and although it eats food of all kinds, its favorite food is the water from this spring, but not now, apparently, one night a year, the moonlight manages to pass through the cave and causes some kind of reaction in the water that the Crystal Onyx loves" – explained Mateo.

"That's difficult to believe" – Roxanne said.

The information in the book did not convince Roxanne very much, it seemed like explanations than a 5-year-old child would make.

"Yes, it's diffcult to believe, but luckily, the book put the last date that the moonlight passed through the cave and after doing some calculations... I have deduced that tonight the moonlight will pass through the cave and provoke the reaction that will attract the Crystal Onyx!" – Mateo said excitedly.

"I see, let's suppose it's true, what are you going to do with the crystal Onyx if it's true that it exists?" – I asked curiously.

In the anime, at first, he wanted to catch him, but after reflection, he decided not to do it, because just watching him was enough, there was no need to lock him in a Pokeball.

"At first, I wanted to catch him, but after thinking about it, I decided not to, my job is to be a sculptor of crystal figures, not to catch Pokémon, so I just want to see it to check if the legend is true and get inspired to create new figures because... lately I had creative block, that's why I think the crystal Onix could help me, that's the real reason" – explained Mateo.

I see, I guess each person has their difficulties, besides, I have to keep in mind that this is not anime or a video game, the people here are real and have their lives, not simple characters that appear once and are never heard from again, this is real life!

"I see... I think we can help you find the crystal Onyx, right?" – I said while looking at the girls.

"Yes!" – they both nodded.

"Pika pi!" – Pikachu nodded.

"Thank you, the more help, better, but for now, let's just relax and wait for the night, until then, we can't do anything at all" – Mateo said with a smile.

The more help he had, the better.

Hearing that, we just waited for the night to come, I think my visit to the Pokémon Tech will have to wait a little longer...

What none of them knew was that there were three people who had clearly heard the conversation.

"Did you hear that?" – Jessie asked.

"Loud and clear" . James nodded.

"An Onyx made of crystal, nya!" – Meowth exclaimed.

"Can you imagine how the boss will reward us when we not only bring him Pikachu but also an Onix made of crystal?" – James said excitedly.

"Our salary will increase, our position will improve, hahaha, this is going to be great!" – Jessie said as she imagined herself bathing in a bathtub full of money.

"I, on the other hand, will become the boss's right-hand man, above that Persian!" – Meowth said as he imagined himself on his boss's lap while he was caressed by him.

"We have to spend all the money we have left on that robot!" – James said excitedly.

With the money they had left, they could buy a robot fully equipped with an ultra-resistant network and immune to electric and fire attacks, and the robot's exoskeleton was also so resistant that it could withstand a blow at full power from a Machamp.

"If we do that, we'll run out of money, nya!" – Meowth exclaimed.

"Don't be stupid, Meowth, this will be an investment, once we have the Crystal Onyx and the Pikachu... money will never ever worry us again!" – Jessie exclaimed.

Meowth thought about it and nodded, it was true, once they had those two rare Pokémon, they would have plenty of money to spend wherever they wanted.

"Okay, let's go to the base to buy that robot, we're short on time, nya!" – Meowth nodded.

Then, the three of them ran to buy that robot with which they would catch Pikachu and Onix...

At night.

It was almost night and nothing has happened yet.

During this time, we simply take the opportunity to talk and rest, there is nothing worth mentioning apart from that.

"I think in the end if it turned out to be a legend..." – Celeste said.

It was a shame because she was looking forward to seeing that crystal Onyx and observing it closely, as the future nurse Joy most famous and good on the planet, this Pokémon would help her expand her horizons, too bad nothing happened...

"No, it's still early, he has to appear, let's wait a little longer!" – said Mateo.

Having come this far, after all that had happened he could not give up, the legend was true, he knew it!

The 4 of us look at each other and nod, after all, it's his dream and it's not hard to wait a little longer, it's early.

We continued waiting for a long time but still nothing...

"It can't be... after all, it seems that it was a legend..." – sighed Mateo.

The 4 of us looked at each other not knowing what to say, we just remained silent for a while, but just as we were going to give him words of encouragement, something strange happened.

Suddenly, a kind of white lightning bolt pierced the hard rock without damaging it in the slightest and struck the water of the spring or lake.

At first nothing happened, but seconds later, the water in the lake began to glow like crystal.

"It's really happening, the book didn't lie!" – Mateo exclaimed excitedly.

It was a beautiful view... The water shone brightly but it didn't hurt your eyes, in fact, you couldn't stop looking at it, but we couldn't admire the surface of the lake for long because suddenly, two huge figures emerged from the lake.

There were two Onyx, however, their color was very different from that of normal Onyx, one was a bluish color while the other was turquoise and its body shone brighter than the Onyx next to it.

[Warning, a rare Pokémon has been detected and a quest has been issued.

Quest: Catch the Shiny Crystal Onyx.

Quest Description: The Crystal Onyx is a Pokémon almost as rare as a Legendary Pokémon, so as the future best trainer in the world, it's your duty to catch its even rarer Shiny form.

Reward: 50 Gacha Tickets, 10 Heavy Ball, 10 Love Ball, 10 Friend Ball, 1 Assaut Vest, 1 Soothe Bell]

It seems that they are both Crystal Onyx, and one of them is Shiny!