
Pokémon : The Reincarnated [Reworking]

Disclaimer - i don't own pokemon and before you Read, Read the tags first. [{A/n - Bored out of my mind and decided to write, it's bad ngl so read at your own risk}] Tags - Pokephilia, Pokémon, Adventure, Harem, R18 Teen gets reincarnated in Pokémon and becomes the strongest trainer. Follow our Mc as he becomes the best Pokémon trainer.

Feelfreee · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

-Pokémon Museum Tournament

Random Pokémon fact - Did you know that Ash's strongest fire type was his infernape?


[----] Telepathy

" " Human speech

{----} Poke speech


Chapter 10

*The next morning*

Art had woken up and saw Ray and Psychi sleeping next to him and with Psychi waking up as she senses Art waking up.

[Hihi good morning Master] She said giggling.

"Morning and do you want to go into your poke ball today or no?" Art asked to which she thinked for a bit.

[I would like to come with you today hihi now that I can talk to you] she said.

"Alright wake everyone up I'm going to make breakfast" He said as Psychi immediately got up and started letting everyone out since their trainer was going to cook.

Everyone Ate breakfast as today was also a light training day where the training isn't as bad as their normal training but the schedule of their training are like this.

Monday they do Heavy training then on Tuesday they do some medium training and on Wednesday they do some heavy training Thursday is light training and on Friday it's a Rest day or light training day and on Saturday it's heavy training and on Sunday we relax and and have fun or rest if something doesn't come up that is.

All the girls have their own training style fit for their species and typing so that they can grow faster.

Back in the lab when Art was studying under Prof. Oak he learned alot more that he could and with already pre existing knowledge of Pokémon he was regarded as a genius by Prof. Oak he also learned how to make things like pokedexes at first it was hard but he quickly got the hang of it since Prof. Oak was quite a good teacher when teaching.

'now that I think about it I really am greatful that I was reincarnated in this world.... Would have preferred to be reincarnated with a system but making my phone is litteraly one already, atleast I can still listen to Linkin Park and other music on it' Art thought as he was giving the girls their breakfast.

Art looked at his since the Museum Tournament is about to start in an hour or two and his target? The light ball he wasn't really interested in the Old Amber fossil since he already has 2 soon to be flying types which will make him have 3 flying types now since he has Sora where she will have her Revenge on Ash she still hasn't let go og that grudge so Art decided to train her to beat Ash's Pidgeot where he was sure that it was going to be in the league since he had already took the main reason why it left.

After eating breakfast he let the girls relax out of their poke balls as he still has time since the tournament starts at around 2 pm and it's only 8 am right now and they all train at 5 to 7 am.

After an hour or two he then returned them back to their poke balls except Ray and Psychi, Psychi is floating next to Art while Ray is on her favorite shoulder on Art's left shoulder.

The three of them then toured around Pewter city to pass the time as they wait for the tournament to start.

"You two excited?" Art said.

[Yes] {Pika!} Both said as they were excited at the tournament that's going to be held in 2 hours.

"Let's see where the registration boot is.... Oh there it is" Art said as he spotted it near the museum.

*Few minutes later*

After registering for the tournament he looked at who his first opponent is.

"Hm... Fredric Coles from the looks of his picture he's a martial Artist" He said muttering as he see the bracket for his fight there's 16 people fighting and he's fight 3.

"Well I still have time might as well mess around a bit" He said as him, Ray and Psychi looked for a place to pass time.

*1h and 40 mins later*

"Oh crap we need to go, the tournament is starting in 20 mins" Art said as the two stopped playing and Ray hopped on his shoulder and Psychi was a little tired so he put her back in her poke ball.

"Let's go" he said as he started running towards the museum.

After 5 minutes he arrived at the museum where the tournament is being held he saw that there were quite a few people there watching the tournament.

Art then looked around and saw the participants area so he walked there but he was stopped by the guards.

"I'm a participant" Art said as he showed his number then the guards let him in.

As he got inside he saw the other 15 participants as he sees his opponent in the first match.

Art then took a seat as they will be called later on.

Him and Ray were waiting when suddenly his opponent Fredric Coles came up to him.

"So you are my opponent, you look weak just like that Pikachu over there" Fredric said as he was trying to intimidate Art.

"Ok...." Art replied as he doesn't really want to talk to this guy all of a sudden.

"Tch-" Fredric said as his intimidation didn't work but he still believes he can easily win agaisnt Art just because he has glasses Fredric thought he was an easy target because Arts muscles were hidden by his Hoodie.

{Piika} Ray said a bit upset at the guy who tried to mess with her trainer.

"Calm down Ray we can beat him when it's our time to battle" Art said as he petted Ray.

A few minutes passed and the announcer started talking.

"Hello everyone today we are hosting a Pokémon tournament where 16 trainers battle 2 on 2 battle and if they win the tournament they get this Old Amber as a prize" The announcer said.

After the announcer finished talking he then called the first match which is between Cassy Trevas and Troy Smith.

That battle was alright and Troy won with his Pidgeotto against Cassy's Oddish and Gloom.

The next battle was between Harry Pots and France Ford where Harry pots won as his Abra and Slowpoke beats Frances Growlithe and Mankey.

"The next battle is Between Art Ketchum from Pallet and Fredric Coles from saffron!" The announcer said.

As Art was walking he was then stopped by Fredric.

"This is your last chance to back out" Fredric said still trying to indimidate Art as he goes first.

'let's give him some medicine shall we? ' Art thought as he walked to the other side of the battle field.

"Alright both trainers ready? Go!" the referee shouted.

"Go Machop" Fredric said Arrogantly.

"Ray you are up" Art said calmly as he stared down his opponent who in his head thinking he already won as he saw his opponent pick a weak looking Pikachu.

"Ready? Begin!" the referee said.



People still are asking that if this mc is going to bang his Pokémon or not so I'll make this clear for the 1 fucking million times already 'YES' he will and if mc looked like a fanboy of Ash in previous chapters then I'm sorry it looked like that because I did that just to get the Spearow and will probs be the only time unless I don't write when I'm tired as heck and people are calling me uncultured for not bangin ash's mom I do what ever the fuck I want and if you want to see that wait for like chapter 100+ because I'm busy with something else.