
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime und Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter 27

The Warhammer Dragon was already fast before it evolved, and now it sprints like a heavy chariot after evolution, and the Fire Monkey flies out like a kite with a broken line.

"What a strong impact!"

"There is no problem with the fire monkey!"

Xiaoguang and Qin Yin on the stands both sweated for the fierce fire monkey, staring nervously at the battle situation in front of them.

"Fire monkey, no problem, right?"


The fire monkey slowly got up from the ground, and it didn't seem to be much of a problem.

"Okay, Fire Monkey, Flame Wheel!"

What is this to do?

As Chenhui's voice fell, questions immediately surged in Chenhui's heart.

Because of the attribute restraint problem, the fire system's flame wheel can't do much damage to the battle hammer dragon, what is Chenhui's purpose?

"Warhammer dragon, double-edged head mallet again."

The battle is changing rapidly, and time is not too thoughtful, so he chooses to face it head-on.

The whole body was wrapped in flames, and the rapidly rotating fire monkey and the war hammer dragon met in a narrow way, but just when the two were about to collide, the body of the fierce fire monkey suddenly fell short, avoiding the hard head of the war hammer dragon.


The fierce fire monkey directly hit the leg of the warhammer dragon, but the impact of the double-edged head hammer immediately bounced the little flame monkey away, and I saw that it landed perfectly after a flip in the air.

Chenhui stared at the Battle Hammer Dragon for a while, and the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up in a beautiful arc.

"What the hell is Chenhui doing?"

"I don't know!"

The small light and piano sound in the stands are still confused, and the remaining Pokémon keep cheering for the fire monkey.

"Mr. Lady, this game is over!" Chenhui wore a confident smile.

Lady's heart tightened, could it be that Chenhui had unknowingly completed some kind of tactic just now?

"Fierce fire monkey, rush up, continuous sonic fist!"

"Warhammer dragon, use the double-edged head mallet to attack."

The fire monkey rushed up at the first time, but the hammer dragon stopped for a moment when it started, that is, this moment allowed the fire monkey to seize the opportunity, and the sonic fist hammered heavily on the body of the hammer dragon, directly knocking it out.

The fierce fire monkey did not stop and continued to chase in the direction of the warhammer dragon.

"So it is!"

Lady Qiao realized at this time, and finally reflected Chenhui's purpose just now.

The warhammer dragon is a bipedal dinosaur form, the support of the whole body is on both feet, just now the flame wheel caused its foot injury, directly affecting the speed of the hammer dragon, so it will let the fire monkey seize the opportunity.

"Warhammer Dragon, use Gathering Qi!"

A white light flashed on the warhammer dragon, and then all of them gathered at the top of the head, increasing their attack power.

It seems that he is ready to kill with one hit.

I can't let you get your wish!

Chenhui immediately saw through Lady's purpose.

"Okay, Hammer Dragon, a showdown! One more double-edged mallet! "

"Fire monkey, disturb its vision."

The agility of the fire monkey is very good, borrowing the rocks on the field to keep jumping and dodging, the hammer dragon can not lock the position of the fire monkey at all, and it is stunned in place for a while.

"Well, this is the opportunity! Use Sonic Fist! "

"Use the head hammer to attack!"

The fierce fire monkey that kept moving on the field was on the right side of the warhammer dragon at this time, and with a light tap on the rock, the body had already rushed out a long way, and the warhammer dragon had just turned around and saw the fierce fire monkey close in front of him.


The hastily used head hammer is not an opponent of Sonic Fist at all, and the hidden property of the Fire Monkey Iron Fist is not a joke!

The warhammer dragon directly broke through several rocks, and finally crashed into the largest rock, kicking up a layer of dust.

When the dust cleared, the warhammer dragon had passed out.

"The Warhammer Dragon lost its ability to fight, and the Fierce Fire Monkey won, so the winner is Challenger Tatsuki!"

"Ding! The host defeats Lady and successfully checks in! "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 20 Essence Cleansing Pills!! "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the title: Rock Warrior (Rock skill power increased by 50%)"



It went even more smoothly than expected, it was completely a 2-on-3 victory, and it also allowed the bad frog and the fierce fire monkey to accumulate a lot of experience in the battle.

"Chenhui, whether it is the indomitable spirit of the bad frog or the speed of the fierce fire monkey, I was surprised, you are a very strong trainer, I lost this game to the heart."

Lady said and took out something from his arms and handed it to Chenhui, "This is the certificate to defeat our Steel Dojo, the Stone Carbon Badge, please accept it!" "

"Thank you!"

Tatsuki took the charcoal badge, informed Shota that it was the first time to challenge the dojo, and also gave him a collection box for the badge, and Tatsuki put the badge inside.

After saying goodbye to Lady Qiao, the three of them went to the Pokémon Center to recover Pokémon and spent the night there by the way.

Even if Chenhui's identity is not simple, the travel expenses are very sufficient, and you can stay in a five-star hotel every day.

However, the family environment of Qinyin and Xiaoguang is not so good, and they can't pay such an expensive fee.

In fact, Chenhui doesn't care about the money for the two of them staying in the hotel at all, but the two women are strong people, although they joke that they want to eat Chenhui, a big household, but they don't have such a thick skin and the expenses along the way are handed over to him.