
Poison black

Maève is a sentinel, an overtrained supernatural. She is the best. At 19, she finds herself protecting the shapeshifting king's son, Gabriel Daine. If she thinks at first that this is going to be an easy mission, she sticks her finger in her eye. Between passion, and nervous breakdown, the girl will have to learn to navigate on waters more than disturbed.

DaoisttiYSJD · Fantasie
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16 Chs

chapter 12

Maeve woke up in the prince's bed, her muscles stiff. It took her a few moments to locate where she was and to understand how she had arrived there. Yes, she remembered now: She had killed her uncle, And made disappear forever the league's way of finding Solas' children. Finally, they were safe. Smiling, she leaned back on the cushions with a sigh of contentement as the door opened. Gabriel, as handsome as ever, entered, and as soon as he saw her, rushed at her. The young wolf wrapped his arms around her and he hugged her with a sigh of relief.

- You gave me one of those scares, Kitty, I thought my poor heart wouldn't last.

She chuckled, and squeezed him briefly , enjoying his proximity before pushing him away, one eyebrow raised.

- Although your devotion to your bodyguard is touching, don't forget that you have a fiancée, Princeling.

He assumed the air of a contrite little boy, and smiled at her:

- But it's not her that I - I don't love her . It is you that I –

Losing her smile, Maeve cut it off immediately:

- We agreed, Gabriel. I am your bodyguard, you are my mission, and we – in fact, there are no we– are friends . Nothing more . NEVER more

He frowned, feeling the anger welling up inside him.

- I didn't agree to anything , Maeve . You decided on your own like a grown up what to do, and I had no choice in that.

He took her hand and placed it over his heart , continuing:

- One word from you, one and only one word from you, and I'll send it all to hell . Lyria, the council, my father…. They can all go fuck themselves as long as I'm with you.

Maeve bit her lip, and though it broke her heart, she whispered:

- No, Gabriel. You remain my mission, and I want it to remain like that. This is the only way it can be . I'm sorry .

She saw the young man's eyes fill with pain for a moment, then, abruptly letting go of her hand, he stormed out of the room, growling :

- You are Sorry ? That is all you have to say ? Well I am sorry too Maeve .

Maeve waited until he was far enough away that he couldn't hear her, then finally she let out a sob . A tear rolled down her cheek, soon followed by its sisters, and she curled up on the bed, crying as if her soul were torn apart. She wanted desperately, with all her might, all of her strength to go run after him, to tell him that… That she loved him. Yes, that she loved him, and that she wanted to tell him how much it terrified her, that this emotion was so to speak unknown to her, and that she did not know how to manage it , but that she was ready to do anything to be with him. But she remained in Gabriel's bed, prostrate, her heart in pieces. It took her more than an hour for the spasms and sobs to finally subside, and another hour to manage to padlock the blinding pain she was feeling deep inside her heart . Slowly, she got up, dressed, and tracked Gabriel down with his exquisite scent that always made her wanna purr . He was in the King's office, with His Majesty himself, while Sebastian stood guard . She smiled at the big , blond wolf, And whispered:

- You can go, Seb. I take over.

He hesitated:

- But… I think I should ... I should ask…

She gave him a huge smile, so lethal that even this wolf, who was at least two heads taller than her, began to tremble.

- I am the OFFICIAL bodyguard of his highness, so you don't need to ask anyone's permission for this. Understood ?

Swallowing loudly, he nodded before practically running away with his tail between his legs.

As she took position in front of the door, the voices of Gabriel and her father reached her:

- I want Maeve replaced. As soon as possible .

The shock was clearly palpable in Lysander's voice as he spoke :

- Why ? What has happened ?

- It's not important, father. But can it be replaced soon?

Clenching her fists in shame, sadness and anger, she tried not to show how much it all affected her and kept her poker face , trying to ignore the horrible pain it had provoked in her chest .

- It is not going to be possible, son. Do you know how lucky we are to have her to protect you?

- Yes, I know all that ! What do you think Old man ? But she is more than a good sentry, or the granddaughter of Solas. And -

- For starters, she's not just good, she is the best. And then, SHow me some respect , Prince . I am the king , remember it . did something happen? Has Lyria made a reflection?

- Something happened, but Lyria has nothing to do with it. And you are sure, absolutely sure that this will not be possible?

Lysander sighed:

- Yes, yes I'm sure, Gabe.

They kept silent a long time , before lysander told His son and heir :

- Now, go prepare your present for your fiancée, will you? After all , you're supposed to be a Gentleman , Gabriel .

She almost heard Gabriel grit his teeth as he hissed:

- Yes, father. Alright, Father.

With that, he stormed out of the office, not glancing once at the young woman as he walked past her, launching in an imperious tone and emphasizing the last word:

- Come, Maeve, let's get a present for my precious bride.

The pain was back , even worse than before , but she bowed , swallowing her pride , muttering as she was onn the brink of crying :

- Yes , Your Royal Highness