
Kill them all

As Sheyken was having a talk with his cellmate, Ningal was in the first floor of the building with Vitula, Dunnama and flosbris. They wanted to confirm what the child that was with Ningal had said was true.

"Why did she call you, her mother?"

Dunnam asked.

Ningal just kept quiet in the chair that they had tied her to and was only looking at Nanna who was in the room with her by Dunnam's side.

"If that is your child you know that I am his father right."

Dunnam said in a rage but Ningal just looked at him.

"Tell me everything I need to know or I will kill the kid."

Flosbris said in a playful tone and everyone in the room knew that she would do it. Ningal just looked at her and smiled.

"You saw her as everyone saw her. She is not mine. Sheyken found her in the outside the village and brought her to me. I have been trying to treat her ever since. If you have the nerve to act on your own go ahead, I am sure you will meet the same fate as all the others."

Ningal said mockingly.

Dunnam was freaking out. He thought the day he accepted to participate in that ritual from the witches that came to subjugate their village had passed and he did not have to think about it anymore. Flosbris just wanted to have revenge for the very first punch she had ever receive and already had a good idea what she wanted to do with them.

Dunnam and Flosbris left the room to have a talk, leaving Vitula, Ningal and Nanna in the room guarded by his guards.

"These changes everything. You cannot kill her now. We need to find out what is going on here. If that child is hers then that means I am the father."

Dunnam said in a panic.

"I do not care about the child or about whatever you on about. She is going to be taken with the other one and it will be the end of that, but never tell me what I am not allowed to do ever again. That bitch had the nerve to punch me and kill my pet. She is dying tonight and I have the perfect way to end her."

Flosbris said in a commanding tone.

"You were raised by them, what will happen to her?"

Dunnam did not know how to act. Potentially being a father had made him be in a panicked state.

"Since the boy looks like he is an exceptional fighter, he will be turned to be an assassin for the organization or a guard dog. If the girl is a product from the experiment from years ago, she will be studied and might at some point be dissected to study her insides. She looks healthy for someone who has stayed indoors for a long time, that might mean the experiment was somewhat a success."

Flosbris said and loving the face Dunnam was making. He cared less about Sheyken but was visible shaken after hearing what would happen to his potential daughter.

"Do not worry Nanna, whatever happens, you must wait for Sheyken and stay close to him. Do everything he tells you to do, ok?"

Ningal was speaking to Nanna inside the jail house. She was being held by one of the guards and was crying. Dunnam and Flosbris walked in before they could talk more.

"I have something special prepared for you too. I have to say girl, you give a mean punch, but it was nothing."

Flosbris said trying to act cool. Ningal just looked at her and smiled.

"It is a pity, I will miss your cleanly cut slices of meat Vitula, but you a traitor and you will die as a traitor."

She said turning to Vitula. He was just quiet and was putting his trust on Sheyken to find a way to escape.

'Hoping for a kid to do the impossible is crazy, but there is nothing we can do now, we have played our part in this world, I should only hope that my death would be fuel to make you stronger my son.'

He thought of Falgur and stilled his heart.

"It is ready."

A man said after walking in. Flosbris smiled and told the guards to take Vitula and Ningal out. They stood them up and when they got outside, not far from the building they just exited they saw a wood pile with a stake in the middle. The last of the Araneu's web was mixed in the pile. Both Ningal and Vitula's face turned grim. When the crowd saw them, they started to shout "traitors!" out loud. The whole village was there at that point and the noise was loader.

"Suits your well, doesn't it? To die like they did in the dark ages."

Flosbris said with a smile from ear to ear. They tied them up and the noise was getting louder and louder. That is when Sheyken had seen them. Flosbris quieted the crowd down so she could speak.

"We have given up so much for this village. Our time, effort and even our kids, but they do not want to mix with us. Even after sacrificing so much for them. They have been planning to escape.... yes escape. Agna told me herself that she heard them speaking about it. And what do you think would happen to us if they escaped? The Luminexis would punish us, and after all our sacrifices they would no longer help us to advice, we would stay Initiates forever. They might just decide to kill us all."

She said in an exaggerated voice. The crowd was getting worked up. Both Ningal and Vitula knew she was just putting on a show as she just wanted to give the crowd a reason for her actions.

"We shall treat them as the traitors that they are. We will burn them so none of the Flosalbum's sorcery can use them."

She was just making things up now as she did not know anything about Numinima's family's techniques. The crowd went into a frenzy and with her stepping down from the pale of wood, One of Dunnam's guards gave her a touch. Nanna was standing by Dunnam's side with him holding her hand.

"That bitch doesn't know what she is talking about."

Vitula said.

"Let us hope Sheyken can keep his promise."

Ningal replied as she looked at the stars in the sky.

"Do not gave them the satisfaction of seeing you die while screaming, but let as curse them until the end."

Vitula said as Flosbris lit up the webbing that made the flames to quickly spread. The hit was intense and the flames were big. Ningal looked at her daughter as the flames consumed her.

Nanna was not having it and she wanted to be with her mother as she did not understand what was going on. With no fear even though while crying, she escaped Dunnam's hold on her and ran into the fire. No one was expecting it and since they were so close to the fire no one could catch her in time.

When she reached her mother the clothes she had on had burned off together with her skin. He blood vessels had started to pop. Ningal screamed for the first time she had been burning.

"Noooo!.... Nanna.... Noooo, YOU EVIL PEOPLE, how could you?"

As she screamed out, he hands where still tied, which meant she could not do anything to try and save her daughter. The crowd was dead silent at the point. Nanna died with her still holding on her mother as her lungs could not handle the heat. A laugh could be heard though the silence. Flosbris was having the time of her life. She wanted Ningal to feel despair and now she saw it in her eyes. Dunnam just fell to his knees as seeing a child die like that and the fact that he was the one who was supposed to hold on to her broke him. The memories of seeing children's disputed heads after he had finished the ritual also filled his head.

Ningal was still screaming for someone to help Nanna but no one was about to jump into the the blazing hot fire. Vitula was crying but you could not see his tears as the fire consumed him.

Remembering out of nowhere the conversation she once had with Singal about the cursed, Ningal instinctively looked right where Sheyken was. At the square hole at the side of the building they had been at. Sheyken saw the venom in her eyes as her face was now being burnt. Her eyes seemed dead and carried intense hatred with them.


She creamed out with the last of her voice. You could feel the tear in her vocal cord as she screamed. The whole crowd looked at where she was looking at but did not see anything. Flosbris just laughed at her dying words as Ningal, and angel in Sheyken's eyes hard died while burnt alive.