
Pleasure Cultivation : Journey Of The Charmer Of The Heavens

Xuan Yu, renowned as the Charmer of the Heavens, was once an immortal being of unparalleled allure and power. His beguiling nature led him into scandalous liaisons with the most forbidden women in the whole Myriad Heavens World : the daughter of the Celestial Monarch, the wife of the formidable Sword Saint, and many others. These exploits culminated in his capture and imprisonment by the aggrieved powerful beings he had offended. Imprisoned and stripped of his former glory, Xuan Yu's fate took a miraculous turn when a mysterious and beautiful middle-aged woman bestowed upon him the gift of a new life. Emerging from the shadows of his past, Xuan Yu is resolute in his quest for reunion and power. With newfound determination, he sets out on an epic journey to reclaim his strength, surpass his former self, and navigate the intricate web of celestial politics. His path is fraught with challenges, battles, and introspective trials, each testing his resilience and wit. Along the way, Xuan Yu forms deep bonds and rekindles relationships, vowing to protect and cherish his old and new wives. As he confronts past transgressions and new adversaries, Xuan Yu's journey is a thrilling tale of redemption, love, and the unyielding pursuit of happiness and power. Join Xuan Yu on his extraordinary odyssey to rise above the heavens and redefine his destiny.

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27 Chs

Chapter 1: Garden of Eternal Remorse

Chapter 1: The Garden of Eternal Remorse

Nestled within the ethereal folds of time and space, hidden from the eyes of both mortals and immortals, lay the Garden of Eternal Remorse.

This garden was no ordinary patch of greenery; it was a realm of unparalleled beauty, a sanctuary where nature itself seemed to breathe with an ancient, serene wisdom. Verdant lawns stretched as far as the eye could see, dotted with vibrant blossoms in hues of red, blue, and gold. Delicate streams wound their way through the landscape, their waters sparkling like liquid diamonds under the gentle sunlight that filtered through the canopy of towering, ancient trees.

Underneath one such ancient tree, whose gnarled branches and roots spoke of millennia past, lay a young man of striking appearance. His grey irises, reminiscent of storm clouds, gazed dreamily at the sky above, while his long, whitish-grey hair cascaded over his shoulders like a waterfall of moonlight. He wore a long black robe, intricately embroidered with white and golden dragons that seemed to shimmer with a life of their own. His aura was one of otherworldly tranquility, a calm that belied the turbulent history that had brought him here. He was Xuan Yu, a being of immense power and untold secrets, now a prisoner in this beautiful yet confining garden.

Xuan Yu watched the clouds drift lazily across the sky, finding solace in their ever-changing forms. The soft rustle of leaves and the gentle hum of nature around him were his only companions in this isolated paradise. It was a life of solitude but not one entirely devoid of peace.

"Are you not tired of watching the clouds and living among these flowers?"

The voice, clear and melodious, cut through the silence like a silver thread.

Xuan Yu turned his head slowly, his eyes locking onto the figure of a woman standing a few paces away. She was stunning, her beauty akin to that of an untouchable goddess. Her features were flawless, her skin like porcelain, and her eyes held a depth of wisdom that hinted at her true nature. She appeared middle-aged, but her grace and bearing suggested a timeless elegance.

Xuan Yu smiled faintly, his eyes reflecting a hint of amusement. "It's oddly calming to live here," he replied, his voice as soft as the whispering breeze.

Even though Xuan Yu looked calm right now but he was very cautious as he couldn't even sense this woman's presence.

Xaun Yu then asked looking at her, "Who are you and how did you come here with all these formation and security ?"

The woman said, " These insignificant formations can't stop a being like me."

"As for the guards even someone of your strength couldn't sense me how could they sense me."

"And as for who I am, you will know in the future." She said with a smile.

The woman took a step closer, her gaze never leaving his. "Don't you want to leave? With your strength, it should be almost impossible to be imprisoned here."

He sighed, the weight of centuries evident in his breath. "Even if I leave, Celestial Monarch will know. He and the people from Celestial Court will hunt me down and never let me live in peace with my lovely wives."

The woman tilted her head slightly, a playful smile curving her lips. "What if I told you that you can leave without them knowing?"

Xuan Yu's expression remained thoughtful. "Even then, I don't know what I would do."

She laughed softly, a sound like the chiming of distant bells. "I will give you a gift, but first, you must tell me why you were imprisoned here in the Garden of Eternal Remorse."

Xuan Yu's eyes darkened with memories of the past. "I ate something very precious and dear to the Celestial Monarch," he began, his voice steady but laced with yearning. "I had a very intimate and loving relationship with his daughter, Mei Lin."

The woman's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "The Celestial Monarch left you alive?"

He nodded. "Yes, he did. But instead of death, he condemned me to this eternal garden, far away from the world, left me to let my soul rot away."

The woman regarded him for a moment, her eyes narrowing in contemplation. Then, with a graceful snap of her fingers, the world around Xuan Yu shifted.

His vision blurred, darkness encroaching from all sides.

He heard her voice, calm and almost affectionate. "I hope you like my gift."

"There's a surprise for you." she said mischeviously.

"Enjoy your life, Xuan Yu." He heard her melodious voice for the last time.

Well this is my first time writing. I tried my best to make it error free and good to read. I'll tell you this book is going to be heavily inspired by Dual Cultivation novel by MyLittleBrother. So if you like it let me know.

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