

The massive Ogre slammed its fist down towards me, where I hastily jumped to the side dodging the blow but the impact from the Qi-infused blow caused the ground under me to crack and send me flying.

I tumbled across the ground for a while until a boulder broke my fall, and cracked while doing so. Pain rattled my body as I felt like every bone on my back was broken.

"Not even heavens wants you alive!" the man who struck me in the chest said.

I popped a couple of poison pills into my mouth, and cursed, there was no way for me to survive if this continues. I will have to use Y and reveal some of my secrets.

But before I did so, I heard the loud sound of bullets shooting in the forest. Seems like X was forced to use his mini-gun.

I immediately pulled a couple of canisters from my pouch and threw them all over the place, creating massive explosions and rousing poisonous clouds that began eating the grass and low trees of the swamp.