
Senjira desert. Part 2

As the sand stopped moving and Seduralto felt the walls of the dome being slashed by Sheyken using Plot Armor, sand in the center of where the whirlpool was started sharking.

"Awe, you are coming out. How confident of you."

Seduralto said. A beast came out slowly from the sand. Right after the walls of the dome had been changed to allow the boys to see outside, the beast roared, surprising the boys. With how it looked and how massive it was, it struck fear to anyone who saw it.

It was an almost over 20 meters tall, 7 meters wide sandworm. Its skin glistened in the sunlight as it looked like one of a cow's hide without its fur. Its seemed wet with little patches of what looked like hair here and there. Its mouth was wide open facing Seduralto. You could see its teeth that looked like that of a chainsaw that twirled around its mouth going inside as they disappeared. Its mouth was all black which made its teeth seem like they disappeared into the abyss. On the sides of where its mouth started, you could see two small eyes that you would miss if you did not take a good look at it. That was not even the weird part about it.

"Are those?... why? Why does it have human hands and feet?"

Falgur asked shocked. On both of its sides there were human-like arms and it was standing on what seemed to be human-like legs. It was even weirder than that as the arms and legs seemed to be around 2 meters long and thin. Sheyken wondered how its legs could support all its weight as it looked like it was standing on toothpicks. Its roar was that of a massive beast which was the only thing that suited it.

Its eyes stopped looking at the person who took its food away from it for a moment and saw Salina. It moved its eyes away from her and looked beyond her as it had sensed that something heavy had landed not that far from where it was while it was underground. It saw the dome-like structure and after seeing so much food in it, it turned its attention back to Seduralto so as to eat the prey that had denied it its meal for the day.

Selduralto just looked at it calmly. It roared again and went on the attack. Spikes of hard like rock came out of the ground from where it was standing going all the way to where Seduralto was. When they reached her, they disappeared just a meter away from her. Seeing this, it was infuriated as it launched a barrage of spikes on her from its proportionally small hands. In just 3 seconds it had launched more than a hundred on her. Seeing them disappearing just a meter away from her made it further infuriated.

"Wow, it cannot even get past her defensive barrier."

Falgur said.

The beast then straightened up its head. Now looking like a hideous brown straw and blocking the sun with how huge it was. With the sun's light shining straight into its mouth, it pointed its left palm at Seduralto who had not moved an inch from where she was standing and looking to be bored. Fire formed on its palm and like a flamethrower, it launched a constant stream of fire on here that was so hot Salina had to move back in order not to feel the scorching heat. The fire moved around Seduralto and scorched the sand around her.

As the constant stream of fire was being thrown at her was never-ending, she thought to end the fight but thought of something else. Unfortunately as she was thinking that, a large shadow loomed above her out of nowhere.

'Is that a meteorite?'

Sheyken asked himself whiles knowing it wasn't one. What had formed above Seduralto's head, 50 meters above her was a large rock the size of 10 large buses staked together.

"Is that thing fighting like a human would?"

Sheyken asked out loud in awe. The huge rock came down on Seduralto landing on her in seconds. The worm stopped its fire attack and curved its head again to look at its work. Looking at its eyes you would think it was smiling. It looked at Salina but thought to secure its prey first before dealing with her. In one move, it had launched about 50 stone spikes at the dome. Seeing the sky filled with them and casting a shadow on the dome, some of the adventures gulp. Sheyken looked at his 'Desert Angle' but did not find her where she had been standing.


He heard Salina shout out. A huge snake made of visible air twirling around was instantly formed coiling around the dome. It leaped up to the incoming spikes and swallowed them then turned them back into mana as the disappeared in it. Sheyken was so tuned on the fight it was like he was a kid watching his favorite movie. That was until he saw the worm's shadow after the wind snake had swallowed the stone spike towering above them. It had its mouth facing upward again and its comically small hand facing the dome.

Fire formed on its palm again as it launched it on them. With some adventurers closing their eyes and with many of them casting their defensive shield on the normal people, increasing the overall strength of the shield, Sheyken was amazed that they would choose to protect the people than themselves in that situation.

Salina came between the flame and the dome as she cast another spell without saying a word this time around. The fire was being pushed back by an invisible wall with Salina's hands up like she was pushing a heavy wall.

"I think that is enough!"

Selduralto said as she punched the daylight out of the worm, landing a punch on its side, sending it flying and rolling on the sand dunes.

"Girl, I think you just got a tan for free."

She said jokingly to Salina, but Salina was not in the mood for jokes. The heat was so intense that everyone in the dome was sweating, including her. Sheyken looked at where the huge rock had fallen on Selduralto and there was nothing there with only the scorched sand visible.

"She is amazing."

Falgur said while sweating and seeing that Seduralto still had no scratch on her.

"So, what do you think. Since you are about to advance don't you want to take it on and try your knew spells on it?"

"So, you took your sweet time so I can get to gage it, how nice of you."

Salina said sarcastically.

"See, Falgur I told you. The women of Uros are dangerous. They take that thing like it's their plaything. Just imagine breaking their hearts."

Sheyken said with Falgur nodding at his every word.

"I already have to use two of my best spells against it. It is something else. It is second-tier for now and I cannot imagine what a third-tier beast like that is like."

"I thought it was a third-tier before it came up, that is why I was so cautious. It is a pity the boys will not see me play. I am sure they were dying to see what I can do."

Sheyken and Falgur smiled awkwardly.

"I do not want to fight it, I am on the hunt and I cannot go all out right now. So you can still show them something cool."

When Salina said that, Seduralto turned serious.

"Look at me, a crafty beast comes along and I forget. Let me finish this so we can move on."

The boys did not know what they were talking about. The beast that had stopped rolling at the far distance was so infuriated such that it came running back on its toothpick like legs. It was big and scary but the legs and arms made it funny looking. When it was a hundred meters away from Seduralto, it stopped dead on its tracks all of a sudden.

'Is that the spell she used on Salina when she went berserk that day?'

Sheyken thought.

"Do not distro..."

Salina could not finish her sentence. The grains of sand that were on its body which had also stopped its movements had come together like how she had turned the desert sand to solid ground. The result was it being squeezed tightly at all sides and with its skin unable to hold each grain of sand as it was reinforced with mana, the grains had penetrated its skin, traveling through its insides and coming together at one spot in its body. The resulting scene was gruesome as it had millions of grains of sand on its body at the time of the activation of the spell. With each one penetrating its body, it was like it had been hit with millions of miniature bullets.

"Brother, now that is overpowered."

Falgur said as he gulped.

'Yep, and the spell only makes the grains of sand attract to each other with no mana used in make the grains."

Sheyken said in awe.

"I never want to get on her bad side."

Lasore said next to the boys. They did not know when he had gotten there when he was supposed to be in the center.

"My wine is finished. Care to give me another bottle."

He said like nothing just happened just then. Sheyken almost wanted to spill out every drop of wine he had in Ruby into the sand but thought otherwise because he would have to deal with his constant whining.

The dome come down as the sand crumbled down on them.

'Even the dome was not made out of mana. That is why it was so steady and tough. If she is like this, then how is her father?'

Sheyken thought.

"Why did you have to go and damage the material? Now it won't fetch a good price."

"Well, you should have said so earlier."

"I tried to.... you know what, let's forget about it."

Salina said sighing.

"Exzola, Tapona, you know what to do."

Salina yelled out.

"We are on it."

The two said as they went to the dead beast to start processing it. The boys followed them as they wanted to take a closer look at the beast. Owe, young legends, do you want to help?"

Exzola asked. He had a patch over his right eye and was bold. He was short for his age and he looked to have a friendly nature about him.

"We do not mind."

"Hahaha, how the other guilds would envy us for having such Honorary guild members who do not mind helping out."

Tapona said. He was the taller of the two with blond short hair and clean shaved. The noticeable thing about him was that he was dressed smart, not like an adventurer would dress. He seemed to be one of those who liked the classier things in life.

The boys helped them and the two started by extracting the core. It was as big as a grown man's thump and had brown and red distinctive colors with both taking equal space of the core.

"If I could turn back the years, I would have used this core right here to become a Beast warrior."

Tapona said looking at it. It came to mind to ask a question that he had wanted to ask a member of the guild. He was going to ask Lariote, but the poor guy seemed weak through out the journey so far. They did not even speak much with him trying to get as much rest as he could when they stopped during the day and going to sleep very early during the night.

"Hey guys, it looks like we did not get to meet any Beast warriors at the guild during our time in Sejira. So, do you guys have anyone who is one in the guild?"

He asked curiously. The guys both looked at each other than at him.

"But you did meet them."


Falgur asked in shock. He had always wanted to meet a Beast warrior and hearing that he had but he did not know they were one was disheartening. They were so many questions he wanted to ask. Exzola and Tapona just laughed.

"The first two were the guys who tried to take your armor and got put in the infirmary for a month by the princes of Senjira."


That was all they could say. Having those guys as something they would want to inspire to be was embarrassing.

"Hahaha, you two are funny. The look on your faces says it all. You want to be Beast warriors, right?"

Exzola asked and the boys both nodded.

"Well, I am sure you have already met a Beast warrior many try to inspire to be like."

The boy's faces showed questions marks.

"Hahaha alright let me not keep you in suspense since you are our Honorary guild members after all."

Exzola said with a smile.

"It is the Guild Master. He is a fourth-tier Beast warrior."

The boys were shocked. All the memories of wanting to obey and impress him when they were around him came flooding back.

"He is a Forth-tier Beast warrior of the Light element?"

Sheyken still could not believe it.



That is all he could say out of shock.