
Chapter 32

Ava's POV

Oh goddess! Those words ignited a fire between my legs. One that was spreading very fast, demanding to be put off at all costs.

'You cannot say such things at a time like this Bry. ' I whispered, my voice heavy with arousal.

'But I just did, I'm only helping you take your mind off..' He snaked his sexy tongue over his lower lip, licking and coating it with saliva sensually.

'Stop repeating what I just said Bry. ' I cut him off, my heart rate spiking up in anticipation for his touch.

'Won't Ray get mad at us? ' I was worried he would think that we had left him out.

'Stop being dense Ava, this is exactly why he volunteered to go, to give us the alone time we need. ' Bry was becoming more and more fun to talk to.

'You talk too much Bry. ' I teased.

'Oh you'd rather I put my mouth into use huh? '

He pounced on me, pushing me back on the bed then pinning my hands on either side of my head.