
Pokémon Provocation

This story will have numerous detailed Pokémon battles. Each chapter I write gets a little longer. Some characters are original and others are from the games or anime. If you enjoy detailed writing and action give this story a shot! Description below. Vanni, otherwise known as Jun, daughter of Giovanni makes her escape from the clutches of Team Rocket. Ready to write her own story she trains to crush Giovanni and Team Rocket. While in hiding to become stronger Jun faces challenges before she’s ready and meets siblings she never knew she had. Follow her as she trains to bring down the organization that held her captive for years. Chapter added once a week minimum

Shatterstream · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Scene, viewpoint switch

Giovanni sits at his desk, stroking a slit-eyed Persian. His face is dark, eyebrows pulled together in a rugged line.

He slams a button on his desk and yells, "enter!"

A woman steps into view, long chestnut hair cascading into silky straight locks. Heeled black boots clicking as she strides towards his desk. Her almost-black eyes hard as she looked at him. "You called for me?"

"Yes," he mutters, looking exasperated. "Vanni has escaped. She has defied me and I will not tolerate such impudent behavior. Suddenly he stands, knocking a lamp away from his desk. "Clean that the fuck up!" He shouts at a nearby Grunt.

"Yes, Boss." The Grunt sputters, hastily moving towards the shattered lamp.

"I didn't ask for a fucking response!" A vein in Giovanni's temple looks ready to burst as he throws a cup of pens at the Grunt.

The Grunt looked ready to apologize, thought better of speaking, then silently tasked himself with cleaning the mess.

Giovanni turned his attention back to the woman, "thank you for coming to see me, Cleyera." I need you to bring Vanni home.

"Please, it's Cley." The woman answers, tersely. "You thank me as if I had a choice coming here," Cley clicks a fuchsia nail against a black stud in her ear.

Giovanni looks on, irritated.

Cley continues, smugly. "So, what? You aren't strong enough to bring her back here?"

In a blink Giovanni was upon her, hand squeezing her shoulder tightly. "I'm sure you know that isn't the case, Cleyera." He spits out poisonously. "Don't forget who made you into what you are."

She aggressively shrugs off his clenching grip, "believe me, I will never forget. So where is the little brat?" She steps away, wanting to put distance between them.

"Prrrraaa," Persian glares at her from it's resting place across the room. Tail twitching, muscles coiling under the mutual stare.

"I had it narrowed down to a few places. One of the Grunts, useless as they are, showed me something that peaked my interest though." Giovanni snapped his fingers and the cleaning Grunt rushed over.

The Grunt silently starts pushing buttons on a keypad under a massive monitor. Suddenly the screen flickers and a loop from a battle is revealed.

"It's just a loop!" Cley complains hotly, turning away. "Who cares about 15 seconds worth of battle set on replay for 45 seconds?" She clicks a heel sarcastically.

"Shut up and just watch!" Giovanni snaps, turning his attention to the screen. An Aerodactyl comes into view, using Aerial Ace on a Hariyama. Hala's Hariyama, to be precise, as he was seen standing behind it in the Loop.

"Oh….." Cley trails off. You think that's her Aerodactyl.

"I'm almost completely certain," a disgusting grin takes over his face. "I want you to go there and bring her back to me."

Cley sneers at him, "what makes you think I'll do it for free?"

"Because," he snatches her wrist quickly in his hand and clicks a thick bracelet on. "You and Vanni are my property. This bracelet will painfully let you know that if you decide to defy me."

"I get it now." Cley's face is flush with rage, "you want me to go because she doesn't even know I fucking exist. You want me to trick her and bring her here. God your balls are so small!"

Giovanni laughs, "when she gets here I'll show both of you what it means to defy me." He pushes his hair back with a hand, "you want to inherit Team Rocket some day, right?"

"That's the only reason I haven't broken free like she did!" Cley straightens her shoulders. "Unlike her I have what it takes to run this organization. I hate to admit that you and I are a lot alike, Giovanni."

"That's why you're my favorite," he chides. Vanni is weak, like her mother.

"What's a half sister to me anyways?" Says Cley, "I'll leave in an hour. To Melemele island, first. I have a certain Kahuna I want to speak with."

"Remember," Giovanni yells after her, "I own you both."

The doors close and Cley walks down the hall, heels snapping in the silence. "Not for long, old man. Once I conquer Vanni you'll be next. Then all of Team Rocket. With me in charge we can finally bring our plans to fruition."

She opens her Pokédex and stabs a number in, placing it up to her ear. "It's almost time. I'll keep you posted, when I return with Vanni, the real show begins."

Back in her room Cley pulls out a tattered photo of a woman from her nightstand. "Vanni never had a chance against me, with you as my mother and Giovanni as my father."

The photo reveals a beautiful woman with blonde hair, her arms wrapped around a massive Garchomp.

Cley runs a finger over the photo. She had never met her mother before, she wasn't even really sure how she had come to be here. At 24 years old her memories of youth were hazy.

"You'll be proud of my strength, I promise." She whispers.

She had no memories of anywhere other than this place. Her and her sister were kept in different sectors of headquarters. Cley had shown an interest in Team Rocket, Vanni hadn't. The mistake on her sister's part was plain.

Why would you not want this? All of this? Just the idea of the power made her flush and energized. No more time to waste on preparation. She grabbed her satchel and pokéballs. It's time to bring that little bitch home.

I know this one’s short! I have a real chapter in the works and on its way later

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